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Ken Caminiti died of an overdose


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Sad.  He had the best arm I have ever seen on a 3rd baseman.  A rocket.



Yeah, and he just looked like a ballplayer. The goatee, the pants all the way down to the ankles. My nickname for him was, "Ken Double Overhead Caminitti".


What a shame.

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Another sports tragedy.  It is too bad that we all have to read about this.




This is NOT a tragedy. A tragedy occurs when a child dies for some silly and crazy reason. A tragedy occurs when a president or ruler is assassinated. A tragedy is when someone of substance or high character dies for no good reason.


Caminiti's death is not a tragedy. Like millions of others who have chosen this path, Caminiti drank, snorted and injected himself to death.

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This is NOT a "shame" or a "tragedy". I have ZERO sympathy for him and people like him. It pisses me off that on TV they were saying what a "family" man he was... BULL SH#T!! He obviously wasn't thinking of his family when he did all the steroids, cocaine and heroin. NO ONE should think this is a tragedy, he brought this on HIMSELF. Deal with it! It would be a tragedy if he wrecked his car while HIGH and killed some innocent family. It sucks for his family, but hey, "YOUR FATHER/HUSBAND WAS A DRUGGY!" it sucks for them, but I'm not feeling bad for anyone, he brought it on himself and all this talk of him being such a good guy is pure BS! I about pukeed when I was watching the segment on ESPN and people were saying he was a family man and a good teammate. It makes me sick when these people say what a tragedy it is, the tragedy is that he apparently had talent and pissed it away on drugs. Good ridence, that's what I say. and YES, I AM BEING HARSH and I DON'T CARE!

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This is NOT a tragedy.  A tragedy occurs when a child dies for some silly and crazy reason.  A tragedy occurs when a president or ruler is assassinated.  A tragedy is when someone of substance or high character dies for no good reason.


Caminiti's death is not a tragedy. Like millions of others who have chosen this path,  Caminiti drank, snorted and injected himself to death.



But what if a president, child, or someone of substance drinks, snorts, or injects themselves to death? That would be quite a conundrum. Tragedy or no? hmmm....

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But what if a president, child, or someone of substance drinks, snorts, or injects themselves to death? That would be quite a conundrum. Tragedy or no? hmmm....



No it wouldn't because the president, child, or whoever wouldn't have died for no good reason.


If they drank, and/or drugged themselves to death then so be it. No sweat off my arse. As far as I'm concerned it's just another potential problem gone from the earth that the rest of us people don't have to worry about.

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No it wouldn't because the president, child, or whoever wouldn't have died for no good reason.


If they drank, and/or drugged themselves to death then so be it.  No sweat off my arse.  As far as I'm concerned it's just another potential problem gone from the earth that the rest of us people don't have to worry about.




You're right! Thank GOD Ken Caminiti is gone. Ya know, just a few weeks ago, I couldn't sleep, and couldn't figure out why. That's when I realized I was worried about the problems Ken Caminiti could potentially cause in my life. I tossed and turned and I was genuinely upset. Now that he is dead, I can sleep easy, knowing that the monster known as Ken Caminiti can never snort another line, or shoot another cycle of steroids, which of course, would have negatively affected my life.


Whew! Thank God that chapter is closed.


Guys! Don't worry anymore, The Devil-man Cami is gone!!

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You're right! Thank GOD Ken Caminiti is gone. Ya know, just a few weeks ago, I couldn't sleep, and couldn't figure out why. That's when I realized I was worried about the problems Ken Caminiti could potentially cause in my life. I tossed and turned and I was genuinely upset. Now that he is dead, I can sleep easy, knowing that the monster known as Ken Caminiti can never snort another line, or shoot another cycle of steroids, which of course, would have negatively affected my life.


Whew! Thank God that chapter is closed.


Guys! Don't worry anymore, The Devil-man Cami is gone!!



Maybe if you had lost a loved one at the hands of no good for nothing drunk and druggie, you might not be such an !@#$!


Ken Caminiti might never have affected you personally but one of these days a Ken Caminiti clone might. I hope it doesn't but if it does, I hope you'll remember this conversation.

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why do you defend total morons like caminetti and drug users in general??



Why am i defending him? Because there are too many around here spitting on his freshly dug grave.


No, the guy wasn't a Saint, but no one is.


Judge not, lest ye be judged.


So, unless you all are perfect, I think you could wait until the body is cold before judging a man who had issues in life.

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Maybe if you had lost a loved one at the hands of no good for nothing drunk and druggie, you might not be such an !@#$!


Ken Caminiti might never have affected you personally but one of these days a Ken Caminiti clone might.  I hope it doesn't but if it does, I hope you'll remember this conversation.



I don't know why Im bothering replying, but just because he snorted some coke doesn't make him an animal. I've never done that stuff myself, but that's for my own personal reasons. If you have proof that he did that and then drove a car? Fine, he's scum. But still not bad enough to trounce on his grave.


Some of you have no respect whatsoever.


Im sorry you lost someone to a drunk or drug addict. But that doesnt mean Caminiti was a monster himself. A lot of people have lost loved ones to drunk dirvers. Do you still celebrate the death of everyone who ever drank a beer?



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I was pointing out that this isn't a tragedy... tragedy is a disasterous event, not some dumbass drughead that killed himself. And stating how pissed I was about people saying he was a "family man" and a "good teammate"... by my definitions, he wasn't even close to any of those things. Maybe you have a different definition of "family man" and "good teammate", but if your definitions include steroids, cocaine and heroin... I do NOT want to be in your family or on your team. How can you defend people that destroy their lives and the lives of others because of drugs?


and for the record...I can judge whoever I want about drug use, I don't use them.

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