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Tiger Woods swears on the golf course


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Some jackass photographer shot a picture JUST as Tiger was leaving his back swing.


Tiger said: "The next time a photographer shoots a [expletive] picture, I'm going to break his [expletive] neck.''


How this is a news story, I will never know. Isn't swearing uncontrollably a requirement of golf?

The best thing I love i Tiger said that basically "you have no idea how much swearing goes on out there" and did NOT apologize for it.


I normally hate the guy or team that dominates year in and year out, but for some reason I've always like Tiger.

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Some jackass photographer shot a picture JUST as Tiger was leaving his back swing.


Tiger said: "The next time a photographer shoots a [expletive] picture, I'm going to break his [expletive] neck.''


How this is a news story, I will never know. Isn't swearing uncontrollably a requirement of golf?

The best thing I love i Tiger said that basically "you have no idea how much swearing goes on out there" and did NOT apologize for it.


I normally hate the guy or team that dominates year in and year out, but for some reason I've always like Tiger.


About 10 years ago I was at Doral for the Ryder Open. I was directly behind Jack Nicklaus when his tee shot leaked right and missed the fairway. He looked right at me (hand to God) and said, "S#!t!!!". I turned around to see if it was someone else, but there was no one behind me. He was simply upset with himself.


So that's my 'Jack' story. :beer:


Wow, two days, two name-dropping posts. I'm on a roll. :D

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Swearing on the course is nothing new for Tiger; and anyone snapping pictures in someone's back swing deserves to have their fking neck broken.


I normally hate the guy or team that dominates year in and year out, but for some reason I've always like Tiger.


He's a very likable guy. Most people in his position would act like their sh-- didn't stink. By all accounts he's a regular guy; busts balls with the other tour players, accomodating to the media and fans, plays hards, gracious winner and hates to lose. And who are you going to root for instead -- Phil? Vijay? That punk-ass Sabatini? Meh.


I'd really like to see him make a run at the Grand Slam this year.

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Swearing on the course is nothing new for Tiger; and anyone snapping pictures in someone's back swing deserves to have their fking neck broken.




He's a very likable guy. Most people in his position would act like their sh-- didn't stink. By all accounts he's a regular guy; busts balls with the other tour players, accomodating to the media and fans, plays hards, gracious winner and hates to lose. And who are you going to root for instead -- Phil? Vijay? That punk-ass Sabatini? Meh.


I'd really like to see him make a run at the Grand Slam this year.



Me too.


I remember watching him at Pebble Beach a couple of years ago. He was on the tee, shanked one into the Pacific. You could read his lips saying " Mother !@#$er, mother !@#$!!" as he was slamming his club head into the ground.

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Swearing on the course is nothing new for Tiger; and anyone snapping pictures in someone's back swing deserves to have their fking neck broken.




He's a very likable guy. Most people in his position would act like their sh-- didn't stink. By all accounts he's a regular guy; busts balls with the other tour players, accomodating to the media and fans, plays hards, gracious winner and hates to lose. And who are you going to root for instead -- Phil? Vijay? That punk-ass Sabatini? Meh.


I'd really like to see him make a run at the Grand Slam this year.



And he also gives the impression that, while he has a ton of natural talent, he works his a$$ off to maximize it. I have always liked and respected Tiger.

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I remember watching him at Pebble Beach a couple of years ago. He was on the tee, shanked one into the Pacific. You could read his lips saying " Mother !@#$er, mother !@#$!!" as he was slamming his club head into the ground.


That's the great thing about golf....I can do the exact same thing as the best player in the world: shank my drive into the water and yell "Mother !@#$er!!" :beer:



btw...for those who haven't been to Carmel/Pebble Beach/Monterey, do yourself a favor and go for a visit. What an awesome place.

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He's a very likable guy. Most people in his position would act like their sh-- didn't stink. By all accounts he's a regular guy; busts balls with the other tour players, accomodating to the media and fans, plays hards, gracious winner and hates to lose. And who are you going to root for instead -- Phil? Vijay? That punk-ass Sabatini? Meh.


I'd really like to see him make a run at the Grand Slam this year.

I said to my wife just after he sunk the 24 footer to win a couple of weeks ago, "We may be watching the greatest athlete of our generation."


All due respect to Michael Jordan, I believe Tiger has surpassed him as the greatest sportsman in our lifetime. And please, no remarks that golf isn't a sport and is just a game. Sure, you've got guys like Craig Stadler and John Daly walking around, but look at the shape Tiger is in and tell me his physical attributes do not play a part in his winning. Chinese checkers is a game...golf is a legitimate sport.

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That's the great thing about golf....I can do the exact same thing as the best player in the world: shank my drive into the water and yell "Mother !@#$er!!" :beer:



btw...for those who haven't been to Carmel/Pebble Beach/Monterey, do yourself a favor and go for a visit. What an awesome place.





The only difference being how many times we say it one round! :beer:

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so a camera makes a 'click' and Tiger goes apesh*t?


kitty. 80,000 screaming fans can't distract a fg kicker but tiger cant put up with a click.


If I was the cameraman I would have responded with "Well then why dont you do that right now?"

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so a camera makes a 'click' and Tiger goes apesh*t?


kitty. 80,000 screaming fans can't distract a fg kicker but tiger cant put up with a click.


If I was the cameraman I would have responded with "Well then why dont you do that right now?"


You've clearly never, ever, golfed before - and likely never played football.


To compare the two is retarded.

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I don't trust people who don't swear.



Great movie quote there by the way. :beer:


The only thing I dislike about Tiger is how he throws his clubs around and acts like a kid when he messes up a shot. To be honest, I do that on occation as well, but most of his "bad" shots would be playable for a player of my caliber...

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You've clearly never, ever, golfed before - and likely never played football.


To compare the two is retarded.


OOOOOOOOh you've asailed my manhood "never played football".


what an inane statement. No I dont play golf, I scuba dive and target shoot. Yes I have played football and coached it as well.


Tiger is a prima donna like most pro atheletes. If he is disturbed by the click of a camera he is somewhat less than focused.

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Now photographers are going to be competing to see who upsets Tiger enough to get hit with a club, so they can then sue him for millions. If a slight noise is such a distraction, I wonder why they haven't tried putting in earplugs when they swing.

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