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Ken Caminiti died of an overdose


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this is getting out of whack... my points were originally directed towards people/media who are saying it's a shame or a tragedy...as soon as some dumbass drug-head dies, it's a tragedy and people make excuses for them... WHATEVER, people are dumb they do dumb things... some dumb things get you killed, it doesn't make it a tragedy it makes you DUMB!


If I jump off a roof to see if I can fly, would it be a tragedy? NO, it would make my death un-necessary but I was DUMB and like I said, if you do dumb things, some dumb things can kill you and it's no ones fault but your own. doesn't make it a tragedy or a shame

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Maybe you have a different definition of "family man" and "good teammate", but if your definitions include steroids, cocaine and heroin... I do NOT want to be in your family or on your team. 



Your naivety is refreshing. However, it isnt how the real world works. You'd be shocked at how many people you know, perhaps that you respect, that use recreational drugs. So again, I dont find it right to be so heartless about a man's death.



To quote you:


"Good ridence, that's what I say. and YES, I AM BEING HARSH and I DON'T CARE!"


Wow - Im sure there's alot of people that wouldnt want to be "in your family or your team" with an attitude like that.

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I don't know why Im bothering replying, but just because he snorted some coke doesn't make him an animal. I've never done that stuff myself, but that's for my own personal reasons. If you have proof that he did that and then drove a car? Fine, he's scum. But still not bad enough to trounce on his grave.


Some of you have no respect whatsoever.


Im sorry you lost someone to a drunk or drug addict. But that doesnt mean Caminiti was a monster himself. A lot of people have lost loved ones to drunk dirvers. Do you still celebrate the death of everyone who ever drank a beer?





All I have to say is thank god Caminiti killed himself before he killed someone else.

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I would feel the same way if he was in my family or on my team... that's life, take the responsibilty of your own actions and don't expect people to see thru your stupidity after you die... live life so people don't have to make excuses for you and always take responsibility for your decisions

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Your naivety is refreshing. However, it isnt how the real world works. You'd be shocked at how many people you know, perhaps that you respect, that use recreational drugs. So again, I dont find it right to be so heartless about a man's death.

To quote you:


"Good ridence, that's what I say. and YES, I AM BEING HARSH and I DON'T CARE!"


Wow - Im sure there's alot of people that wouldnt want to be "in your family or your team" with an attitude like that.



What the?


Keep digging. Nearly everyone on this board uses recreational drugs.


What people have been trying to tell you (and maybe you will understand one day) is that there is a world of difference between people who exercise good judgement and restraint when they need to unwind and have a few pops and an overidolized junkie who could not control his major habit that directly led to his death.


Night and day.


It is a sad day for Cam & his family and sports. But please, the tragedy is what he did to his family, not to the grieving fans.

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What the?


Keep digging.  Nearly everyone on this board uses recreational drugs.


What people have been trying to tell you (and maybe you will understand one day) is that there is a world of difference between people who exercise good judgement and restraint when they need to unwind and have a few pops and an overidolized junkie who could not control his major habit that directly led to his death. 


Night and day.


It is a sad day for Cam & his family and sports.  But please, the tragedy is what he did to his family, not to the grieving fans.



I never said he was a Hero. I never said he was even a good person. What I did say is that to come in here and ridicule the man 3 days after he dies is classless.


To say such things as "Good ridence" is absolutly rediculous. He obvioulsy had some very close friends, and also had a family. Was doing coke and steroids a great way to go through life? I don't think you need anyone to tell that it's not. But coming to an internet message board saying "Good ridence" in a holier-than-thou way just days after the man died is classless.

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that's your opinion, and I have mine. I don't think it's classless. I think it is classless to say he was a good "family man" and a "good teammate" and call his death a tragedy. That is classless.

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that's your opinion, and I have mine.  I don't think it's classless.  I think it is classless to say he was a good "family man" and a "good teammate" and call his death a tragedy.  That is classless.



and I'm the one who's digging here? It's 'classless' to call him a good teammate because he liked the nose-candy?




Im done with this now.


Like you said about a man who just died, I'll say to this thread, Good ridence.

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and I'm the one who's digging here? It's 'classless' to call him a good teammate because he liked the nose-candy?




Im done with this now.


Like you said about a man who just died, I'll say to this thread, Good ridence.



Now I know why people lose brain cells in threads that include you.


Go back and read it chronologically.. People expressed sympathies and also the view that it is not a tragedy that he had died. His death was largely self imposed. You jumped in to defend his drug habit.


And yes, it is classless to call him a good teammate, because he was not. He may have been a great and personable guy, but he was a crappy teammate. Just like Ricky is a crappy teammate. When you waste a potential HOF career because you cannot control a drug habit, you are a crappy teammate and you let the rest of your team down. When you leave your family in the lurch because you "like nose candy" you are a crappy family member.

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Now I know why people lose brain cells in threads that include you.


Go back and read it chronologically.. People expressed sympathies and also the view that it is not a tragedy that he had died.  His death was largely self imposed.  You jumped in to defend his drug habit.


And yes, it is classless to call him a good teammate, because he was not.  He may have been a great and personable guy, but he was a crappy teammate.  Just like Ricky is a crappy teammate.  When you waste a potential HOF career because you cannot control a drug habit, you are a crappy teammate and you let the rest of your team down.  When you leave your family in the lurch because you "like nose candy" you are a crappy family member.



All I know is that if you were to lose someone in your family/close group of friends, etc, I would send you my condolences, even if they did use drugs. I would say, "Well, GG, you <enter relationship here> was a drug user, so good riddance".


That's all.

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why do you defend total morons like caminetti and drug users in general??




It's called compassion for other living beings, even those who make mistakes and inflict suffering upon themselves.

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All I know is that if you were to lose someone in your family/close group of friends, etc, I would send you my condolences, even if they did use drugs. I would say, "Well, GG, you <enter relationship here> was a drug user, so good riddance".


That's all.


Once again... he misses the point

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Once again... he misses the point




Explain how i miss the point. Buddy, you said GOOD RIDDANCE.


Sorry that you want to try to turn this on me now, but you cant. The guy did drugs. Probably lots of drugs. Does that mean you have the right to dance on his grave? No.


I still argue that he could have been a good family man or teammate, but EVEN IF HE WASNT, that doesnt give you the right to say "good riddance"


MikeG, if your sister/brother/mother, etc, had a problem with cocaine, you would still love them, correct? Well, if they died, Im sure 99.9% of us here would send you our prayers and condolences, not say "Good Riddance"


So, take the easy way out and say "stevestojan still misses the point". No, buddy, i dont.


You miss the point. And its a simple one. A man died: show some respect.

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once again... go read my posts AGAIN. My original point was directed towards the media and people who say it is a "shame" or a "tragedy" that he died. No it is neither of those things. I just want the media or people in general to admit that this is NOT a tragedy. Walter Payton was a tragedy, Ken Caminiti is NOT! I wasn't saying, "good ridence" to his wife's face or anything like that, I wish his family well, I was saying "good ridence" because he obviously wasn't being a productive member of his family and he wasn't being a good family man. I would say "good ridence" to a family member if they were a drain on my family and made the decisions to take drugs over being a good person. I don't want those people around me. You are only seeing a VERY small part of what I am saying.


I actually said "good ridence" to my step-dad, that raised me for 15 years, because he turned into a drunk. I don't deal with him anymore and don't think twice about it. He refuses to get help and it will kill him some day, and when that day comes, again I will say "Good Ridence!"

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I actually said "good ridence" to my step-dad, that raised me for 15 years, because he turned into a drunk.  I don't deal with him anymore and don't think twice about it.  He refuses to get help and it will kill him some day, and when that day comes, again I will say "Good Ridence!"



Well then, I can see I'm dealing with someone who lacks a heart, so I will say good riddance to this post for real this time... Wow, when you're stepfather, who raised you for 15 years dies, you're going to say Good Riddance because he's an alcoholic? Unreal.

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once again... MORON <dibble voice>


not as simple as "he's an alcoholic"... because he was a drain on my mom and my family, he always picked alcohol over every other correct decision in his life. It would be different if he was an alcoholic that accepted it and wanted help and wanted to be a better person (those people I embrace and WANT to help) but he didn't do that... and continued to choose alcohol over EVERYONE and EVERYTHING, there is only sooooo much people can take, and I reached my fill with him because he NEVER wanted to help himself.


you're like a politician, you only hear what you want to and quote things out of context. it's obvious to me that I can not have a logical reasonable conversation with someone who does drugs and thinks they can justify it.

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once again... MORON <dibble voice>


not as simple as "he's an alcoholic"... because he was a drain on my mom and my family, he always picked alcohol over every other correct decision in his life.  It would be different if he was an alcoholic that accepted it and wanted help and wanted to be a better person (those people I embrace and WANT to help) but he didn't do that... and continued to choose alcohol over EVERYONE and EVERYTHING, there is only sooooo much people can take, and I reached my fill with him because he NEVER wanted to help himself. 


you're like a politician, you only hear what you want to and quote things out of context.  it's obvious to me that I can not have a logical reasonable conversation with someone who does drugs and thinks they can justify it.



Mike, do you know HOW MANY times on this board i have tried to do what you are doing? Make people see the bigger picture of what I was trying to say? For example, in a PPP post, I made a very long post about the debates, etc, and mentioned, in one sentence, that people who watch all three debates are either very heavy into politics or backwoods morons who cannot make up their minds. For the rest of that thread, i was ripped on for the backwoods moron comment. What I "meant" was: if, after 4 years and all the campagining, etc, you still cannot make up your mind, you probably shouldnt be voting anyway.


Now fast forward to this thread, and I can see why my point got lost, and it was for good reason. One rediculously stupid comment, and me trying to deny it or hide it. Simple fact will remain. A man died THREE days ago, and you said "Good Riddance"


Dress it up all you want, it was classless and heartless. He had a problem. No one is denying that. Should they erect a monument in his honor? No! Should his number be worn by all the players in the league as a salute to him? Hell No! But to say Good Riddance is plain old rude. Period. End of story. Keep bringing up your other points, truth is, it doesnt matter. You said it. Now let it go.

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Dress it up all you want, it was classless and heartless. He had a problem. No one is denying that. Should they erect a monument in his honor? No! Should his number be worn by all the players in the league as a salute to him? Hell No! But to say Good Riddance is plain old rude. Period. End of story. Keep bringing up your other points, truth is, it doesnt matter. You said it. Now let it go.


The irony of this paragraph is that it comes from the same person who called other posters "rooster smokers" less than a couple of hours after chastizing someone else for using a euphemism for female genitalia on this "family board".


While your argument has merit, you are hardly the person to be making an argument about other people's "class".

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The irony of this paragraph is that it comes from the same person who called other posters "rooster smokers" less than a couple of hours after chastizing someone else for using a euphemism for female genitalia on this "family board". 


While your argument has merit, you are hardly the person to be making an argument about other people's "class".



Ahh, I was wondering when one of the three merry idiots would come along and join us.


But alas, I already adressed your point (read above). However, I don't think calling people who are constantly verbally abusing others "rooster smokers" is quite as bad as someone saying "Good Riddance" about a man who died 72 hours ago.


But Darin, its friday, Im in a good mood. (and isnt it strange how the english language works, you'd think good and mood should rhyme, but they don't... hmmmm). Anyway, I think I explained what you are trying to say, except i used the example of "backwoods moron".


The thing is, when someone like me (who rarely is PC about anything) says that a statement is tasteless, it should be saying something.


Good Riddance.

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But Darin, its friday, Im in a good mood. (and isnt it strange how the english language works, you'd think good and mood should rhyme, but they don't... hmmmm). Anyway, I think I explained what you are trying to say, except i used the example of "backwoods moron".


The thing is, when someone like me (who rarely is PC about anything) says that a statement is tasteless, it should be saying something.



Good & Mood = Laughter & Daughter?


Like I said, I don't disagree with the argument. Only that you're the one making it. :w00t:

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