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We don't really know when your birthday is, or how fuggin old you really are, but I thought that today was as good a day as any to commemorate the day of your birth.


Afterall, it was April 14, 1788 that Ebenezer Stuckin set out southwest from present day Columbus Ohio. After traveling a bit over 100 miles in 26 days Ebenezer decided it was time to put down his roots on the banks of the meandering Ohio river. Ebenezer tried his hand at many different trades. For a time he wrangled horses, he tanned leather, he even ran a saloon for a time. None of these were particularily successful until Ebenezer decided to change the name of his saloon and put the upstairs to good use. He called the saloon Cin Cin (to confuse the bible thumpers) and the second floor became the areas first whore house. Now the money rolled thanks to Ebenezer's maddam, Natalie who ran the best whore house west of the Alleghenies. Called Nati by her closest friends :rolleyes: she only had eyes for Ebenezer. He returned her affection and the two were to be wed on (coincidently) April 14, 1790. Sadly, the union never came to pass as Nati came down with a fatal case of the clap. Ebenezer was overcome with grief, and he shut down the whore house but continued to run the saloon which remained modestly successful. In honor of his one true love he changed the name of his establishment. It was forever more known as Cin Cin Nati.


Now, you know the rest of the story.

  Beerball said:
Sadly, the union never came to pass as Nati came down with a fatal case of the clap. Ebenezer was overcome with grief, and he shut down the whore house...


It was the liberals' fault, of course...

  Beerball said:
We don't really know when your birthday is, or how fuggin old you really are, but I thought that today was as good a day as any to commemorate the day of your birth.


Afterall, it was April 14, 1788 that Ebenezer Stuckin set out southwest from present day Columbus Ohio. After traveling a bit over 100 miles in 26 days Ebenezer decided it was time to put down his roots on the banks of the meandering Ohio river. Ebenezer tried his hand at many different trades. For a time he wrangled horses, he tanned leather, he even ran a saloon for a time. None of these were particularily successful until Ebenezer decided to change the name of his saloon and put the upstairs to good use. He called the saloon Cin Cin (to confuse the bible thumpers) and the second floor became the areas first whore house. Now the money rolled thanks to Ebenezer's maddam, Natalie who ran the best whore house west of the Alleghenies. Called Nati by her closest friends :P she only had eyes for Ebenezer. He returned her affection and the two were to be wed on (coincidently) April 14, 1790. Sadly, the union never came to pass as Nati came down with a fatal case of the clap. Ebenezer was overcome with grief, and he shut down the whore house but continued to run the saloon which remained modestly successful. In honor of his one true love he changed the name of his establishment. It was forever more known as Cin Cin Nati.


Now, you know the rest of the story.


I think you are relating a yarn by Natty Bumppo, that somehow result in this "Nati" tale. He was an affable fellow, but I personally found him prone to drinking and extemporizing.



  stuckincincy said:
Not today. But I know how to tan hides in the traditional fashion.


Maybe tomorrow...


What about transportation before the invention of the automobile? :thumbsup:


(just kiddin')

  Steely Dan said:
Nice day to pick. :lol: This is the day in 1865 that Lincoln was shot. :thumbsup:


Happy B-day Cincy whenever that is! :P

Cincy's whereabouts on that grim day have been confirmed.

  BlueFire said:
What about transportation before the invention of the automobile? :thumbsup:


(just kiddin')


"Damn kids today don't know how to break a horse or hitch a plow to oxen. This country's gone down the tubes ever since those damn liberals made Utah a state!"

  stuckincincy said:
Not today. But I know how to tan hides in the traditional fashion.


Maybe tomorrow...




Can you whip-stitch me a first basemen's mit then?

  stuckincincy said:
What's a "mit"? That's the German for "with". What's a first baseman's "with"?

You tell him! Dood went to a backwoods rural school. He don't know no better.

  stuckincincy said:
I am embiggened.

I have resurrected the old sig line in your honor... :thumbsup:


(just please, whatever you do, see a doctor right away if it lasts more than four hours)

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