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Went to the Sabres Game last night


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Up 3-1 with 3 minutes left I said to my friend "this game is going to OT". I didn't predict the loss necessarily but man is this team bad.

Has any defensive pairing gone from "team's top defenders" to "can't trust them" faster than Tallinder/Lydman?

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If I skipped the last 10 minutes of every Sabres game this year I would probably excited about heading into the playoffs with such a great team.


You'd also add about 5 years to your lifespan.


The funny part was, ALOT of people left with ~5 minutes left. With our history as of late, who in their right mind would do that?


By the way, Boston one today...



Maybe next year.

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You'd also add about 5 years to your lifespan.


The funny part was, ALOT of people left with ~5 minutes left. With our history as of late, who in their right mind would do that?

By the way, Boston one today...



Maybe next year.


Maybe that's exactly why they left.


"I'm not sticking around to see the choke."

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My very unpopular opinion: Lindy Ruff is a fantastic coach when he has fantastic talent on the team. A truly good coach can make the playoffs without a team of overachievers. We have enough talent (barely) to make the playoffs). We lack in execution (god I never thought I'd use the "execution" line, but it's true.)

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Up 3-1 with 3 minutes left I said to my friend "this game is going to OT". I didn't predict the loss necessarily but man is this team bad.

You should be proud. You're probably the same guy who talks about a shutout with 5 minutes left in the third.

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You should be proud. You're probably the same guy who talks about a shutout with 5 minutes left in the third.


Not proud, I've just seen it all before. I wasn't bragging, i was simply stating that this has become a horrible pattern with this team.

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My very unpopular opinion: Lindy Ruff is a fantastic coach when he has fantastic talent on the team. A truly good coach can make the playoffs without a team of overachievers. We have enough talent (barely) to make the playoffs). We lack in execution (god I never thought I'd use the "execution" line, but it's true.)

Execution would be too quick. They need to suffer.

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My very unpopular opinion: Lindy Ruff is a fantastic coach when he has fantastic talent on the team. A truly good coach can make the playoffs without a team of overachievers. We have enough talent (barely) to make the playoffs). We lack in execution (god I never thought I'd use the "execution" line, but it's true.)


So, what exactly are you trying to say? Lindy is a fantastic coach when the talent is good, but not otherwise?


I can't say that I agree with you, for the most part. The team that went to the finals in 1999 wasn't exactly chocked full of fantastic talent, or the one that went to the ECC againt the Capitals. Nobody thought the 2005-06 team was destined to go as far as they did either.


I hope that there isn't a calling for Lindy's job, over one, very disappointing season. The team was gutted at the top, and it finally caught up with them. Lindy had nothing to do with those decisions. As bad as things have been this season, this team played very good hockey for long stretches this season, although it didn't translate into as many points as it should have.


I would be willing to bet, if it were all up to him, Drury, Briere, Dumont and Campbell would all still be Sabres. If anyone deserves to pay for this horrendous slide, you have to start with Larry Quinn. I will admitt, I have never liked the way Ruff handled goaltenders (I thought Miller looked tired and sluggish last season too), but I think he deserves a chance to correct that. If you want him gone (I realize, you didn't necessarily say that) who would you bring in, that is better?

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I blame Rory Fitzpatrick.


I blame those crappy Perry's ice cream commercials... the team's just been playing embarrassed all year long, that's all.


In all seriousness, I hear ya Stoj. After about December, I've not trusted the Sabres to close one out. I guess I stand corrected, too. I was one of those that thought we'd be just fine this season. I bought into all of the depth talk a little bit too much.


What do you do, though? Replace Lindy? Replace Darcy? Nonsense. Who else would we rather have? Looking forward to seeing how the talent acquisition goes once the UFAs hit the deck.

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My very unpopular opinion: Lindy Ruff is a fantastic coach when he has fantastic talent on the team. A truly good coach can make the playoffs without a team of overachievers. We have enough talent (barely) to make the playoffs). We lack in execution (god I never thought I'd use the "execution" line, but it's true.)

Is it Lindy Ruff's fault we have no team toughness?


Is it Lindy Ruff's fault his players are too mentally weak to finish a game strong or even be ready to play big games?


Is it Lindy Ruff's fault the heart of last year's team is playing in New York and Philly this year?


Is it Lindy Ruff's fault he has only 1 NHL goalie on his roster?


Is it Lindy Ruff's fault we don't have much of a scouting department anymore?


Is it Lindy Ruff's fault we don't really have an AHL team anymore?


Is it Lindy Ruff's fault our jerseys are a !@#$ing embarassment?


That's a big "NO" seven times over. Ruff is a fantastic coach but the organization is going to hell from top to bottom because of Quinn and Golisano. As good as Ruff and Regier are, they can't compensate for the retarded things the team has been doing the past couple years.

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Is it Lindy Ruff's fault we have no team toughness?


Is it Lindy Ruff's fault his players are too mentally weak to finish a game strong or even be ready to play big games?


Is it Lindy Ruff's fault the heart of last year's team is playing in New York and Philly this year?


Is it Lindy Ruff's fault he has only 1 NHL goalie on his roster?


Is it Lindy Ruff's fault we don't have much of a scouting department anymore?


Is it Lindy Ruff's fault we don't really have an AHL team anymore?


Is it Lindy Ruff's fault our jerseys are a !@#$ing embarassment?


That's a big "NO" seven times over. Ruff is a fantastic coach but the organization is going to hell from top to bottom because of Quinn and Golisano. As good as Ruff and Regier are, they can't compensate for the retarded things the team has been doing the past couple years.


As usual Silvio, I agree with everything you say!


However, I am not sure where Golisano falls into all of this. I suppose the move to clean house in the scouting department (the very guys who braught us all this great young talent), and rely on video for scouting, smacks of miserly ownership...but it hasn't been long enought to determine how much that will affect things down the road.


It is not like he hasn't spent money, it may just be a question of how, and when it is being spent. From everything I have read (and I could be completely off base) it sounds like Larry Quinn, the arrogant SOB he appears to be, is calling most of the shots...I know, Golisano says he is involved in salary situations, but the way the whole Briere/Drury fiasco played out last summer, it sounded like the teams' objective was to do whatever it takes to sign Drury. For whatever reason, the determination was made that both guys couldn't be kept, and Drury had more value to the team...if you believe everything I have read on the situation, Quinn is the one who dropped the ball here...the guy has always struck me as a jerk...I would love to see him go away. Maybe Golisano doesn't trust Regier enough? If you listen to all the interviews with Darcy over the last few years, the guy is pretty bright, and seems to have a firm hand on the situation...but it seems as one of those hands is being held behind his back.


This team still has talented players, but something key is missing...I don't think Lindy Ruff is the problem...they really did play decent hockey, more nights than not this season...they lost a lot of games that they outplayed the other team most of the night. This crap we have seen the last week or so, is just a lack of leadership, as painfully cliche as that sounds...

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From presidential (trophy) to inconsequential.


Someone must pay.

godddammit....NOW can we get rid of Darcy and Quinn?:nana:


i am fast losing respect for golisano too. i'm sure he'll be pleading poverty at the end of the season. how can you go from powerhouse to kluster!@#$ this fast??! ;)

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From presidential (trophy) to inconsequential.


Pretty easy. Loose 3 All-Stars: Briere, Drury, and Campbell..........


Think of it the other way, take any team in the NHL and add those 3 players to their roster, they probably improve 15 points in the season, quite a swing


Oh gee, 15 points would put the Sabres in 1st place in the East :nana:

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Pretty easy. Loose 3 All-Stars: Briere, Drury, and Campbell..........


Think of it the other way, take any team in the NHL and add those 3 players to their roster, they probably improve 15 points in the season, quite a swing


Oh gee, 15 points would put the Sabres in 1st place in the East :nana:


Campbell? We had him this season. He didn't do sh--.

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