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Favre thinking about coming back...

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It would not surprise me. These are men playing a child's game and sometimes it is hard to get out of the playground if they are really having fun out there. I can think of no player in recent NFL history who enjoyed the game like Mr. Farve and for that he should be praised. The closest that I can remember is Montana and I think that he regrets the last year or two that he hung on. Bruce took a soft lick on him when he was with KC and JM made the statement to him after the sack that he was "getting to old for this zhit". If you want to do it Brett that is up to you. I just hope that should you decide to "do another one" you will not regret having not left earlier. If it works then great. If not you do not deserve the indignation of looking like a fallen hero looking for one last moment.

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