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Lee Evans vs. Aaron Schobel


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Schobel is the Evans of the defense. They have had a terrible time finding guys to occupy blockers, so they can shift 2 guys to him every pass play without much difficulty. I've seen him eat Ogden alive so many times it's almost not even fair. Last season they asked him to change his style because we had no linebacker behind him, so that hurt his stats, but he played his ass off.


I sincerely hope that the additions this offseason allow him to play to his full potential and that the beatings he's taken over the year because guys like Tripplett can't get off the ball haven't added up too much.


And the BILLS don't have any problems with money as far as the cap is concerned...


clearly you need to read the board more.


aaron is terrible and overrated, and only gets coverage sacks (which means anybody on earth could have gotten them, and the WRs just stopped running).


smart and insightful posters are quick to point out how he dissapears at times, is on the bench resting sometimes, and doesn't generate

consitent pressure.


good DE's generate pressure nearly every play, and we can deduce form that opposing qbs of teams with above average DEs complete less than 30% of their passes and good DEs average ~ 35 sacks per year.

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We paid Schobel what we did, because thats what the NFL market dictated we pay him. Top DEs are making that much, freeney makes 72 mil. Schobel was coming off back to back 12 and 14 sack seasons, making him one of the top sack artists, so we paid him accordingly. One bad season doesnt make a career.


I dont undestand why everyone bitches that player X is overpaid when they have 1 down year, but if a low paid player has a fantastic year, they should "honor their contract"


I'm not saying Schobel is overpaid. Because we overpaid for Christina Kelsay, we had no choice but to pay Schobel market value, even though he had a few years left on his deal!

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clearly you need to read the board more.


aaron is terrible and overrated, and only gets coverage sacks (which means anybody on earth could have gotten them, and the WRs just stopped running).


smart and insightful posters are quick to point out how he dissapears at times, is on the bench resting sometimes, and doesn't generate

consitent pressure.


good DE's generate pressure nearly every play, and we can deduce form that opposing qbs of teams with above average DEs complete less than 30% of their passes and good DEs average ~ 35 sacks per year.

I prefer to base my opinions on watching the line of scrimmage, as opposed to stats. Anyone who thinks he is a bad player is crazy, but he is not a dominant player. He would benefit from having a dominant player opposite him, but would we be able to afford both- and I go with the dominant or potentially dominant player over him.

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