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Not sure where the trial lawyers come into play though.


Thanks, Matt. I've been suffeing a rash of citation failures.


The trail lawyers have a history of chasing products overseas. If I may be allowed an anology, using a Star Trek Movie,:


"The Needs of the Many outweigh the Needs of the Few"


is, by their lights,


The Needs of the Few outweigh the Needs of the Many".


That's a recipe for failure of a society...IMO.



And...riiiiiight.  It's Clinton's fault.  :(



Remember Clinton caused Aides, 9/11, this politically divided country, the flu vaccine shortage, hid WMDs in Iraq. He and Hillary are the evil of the right wingers.

Remember Clinton caused Aides,  9/11, this politically divided country, the flu vaccine shortage, hid WMDs in Iraq.  He and Hillary are the evil of the right wingers.



Don't forget dead Arkansas State Troopers, Enron, Global Crossing (that was a nice one - DNC Chairman Terry McAulliffe made 19 million on a 100K investment in only 4 months), World Com, W88's to China, Ron Brown, World Trade Center I, Kohbar Towers, Kenyan Embassies, USS Cole, the late James McDougal, Rose Law firm, property ventures in Arkansas, Osama-in-Sudan-No-Thanks, 2 buck-a-gallon gasoline, Governent by focus group, 5 lb. Bibles, Secret Health care tribunals, 20,000 last-day executive orders, Pardons for Mark Rich et al, the Lippo Group and Indonesia and the tie-up of low-sulfur coal in the western stastes, Waco (amazing that that crime scene was bulldozed down the day after, eh?), Ruby Ridge, Elian Gonzalez, the OK City bombing, Impeachement by the US Congress, a Navy Blue Dress, Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, Jennifer Flowers.


Whew! I'm too tired to go on...but what the heck, he and she are but a typical Democrat.


Want to talk about Torrecilli, Sharperson, the NJ governor, the funeral service of Sen. Paul Wellstone, the Fla Supreme Court, etc etc etc??


Oh. I forgot...Leftists do not believe in history...silly me. :(

That works.


And...riiiiiight.  It's Clinton's fault.  :(


AGAIN: 1976.  Swine Flu.  Guillan-Barre.



It's Gerry Ford's fault? :lol:


Actually the larger part of the issue is that flu vaccine has a limited shelf life so last year's batch is no good. You have to make it during a certain period of time in order for its potency to be apprpriate. Add to that the problem with the factory and there you have it.


There is NO, repeat NO evidence that the shortage caused by lawsuits.


Personally I don't think it was a valid question to ask Bush, I don't see where the shortage has anything to do with him. The only thing I can think of is that perhaps the rest of the world is NOT experiencing a shortage but because he's pissed them all off they won't share. But I have no evidence of the former even though it's pretty clear that the US is no longer the bright and shining beacon of virtue we once were.

There is NO, repeat NO evidence that the shortage caused by lawsuits.



Well, yeah...but that's because you're an idiot.


The current shortage is because a major producer of the vaccine had serious QC problems and had to destroy an entire year's production. Not because of shelf life.


Last year's vaccine won't work not because it decayed, but because influenza mutates year-to-year, so that last year's hemagglutin and neuraminidase influenza proteins are different from this year's, and last year's vaccine thus can't attack this year's virus. It has nothing to do with storage.


And AGAIN...1976. Swine Flu. LOOK IT UP before you go spouting off in ignorance, you dumb twit.

Well, yeah...but that's because you're an idiot.






Have you ever typed "LOL" because you really did Laugh Out Loud?

This was one of my few times.

Well, yeah...but that's because you're an idiot.


The current shortage is because a major producer of the vaccine had serious QC problems and had to destroy an entire year's production.  Not because of shelf life.


Last year's vaccine won't work not because it decayed, but because influenza mutates year-to-year, so that last year's hemagglutin and neuraminidase influenza proteins are different from this year's, and last year's vaccine thus can't attack this year's virus.  It has nothing to do with storage.


And AGAIN...1976.  Swine Flu.  LOOK IT UP before you go spouting off in ignorance, you dumb twit.



If read my post you'll see that I cited the factory issue. You can't blame the Swine Flu for everything. It's tempting to simplify and BLAME. And for all your claims of "nonpartisanship" your true colors show when you start to sound just like a guy who's got a one-legged stool.


You will note that I do not hold Bush accountable for this, as I responded to the initial post, and am not sure why he was asked the question.


Here's a little more about the situation story..


I see I drew blood from a previous post in which I implied that you were a legend in your own mind. The nature of your post proves it. Thanks!

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