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Top 10 reasons we will be much better

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In no particular order


1. Trent Edwards- Who knows if he will be dud or stud, but it doesn’t take much to believe he should be better next season. One more year of study, learning from experiences, more time to get comfortable with the WR core. If he turns out to be substantially better look out, this team would have no limitations.


2. Defensive depth- KC Joyner said this is the deepest defense in football. While I disagree on that front, I do agree we have incredible depth because of our injuries last season. We go two to three deep at several positions with young players who have starting experience. We have several situational players who will allow our starters to play at top speed all game. Look at the Colts 2006 super bowl run to see how important that is for the cover 2.


3. Continuity on the offensive line- The line is made up of 5 individuals who must work as one. Every year for as long as I can remember we’ve been switching out one or two starters per year. For the first time in a long time, we return our group of 5. It will pay huge dividends early in the year, a time in which we’ve started slow for several years in a row.


4. Audibles- Who knows how good Turk will be, but as an NFL team, it’s inexcusable to not allow your QB to audible out of a bad play. We will be incorporating that this season, and that alone is enough to make a substantial improvement in our predictability and offense.


5. Thunder and lightning- Rookie running backs almost universally improve from year one to year two. We didn’t even discover what Jackson could do until it was too late. Lynch and Jackson were never utilized in the passing game. All these failures and scenarios of 2007 should play out to our advantage in 2008.


6. Injured players returning- You can’t overstate the massive depletion of this defense last season. It’s incredible they played as well as they did with so many players missing action. Those guys will be back, and we will notice that impact from the beginning.


7. Young team matures- We have one of the youngest, if not the youngest group of starters in football. Players progress in time, do the math.


8. Addition without subtraction- We won’t lose any major contributors, while we added some guys that will contribute from the start. Stroud is a big player in this equation; Mitchell should support and strengthen the run defense. The draft will certainly yield more offensive options. We could stand to improve substantially because of this.


9. Speed matters- The cover 2 is all about speed. Speed is not only dependent on physical ability but reaction time. In our third year in the cover 2 our reaction times will certainly improve as players get even more comfortable with the system.


10. Pressure- We don’t have overly physical ends, but they are good of the edge, especially Schobel. We had no interior push last year to force the QB to the edge. Johnson, Stroud, and an improved McCargo should be able to provide that forcing QB’s into more quick throws (increased turnovers, sacks, decreased YAC)

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8. Addition without subtraction- We won’t lose any major contributors, while we added some guys that will contribute from the start. Stroud is a big player in this equation; Mitchell should support and strengthen the run defense. The draft will certainly yield more offensive options. We could stand to improve substantially based on this.


9. Speed matters- The cover 2 is all about speed. Speed is not only dependent on physical ability but reaction time. In our third year in the cover 2 our reaction times will certainly improve as players get even more comfortable with the system.


10. Pressure- We don’t have overly physical ends, but they are good of the edge, especially Schobel. We had no interior push last year to force the QB to the edge. Johnson, Stroud, and an improved McCargo should be able to provide that forcing QB’s into more quick throws (increased turnovers, sacks, decreased YAC)


8.Don't get me wrong on 8. We didnt lose major offensive/defensive contributers. I still think losing Sam Aiken, and Josh Stamer on st's will hurt a little bit. I think a big part of the bills problem. Is they actually paid too much attention to st's, at the expense of the starting offense/defense. With players who are strictly special teams players. Guys like Justin Jenkins, Wendling, and having Jason Whittle back, may be enough to offset some of the losses. Of guys like Aiken, Haggan, Wire, & Stamer. We'll see.


9. Any good defense you have is about speed. It's not just the cover 2. I just am not convinced this defense is anywhere near having the talent to make the system work. Or at least play it how it's suppouse to be played. Which bring us to your next point.


10. I think Schobel is a fine player. He's good at getting pressure. Despite his lower sack total last season. I remember reading, he actually was near tops in the league in quarterback pressures. Maybe the sack numbers will go up, but outside of Schobel we still have next to nothing in terms of quality pass rushers. Chris Kelsay, really shouldn't be starting. The guy will probably end up as one of those players who finish with a career high of 6 sacks in a season. He didn't do much, when we had Fat Pat, and Big Sam Adams lined up at dt. I don't see his numbers drastically improving, with McCargo, and Stroud.


He'll probably average 2-3 sacks at year. He doesn't get many pressures. His closing burst is just bad. He also doesn't hold up well against the run. You pointed it out in point #9. Speed is key to the cover 2. Speed is something Chris Kelsay will never have. He may try hard. It just doesn't cut it. I'd honestly rather see Ryan Denney starting over Kelsay. That's if the Bills don't address de early in the draft. Despite some nice additions to the defense. It is anything but a solid unit. Without more additions this April.

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Solid post. I agree, although i'm sure someone will hammer on point number 1 within the first 5 replies and then high jack your thread.

Let them hammer away, I will happily beat them down one by one. All I said was he should improve from his play in 2007. That doesn't mean he will be great, or even good in 2008, just improved. I see no logic behind a rookie QB regressing with additional experience from year 1 to year 2. Maybe increased film on that player, but to me that hurts runners more then pocket guys, and I just don't see it effecting Trent.

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8.Don't get me wrong on 8. We didnt lose major offensive/defensive contributers. I still think losing Sam Aiken, and Josh Stamer on st's will hurt a little bit. I think a big part of the bills problem. Is they actually paid too much attention to st's, at the expense of the starting offense/defense. With players who are strictly special teams players. Guys like Justin Jenkins, Wendling, and having Jason Whittle back, may be enough to offset some of the losses. Of guys like Aiken, Haggan, Wire, & Stamer. We'll see.


9. Any good defense you have is about speed. It's not just the cover 2. I just am not convinced this defense is anywhere near having the talent to make the system work. Or at least play it how it's suppouse to be played. Which bring us to your next point.


10. I think Schobel is a fine player. He's good at getting pressure. Despite his lower sack total last season. I remember reading, he actually was near tops in the league in quarterback pressures. Maybe the sack numbers will go up, but outside of Schobel we still have next to nothing in terms of quality pass rushers. Chris Kelsay, really shouldn't be starting. The guy will probably end up as one of those players who finish with a career high of 6 sacks in a season. He didn't do much, when we had Fat Pat, and Big Sam Adams lined up at dt. I don't see his numbers drastically improving, with McCargo, and Stroud.


He'll probably average 2-3 sacks at year. He doesn't get many pressures. His closing burst is just bad. He also doesn't hold up well against the run. You pointed it out in point #9. Speed is key to the cover 2. Speed is something Chris Kelsay will never have. He may try hard. It just doesn't cut it. I'd honestly rather see Ryan Denney starting over Kelsay. That's if the Bills don't address de early in the draft. Despite some nice additions to the defense. It is anything but a solid unit. Without more additions this April.

Not disagreeing with any of your comments, but this is more about 2007 vs 2008. Sure we still have some major shortcomings as a team, but I see us improving in these areas vs 2007, which was a fringe playoff year (luckily or not). Anything can happen that debunks some of these, like another rash of injuries etc.

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Not disagreeing with any of your comments, but this is more about 2007 vs 2008. Sure we still have some major shortcomings as a team, but I see us improving in these areas vs 2007, which was a fringe playoff year (luckily or not). Anything can happen that debunks some of these, like another rash of injuries etc.

We have been 1 step above disastrous and one step below playoff caliber for 3 yrs in my opinion..

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Good to see the Kzoo name back, even if it's not by choice.


11. The schedule is much easier this year. Eight of our games are against teams drafting in the top seven.

Thanks, I tried changing it back after I realized nobody will respond to your posts if they don't recognize your name! Server said I couldn't switch back for another few months before the great wall crash of 08. Thanks SDS, helped me.


As for the schedule, I thought about including it. It doesn't seem like it could be more brutal then it has the last two years. I decided to leave it out because you just don't know who will be good one year to the next. Lord knows we sure could use a break in that department.

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Finally, a solid post in the offseason.


I do believe, obviously, that 11. Posluszny returns.


He can stuff the run, and I think that Kawika's pressure off the outside will create havoc in the passing game. Two solid corners + a good and great safety + pass rush = playoffs baby. Put Ellison in on 3rd down situations and you have the chemicals for a dangerous LB corp.


Go Bills in 08, 09, and beyond.

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In no particular order


1. Trent Edwards- Who knows if he will be dud or stud, but it doesn’t take much to believe he should be better next season. One more year of study, learning from experiences, more time to get comfortable with the WR core. If he turns out to be substantially better look out, this team would have no limitations.


2. Defensive depth- KC Joyner said this is the deepest defense in football. While I disagree on that front, I do agree we have incredible depth because of our injuries last season. We go two to three deep at several positions with young players who have starting experience. We have several situational players who will allow our starters to play at top speed all game. Look at the Colts 2006 super bowl run to see how important that is for the cover 2.


3. Continuity on the offensive line- The line is made up of 5 individuals who must work as one. Every year for as long as I can remember we’ve been switching out one or two starters per year. For the first time in a long time, we return our group of 5. It will pay huge dividends early in the year, a time in which we’ve started slow for several years in a row.


4. Audibles- Who knows how good Turk will be, but as an NFL team, it’s inexcusable to not allow your QB to audible out of a bad play. We will be incorporating that this season, and that alone is enough to make a substantial improvement in our predictability and offense.


5. Thunder and lightning- Rookie running backs almost universally improve from year one to year two. We didn’t even discover what Jackson could do until it was too late. Lynch and Jackson were never utilized in the passing game. All these failures and scenarios of 2007 should play out to our advantage in 2008.


6. Injured players returning- You can’t overstate the massive depletion of this defense last season. It’s incredible they played as well as they did with so many players missing action. Those guys will be back, and we will notice that impact from the beginning.


7. Young team matures- We have one of the youngest, if not the youngest group of starters in football. Players progress in time, do the math.


8. Addition without subtraction- We won’t lose any major contributors, while we added some guys that will contribute from the start. Stroud is a big player in this equation; Mitchell should support and strengthen the run defense. The draft will certainly yield more offensive options. We could stand to improve substantially because of this.


9. Speed matters- The cover 2 is all about speed. Speed is not only dependent on physical ability but reaction time. In our third year in the cover 2 our reaction times will certainly improve as players get even more comfortable with the system.


10. Pressure- We don’t have overly physical ends, but they are good of the edge, especially Schobel. We had no interior push last year to force the QB to the edge. Johnson, Stroud, and an improved McCargo should be able to provide that forcing QB’s into more quick throws (increased turnovers, sacks, decreased YAC)


1. I agree. Bill Walsh and Marv Levy know their stuff when it comes to QB's. I think he takes a big step up this year. Anyone who believes he won't is just a doomer who doesn't ever believe what he hasn't already seen. Faith is what being a fan is all about. I've seen nothing to contradict his improving this year. The team should have a solid defense now and that will keep the pressure off of Edwards to win games on his own.


2. Damn straight! That's not taking into account a probable high pick CB. I think a lot of people are overlooking the addition of Spencer as a force. I think he'll surprise a lot of people on this board. He was playing behind two pro-bowlers and think he has a lot of talent.


3. Too true! Having the same group for a second year should be a big plus!


4. The fact that Turk will allow his QB to audible out of plays says it all. He's smarter than the Jackass they had last year. I don't know what kind of OC he'll be but , while it's not saying much, he should be a vast improvement.


5. Lynch should benefit from the same OL this year too. Jackson should be better after a full off season to rest without playing in the, now defunct, European league. Last year Jauron publicly called out Wright saying he didn't have an understanding of how much work was involved in being in the NFL. Hopefully it was message received and he'll be better this year if not he may be looking for another team after the final cuts.


6. Amen brutha! Poz and Simpson alone should be a big help!


7. Very True. The guys taken in 2006 are just beginning to enter their peak years and with the mix of young talent and slightly older talent I think they have a good group of youthful players. Look for McCargo to have a huge year with Stroud taking on the double teams every down.


8. Marv Levy said the best FA's to get are your own. Keeping the same guys year after year is very important to a team. The Bills don't do wholesale FA additions they add intelligently.


9. Ok, not as big a believer but I can see where you're coming from.


10. Agreed, offenses won't be able to key on Schobel anymore. They'll have to account for McCargo and Stroud on the inside.


A lot of thought into that post good job! :) I also believe that the defense entering the same scheme for the third year in a row has to be a big help and also having someone from inside the organization move to OC is better than someone coming in and making wholesale changes, I hope.

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10. Hi Chris!


I want to know your opinninon on what Turk will be doing differently with the Offense. Josh Reed and others spoke about their dislike for last years schemes. I understand Turk will not change everything but what will he change in order to allow more opportunities?


Denver Bill


CB: I think you'll see the tight ends used more in the passing game. Steve Fairchild didn't have much use for them in his scheme, which wasn't surprising because Mike Martz doesn't use the tight end much either. I think there will be more play action, more passing on first down and more rollouts for the quarterbacks. I also think the backs will be thrown to a lot more especially with the emergence of Fred Jackson last year. Between him and Marshawn Lynch there should be a lot of options with those two guys out of the backfield and split wide.



Kind of off topic but;


8. As of now who are the bills unrestricted free agency for next year. Beside evans.




CB: As of right now on my list I've got unrestricted free agents as Kirk Chambers, Angelo Crowell, Lee Evans, Melvin Fowler, Jabari Greer, J.P. Losman, Duke Preston, Jason Whittle and George Wilson. Restricted free agents I have are John DiGiorgio and Keith Ellison.

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3. Continuity on the offensive line- The line is made up of 5 individuals who must work as one. Every year for as long as I can remember we’ve been switching out one or two starters per year. For the first time in a long time, we return our group of 5. It will pay huge dividends early in the year, a time in which we’ve started slow for several years in a row.


not if half this board had it's way.......why so many are suggesting replacing the center is beyond me.....he is the most important cog when it comes to continuity!

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In no particular order


1. Trent Edwards- Who knows if he will be dud or stud, but it doesn’t take much to believe he should be better next season. One more year of study, learning from experiences, more time to get comfortable with the WR core. If he turns out to be substantially better look out, this team would have no limitations.


2. Defensive depth- KC Joyner said this is the deepest defense in football. While I disagree on that front, I do agree we have incredible depth because of our injuries last season. We go two to three deep at several positions with young players who have starting experience. We have several situational players who will allow our starters to play at top speed all game. Look at the Colts 2006 super bowl run to see how important that is for the cover 2.


3. Continuity on the offensive line- The line is made up of 5 individuals who must work as one. Every year for as long as I can remember we’ve been switching out one or two starters per year. For the first time in a long time, we return our group of 5. It will pay huge dividends early in the year, a time in which we’ve started slow for several years in a row.


4. Audibles- Who knows how good Turk will be, but as an NFL team, it’s inexcusable to not allow your QB to audible out of a bad play. We will be incorporating that this season, and that alone is enough to make a substantial improvement in our predictability and offense.


5. Thunder and lightning- Rookie running backs almost universally improve from year one to year two. We didn’t even discover what Jackson could do until it was too late. Lynch and Jackson were never utilized in the passing game. All these failures and scenarios of 2007 should play out to our advantage in 2008.


6. Injured players returning- You can’t overstate the massive depletion of this defense last season. It’s incredible they played as well as they did with so many players missing action. Those guys will be back, and we will notice that impact from the beginning.


7. Young team matures- We have one of the youngest, if not the youngest group of starters in football. Players progress in time, do the math.


8. Addition without subtraction- We won’t lose any major contributors, while we added some guys that will contribute from the start. Stroud is a big player in this equation; Mitchell should support and strengthen the run defense. The draft will certainly yield more offensive options. We could stand to improve substantially because of this.


9. Speed matters- The cover 2 is all about speed. Speed is not only dependent on physical ability but reaction time. In our third year in the cover 2 our reaction times will certainly improve as players get even more comfortable with the system.


10. Pressure- We don’t have overly physical ends, but they are good of the edge, especially Schobel. We had no interior push last year to force the QB to the edge. Johnson, Stroud, and an improved McCargo should be able to provide that forcing QB’s into more quick throws (increased turnovers, sacks, decreased YAC)


I like your optimism but I am not sure we are going to go from the worst offense in the history of the franchise to one which "knows no limits" because our QB, master of the check down though he may be, has a little more experience.


We will be better this year than last but we have a long way to go.

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not if half this board had it's way.......why so many are suggesting replacing the center is beyond me.....he is the most important cog when it comes to continuity!


Competence trumps continuity every time. This was the worst offense in the history of the franchise so it is just possible the line could be better and I think Fowler is the weakest player on the line.

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8. As of now who are the bills unrestricted free agency for next year. Beside evans.




CB: As of right now on my list I've got unrestricted free agents as Kirk Chambers, Angelo Crowell, Lee Evans, Melvin Fowler, Jabari Greer, J.P. Losman, Duke Preston, Jason Whittle and George Wilson. Restricted free agents I have are John DiGiorgio and Keith Ellison.

Weird. I am pretty sure Evans is a UFA after next year.

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I like your optimism but I am not sure we are going to go from the worst offense in the history of the franchise to one which "knows no limits" because our QB, master of the check down though he may be, has a little more experience.


We will be better this year than last but we have a long way to go.

Maybe you misunderstood the intent of that comment. All franchises with top 5 QB's have a chance to reach the playoffs and super bowl in any given season. The league as a whole is that watered down, and exceptional QB play is the great equalizer for long term success and ultimate success in most instances. If Trent somehow raised his play to that level next year, which I admit, is EXTREMELY unlikely, I feel we have no limitations on what we can accomplish as a team. Brady was often called an overrated check down guy in his earlier years as well, thats is until he just kept succeeding. He developed more to his game down the road, and now will go down as one of the best ever. No denying Trent is not much more then a check down guy at this point, but I think he has real potential as a true west coast style QB down the road. If/when the potential is ever realized it could finally take our team to the next level for a long period of time.

Competence trumps continuity every time. This was the worst offense in the history of the franchise so it is just possible the line could be better and I think Fowler is the weakest player on the line.

I would like more strength at Center just because we face so many 3-4 schemes with huge DT's. Fowler is often overpowered forcing guard help, freeing one of the MLB's, screwing the pooch on our end. That said, it's nice to return 5 guys, we will see the rewards from that, even if all 5 aren't considered great players (the whole right side from center down could be better IMHO, you just can't have 5 studs across the board).


Weird. I am pretty sure Evans is a UFA after next year.

From what I understand he is, so is AC at OLB. I think many would be shocked to see an OLB drafted early. I expect it. Teams often draft for expected departures the year prior.

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