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Anyone have any good insight into adult bicycles?

The Poojer

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thinking about getting one to ride around, not really thinking about any off roading, just road riding, and would like to get one on the cheap, am scouring craigslist for any out there, what are touring bikes, what are crossover bikes, etc....how many speeds are really necessary? any help would be great, i have a buddy here that is bike savvy but he is want (sp??) to steer me towards the higher end stuff....

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When I went bike shopping when I was getting back in shape, I was looking for a basic, no frills bike. I just went to KMart and picked one out that I liked for about $100. I've put over 1000 miles on it since. The more speeds, the better, but try it out in the store to see how comfortable you feel on it. One thing I did pick up was a padded seat cover because after riding it a couple times, the seat was becoming a "pain in my butt" it was so hard.

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thinking about getting one to ride around, not really thinking about any off roading, just road riding, and would like to get one on the cheap, am scouring craigslist for any out there, what are touring bikes, what are crossover bikes, etc....how many speeds are really necessary? any help would be great, i have a buddy here that is bike savvy but he is want (sp??) to steer me towards the higher end stuff....




I wouldn't go to K-Mart or any box store like that.


Odds are the components are much cheaper.(and won't last)


Also, the bike is much more likely to NOT be put together right.


It might be tempting to buy a cheap bike, but if you just move up and spend a little more your comfort level will be much higher.


(and you will be more likely to bike more often)


I'd try to support a local bike store, and odds are, like cars, they will have "last years" models at a discount price.


Most bike stores will let you take bikes out for a test drive. I suggest that you do that, as it's amazing how different bikes handle and


feel comfort wise according to your body size/type and past riding experiences.


It sounds like a hybird bike might be one to consider. Generally there are 2 categories of hybirds."town/city bikes” and “comfort bikes” .

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Watch out, bicycle seats can wreak havoc with your prostrate and mess with your reproductive abilities.


One additional thought...look what riding a bicycle did to that chick that Bullpen slept with.

It's pooj. I am sure he'll remove the seat and just rest on the pole. :lol:

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Watch out, bicycle seats can wreak havoc with your prostrate and mess with your reproductive abilities.


One additional thought...look what riding a bicycle did to that chick that Bullpen slept with.



K-Mart etc. sells a gel-filled cover that helps a lot.

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When I went bike shopping when I was getting back in shape, I was looking for a basic, no frills bike. I just went to KMart and picked one out that I liked for about $100. I've put over 1000 miles on it since. The more speeds, the better, but try it out in the store to see how comfortable you feel on it. One thing I did pick up was a padded seat cover because after riding it a couple times, the seat was becoming a "pain in my butt" it was so hard.



Good advice.


For a hundred, perhaps 20 bucks more, one can get a 26" multi-speed bike with fenders (usable in the rain), and then add a front and rear basket. A cheap vehicle for a trip to the store.


They have the classic "upright" seat/handlebar position - not the humped over "racer" position. Your spine will thank you. Better for the rider that just wants to pedal in serenity and get some exercise.


I guess such bikes are considered "nerdy". So what? - there is a healthy market for all-weather tourers in Europe, albeit at high price.


Always install a handlebar mounted bell - you have the obligation to inform people of your approach.


And they still sell streamers... :lol:

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Good advice.


For a hundred, perhaps 20 bucks more, one can get a 26" multi-speed bike with fenders (usable in the rain), and then add a front and rear basket. A cheap vehicle for a trip to the store.


They have the classic "upright" seat/handlebar position - not the humped over "racer" position. Your spine will thank you. Better for the rider that just wants to pedal in serenity and get some exercise.


I guess such bikes are considered "nerdy". So what? - there is a healthy market for all-weather tourers in Europe, albeit at high price.


Always install a handlebar mounted bell - you have the obligation to inform people of your approach.


And they still sell streamers... :lol:


Cincy and his bike:



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Alright, alright...fenders mean nothing in your hurricanes, you jacka*s. :lol:



Fenders are a must if you plan on riding in the rain. They are also great off road to keep mud off your back and out of your mouth

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Fenders are a must if you plan on riding in the rain. They are also great off road to keep mud off your back and out of your mouth

After all the things that erynthered had spewed all over his back and in his mouth, mud is probably cleaner.

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