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What do you guys think of this movie in production?


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The tricky part is that I'm sure Oliver Stone wants to show all the terrible aspects of this administration, but when you have an actor trying to portray George W., it's impossible to see it as anything other than a comedy. Seems like a tough task for Josh Brolin.

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The tricky part is that I'm sure Oliver Stone wants to show all the terrible aspects of this administration, but when you have an actor trying to portray George W., it's impossible to see it as anything other than a comedy. Seems like a tough task for Josh Brolin.


I've spoken to Josh Brolin a few times. He's a pretty decent guy from my perspective. I hope he pulls it off.

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I've spoken to Josh Brolin a few times. He's a pretty decent guy from my perspective. I hope he pulls it off.


Name dropper. :P Just kidding.


How can this role be viewed as anything but a comedy really? I wonder what kind of "revisionist history" Stone will invent for this movie? The WTC inside job? The conspiring with Saudi oil families? Oh this is gonna be a good one for sure!


Where's Tgreg to give us the inside scoop and tell us about the W monster?

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If it has a cloverfield monster from the outer reaches of space it will be hugely successful. Or a gigantic spider, those get you every time too.




Yeah if Tgreg could have any single day back to do over, I'm betting the day he started propping Cloverfield on this board would be in his top five days.

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He is shopping the script to financiers and hopes to start production by April, with a release date in time for the election in November, or the inauguration of Bush’s successor in January.


This hit piece will be nothing but a Democrate negative ad in time for the debates.

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Name dropper. :P Just kidding.




He's a customer of my firm. All of the guys in my group have spoken to him at one point or another. Lots of "Goonies" fans in my office. I'm always threatening to ask about his wife (Diane Lane), but I would never really do that. He hasn't called in quite some time. I guess he's busy with all these projects.

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Source: Variety




Thursday, March 27th, 2008 2



The President's parents have been cast. According to Variety, Oliver Stone has signed on James Cromwell and Ellen Burstyn to portray former President George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush in W, his biopic of current President George W. Bush.


Josh Brolin and Elizabeth Banks have already been cast as George W. and Laura Bush. Stone will direct and co-wrote the script with Stanley Weiser.


They are aiming at a start date for principal photography at the end of April in Shreveport Louisiana. The film was previously called Bush, but recently the project has been referred to simply as W.

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Yeah if Tgreg could have any single day back to do over, I'm betting the day he started propping Cloverfield on this board would be in his top five days.

(Standing in front of a large MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner)



What are you talking about? I have no regrets!




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I suppose I'll wait to render an opinion till after I see the movie.


Oliver Stone has signed on James Cromwell and Ellen Burstyn to portray former President George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush in W, his biopic of current President George W. Bush.


Excellent choice to play Poppy. :beer:

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I think it is a little early to be doing a biopic on W. He still has about ten months to go. My guess is that Stone wants to get this done before someone else does. If there wasn't bad to go along with good there really wouldn't be a good reason to do a dramatic piece. There is no no doubt that the last seven or so years have been intense. I could do without fabrication and slant. I don't mind a thought provoking presentation. Has anybody asked the prez what he thinks of the film? Does he care? Would W give an interview for the writers? I wonder what sources the writers will be using. I think a post presidency documentary might be more interesting. Even more interesting will be whatever becomes de-classified over the ten or so years after W leaves office.

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