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Buffalo QB's of recent

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Not dead sure of em' all since Kelly, but here is what I remember, what I see now, and what I think we will see in the near future. Towards the end of Jim's future Todd Collins came in as the future and was a flop. Somewhere Alex VanPelt came in and won a few and is a good teacher. We went through Doug and Rob, then Drew. This is where Losman came in. Because of the money Drew was wanting Buffalo couln't keep him and knew it. Now when Buffalo got JP all the good QB's were gone and TD traded hoping to get the future. Kelly Holcomb was brought in as a back-up, he left. Enter Trent as the new back-up. Then Trent becomes the starter. Now here is what will happen. JP has to stay as a back up this season, like him or not he will be in a Bills uniform. If you do not have a QB on your board, better get one. After next year JP will be gone and who ever is drafted becomes #2. With what I saw from Trent the QB carousel may come to a grind for soem years. let's hope. Now I am sure I will be corrected, talked down to, and so forth. But in a quick round up this is how I see it.

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