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Players on the Hot Seat

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Kelsay hasn't even outplayed a healthy Denny and probably shouldn't even be the starter. I must admit my bias though as Kelsay just doesn't impress me, at least not yet. Maybe this will be his year though. We'll see..............


100% agreed. I can't see the guy getting better though. As I really don't see him as anything more then an overpaid depth player. I stand by my prediction that kelsay will be out of a starting job by at most next year, if not this coming year.


Ashton Youboty needs to step up. Yeah I give the man the benefit of the doubt, his rookie year. With the death of his mother. That's never an easy situation to deal with. So say last year was esentially his rookie year. Going into this season, if he can't step up to at least be the nickle back. He has to be evaluated, just how much can he contribute.


John McCargo. I'm a big fan of McCargo. I liked him a lot in college. When he's on his game, and uses good technique he's a force. Very quick off the snap, and good strength. Has a tendency, to stand straight up, making him and easy one to push back. Doesn't always give 100% effort. This is a big year for him. With the additions of Stroud, and Spencer Johnson. Can McCargo win the starting ut job. Or will he still be nothing more then the wave player, he was last season? We'll see.


Angelo Crowell. He's coming up on a contract year. We have drafted Poz, signed Mitchell to 5 years. There's a lot of differing opinions on Crowell. Ranging from underrated, to very good, to strictly average. I place him in the average category. He's not a guy that will kill you. Although he does take bad angles in run defense, and gets ridden out of plays. Solid in pass defense. I think he needs to take his game up another level, or we could be looking at a new starter at slb, in the 09 season.

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The OL and DL need to step up. We have really invested a lot on the two lines in the last two years in FA and the draft. It is time for the big boys to put up or shut up.


If the battle is won in the trenches, the play behind the line will automatically improve. I am hoping this is the year both the lines really take off.

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Ashton Youboty...

This kid was highly touted coming out of college. He had a rough time as a rookie with his family and everything. Last year wasn't much better with the injuries. This year he needs to show that he is capable of making plays on a consistent basis.

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Since the question was "who has to step up" I would say the following:


The QB



The TE








If those players "step up" we'll be OK!

Agreed on all. Although i feel Whitner has done enough to say he is our most consistent player on defense but i would like to see more plays from him. Hopefully with stroad and Spencer Johnson and Kavika Mitchell we should be better up front

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If I read the tea leaves correctly, every player is "on the hot seat" due to performance! Wasn't that the mantra J.P. had to wade through last year? To me, that was said by Dick Jauron all season in 2007, and 2008 shouldn't be any different! I'd wager that he made this statement at least five times during various news conferences throughout the year....

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