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Barack Obama hates Pennsylvanians

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"You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them…And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

So gun ownership and church attendance are now equivalent to racism and bigotry?


Thanks for sharing that viewpoint, Senator. And GFY.

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They cling to "anti-trade sentiment"? I thought Obama was anti-trade?


That's what I'm saying. That one oddity leads me to believe that he didn't mean this to be as insulting as it came out. Doesn't matter much to me. I'm not voting for him.

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He didn't dis Pennsyvanians. He dissed people who live in rural areas. You know................hicks.

No, he dissed the !@#$s in government who make those people's lives difficult, and excused what might seem to some their occasionally boorish behaviour and fervent support of non-causes as misplaced frustration with said non-responsible, irresponsible and borderline criminal government activities.


I mean, if Bubba learns that in 2001 oil was 34 a barrel and now is over $100, he gets mad. He knows 9/11 is part of the problem, but he remembers GWB saying Iraq would pay for us to invade and kill them (with oil). So how come he's looking at $4 a gallon? And what does Congress do? Nothing. And what does he hear or see on TV? Britney. So what can he do? Nothing. So he gets pissed at something else. That's what people do.


I did it myself this morning. I read an article about how pharma companies which used to provide certain life-saving drugs to insurance plan recipients for reasonable co-pays have decided now to eliminate that, so that people who were paying $250 a year for a drug now may 3x or more....keep in mind people with MS for example - one of the treatments cited - typically take more than one drug. I got really PISSED. My first thought was for the bastard corporations that take advantage of sick people....leading to the bastard politicians that toady up to them....leading to the morons who support the bastard politicians...and how those morons like guns and hate liberals...and how I was going to come to PPP and flame them all.


So, see, Obama was right. I should be faxing hate mail to the pharmas, but I just insulted you guys. Not that you don't usually deserve it, but in this case it's not YOU it's my displaced anger.


I probably could have worded that better. But I didn't.



And I don't really like Pennsylvania much anyway. Pittsburgh and Philly are cool but the rest? Bad roads. Really bad roads. :wallbash:

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I believe Lori lives in Pennsylvania (ie Pennsyltucky). And although I currently live in Virginia, I was born and raised in Erie, PA (ie not Pittsburgh or Philadelphia)

Pennsyltucky, that's a good one.


I drove thru Eerie once on my way to Cleveland. Yes, you are no doubt jealous that I got to visit Cleveland. Everyone is.


VA is a pretty place.

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