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Let me start by saying I was open and impartial coming into this race. However, these days not so much.

Congrats Hillary on substantially increasing the stigma that politicians have on prevaricating, blatantly lying and being insidous to get votes. Her campaign has officially more spins than a harlem globetrotters game. 1st, she insist's on belittling any state that she does not win. Then, she embarks on trying to alter the rules while having the audacity to claim victory in Flordia and Michigan. When things were going sour, she was able to invoke racisim in this election with Bill's eloquent insinuations.

If you are an African American, why would you vote for her after she tried to portray Barack as the 'Black Candidate"? If that's not bad enough, I am starting to lose count of her failure to recollect the truth. 1st, with NAFTA now with sniper fire. Really Hillary? How do you honestly mispeak on recieving sniper fire? As a soldier who fought in Iraq, I am profoundly insulted by her exaggerations. She was inquired several times about this event and only retracted her statement ensuing the video that came out. Im at a point where I question everything that spews out of her mouth. Shame on you Hillary! If the worst comes out of you while trying to achieve your best, then you best not achieve it. Oh yea and Hillary is entitled to the Presidency so because Bill Richardson was in their cabinet, he needs to be loyal instead of voting for the best candidate. Her campaign can effortlessly be summed up in one word, pathetic.

I concede that Barack's pastor's recent words were unequivocally reprehensible. However, I understand the animosity the black community still has toward a predominatly white government. If some of you do not and are baffled with the double standard we perhaps have, then pick up Fredrick Douglass's autobiography 'An American Slave', then read about the civil rights movement especially in the south. The Reality is that there is still a genration today that played a part in opressing black people. Perhaps that merits animosity. As a child of mixed parents, I can empathize w/ Barack's decision to stand by Rev wright. I have very close white friends who make racist remarks on ocassions. I also have Black and Hispanic friends who do the same (when im w/ white people they portray me as white and when Im w/ Blacks and hispanics they portray me as puerto rican n black). I call out all my friends when they make these remarks but I never reject them as my friends. If I rejected everyone that I know whom uttered racist remarks then I would have no friends or family left. The reality is that racism is very prevalant in this nation and if you are informed of our history then you would comprehend the hatred some blacks still carry today.

Reality Check


Dear Hillary and all your supporters,

Your chances in winning the Democratic race is nearly insurmountable. Barring some miraculous event you are not going to be the choice. You are down in the Popular vote and in the delegates. Your only chance was the Flordia n Michigan do overs but that is no longer an option, thus the inevitablity of Barack being the nominee. So please stop fabricating stories to invigorate your experience. Please stop pernicously altering the truth to get votes. The only success you have had is in dividing the democratic party in race, education and finanical status.


I commend the Republican party for running a cleaner race and standing by McCain when they needed to.

I commend the Republican party for running a cleaner race and standing by McCain when they needed to.


The only reason the Republican race has been cleaner, is because McCain hasn't had competition since Super Tuesday. Otherwise, Mutt Romney and Huckabee would not have pulled any punches.

The only reason the Republican race has been cleaner, is because McCain hasn't had competition since Super Tuesday. Otherwise, Mutt Romney and Huckabee would not have pulled any punches.

Preceding Super Tuesday, McCain and Romeny's attacks to one another did not reach the level Hillary has taken all along. As far as Huckabee goes, he showed class the whole election. As much as disagree w/ Mccain's idealogy, I give him credit when it is warranted.

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