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. . .he doesn't give up easily. Despite the fact that most African Americans dislike him (to put it mildly), the Republicans are running as on "urban" radio stations here and in other large markets.


Either that, or the Republicans are just plain stupid!


African Americans must really hate Colin Powell and Condi Rice.


One of the most powerful people in the ENTIRE WORLD puts two black Americans by his side..two black Americans who could easily make a run of their own one day (in part because of their current positions)....and suddenly most African Americans hate Bush.


That's whitey. Trying to keep the black man down.

African Americans must really hate Colin Powell and Condi Rice.


One of the most powerful people in the ENTIRE WORLD puts two black Americans by his side..two black Americans who could easily make a run of their own one day (in part because of their current positions)....and suddenly most African Americans hate Bush.


That's whitey. Trying to keep the black man down.



Damn illegal mexican is back I see. Don't you have a bus to drive or something. :lol:

. . .he doesn't give up easily.  Despite the fact that most African Americans dislike him (to put it mildly), the Republicans are running as on "urban" radio stations here and in other large markets.


Either that, or the Republicans are just plain stupid!




Umm last time I checked, black people are American too. My bet is that GWB is trying to get votes...PERIOD.


Why does this have to be a black or white thing......Americans are Americans.




Please tell me one positive thing that the democrates have done for black Americans. This is the BIGGEST sham in politics.

African Americans must really hate Colin Powell and Condi Rice.


One of the most powerful people in the ENTIRE WORLD puts two black Americans by his side..two black Americans who could easily make a run of their own one day (in part because of their current positions)....and suddenly most African Americans hate Bush.


That's whitey. Trying to keep the black man down.



That's because we know that all Republicans are evil racists. Therefore, Powell and Rice are just tokens. However, in a Kerry administration, any blacks in high level positions proves that Democrats are dedicated to diversity and minority achievement.


I thought we were all clear on this point.

running as on "urban" radio stations here and in other large markets.

Running as? What's running as? :lol: Running ads I could see but running as? :D


What? That's IT?


The libs come running out and yell "Republican hate blacks," and then the Libs all run way?


Please don't start a conversation without coming back to argue about how pathetically wrong you all are about this topic.


Im having real trouble figuring out how its "stupid" for a candidate or party to run campaign ads on the radio, especially ones trying to get in touch with an audience the candidate may be having trouble reaching.

the Republicans are running ads on "urban" radio stations here and in other large markets.


Bush saw the movie, "Urban Cowboy", and figured they should go after the cowboys living in urban areas.


. . .he doesn't give up easily.  Despite the fact that most African Americans dislike him (to put it mildly), the Republicans are running as on "urban" radio stations here and in other large markets.


Either that, or the Republicans are just plain stupid!

7The will of the people must be finally subservient to their liberal betters.0318[/snapback]


That "African-Americans" jump when Democratic fingers are snapped amazes me. Ever hear of Jim Crow laws, Gov. Fabus in Little Rock, Ark, or Geo. Wallace in Alabama or Lester Maddox in GA?


Why are, as you say, most Blacks are against Bush? Understand, that money only comes from Congress - the President has no purse - so is it that Congress is not giving enough of other people's money to Blacks? What is your point? Is the rule now - "Give me other people's money or I won't vote for you?.


Would you consider a Congressional "White Caucus" racist, or is the current Democratic "Black Caucus" not racist?

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