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anyone want a bloody mary?

The Poojer

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Many people like Bloody Caesars (a Bloody Mary made with Clamato). I have to wonder who was the first person to think it was a good idea to add clam juice to their drink. Pretty odd, of you ask me.

No doubt it was someone from Massachusetts - all those f#@kin' New Englanders are odd.


While I enjoy the occasional well-made Bloody Mary on Sunday mornings during football season, generally I prefer my vodka straight, chilled, or on-the-rocks.


Cheers! :unsure:

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You are dead on for my recipe. Once in a while I shake things up a little and use Clamato rather than V8. Even if you believe that you would not like Clamato try it at least once. Most of you will be pleasantly surprised.

sounds like you know how to make a drink! Lots of booze, lots of ice. I am a big fan of Clamato juice too

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yeah what is up with beer/tomato juice, i used to know a guy that would order this......skeeves me out big time


Thanks! I've been dying for a Bloody Mary.


BTW, anyone see that Budweiser is now selling beer with clamato? :thumbsup:

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yeah what is up with beer/tomato juice, i used to know a guy that would order this......skeeves me out big time



i used to serve it to several customers.



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anyone want a bloody mary?


Not England.



You are dead on for my recipe. Once in a while I shake things up a little and use Clamato rather than V8. Even if you believe that you would not like Clamato try it at least once. Most of you will be pleasantly surprised.


:thumbsup: Clam juice!!?? :)


That's like herring juice or salmon juice. :)


I love tomato's but tomato juice isn't a favorite either but in a Bloody Mary I can deal with it.


I will generally eat anything but clam juice, bananas and uni are off my list.

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yeah what is up with beer/tomato juice, i used to know a guy that would order this......skeeves me out big time

I've heard many 'professional' drinkers say that beer/tomato juice is a good cure for a hangover.


(Don't know WTF is with the clam-juice-in-beer-thing though.)

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