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Aaron Schobel


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After watching every Bills game this year, I can say that he had a horrible year. He was manhandled more times than not with man on man blocking. They did not waste a double team on him. As far as in shape ,get a clue. Just because you weight less does not make you in shape. Look at his built skinny legs, arms and big old love handles. He got what he wanted, now he seems to be coasting. :thumbsup:


This place never ceases to amaze me. You guys are so sure of the BS you are spewing it's amazing. Just amazing. The guy is not a starting DE to stuff the run. He also is one of the fastest and most relentless pass rushers in the league. And he's got 3 good rush moves now. His He has always been exactly where the Bills staff wants him as far as being in shape. He plays a lot of containment responsibility as the slim DE and that's what they want him doing too. And plenty of coaches/players around the league have shown him plenty of respect. He's no complete DE, and certainly not comparable to a guy like Bruce, but he's a very good consitent player. He is one of the hardest working players on the team by many previous accounts who matter. The out of shape comments almost knocked me out of my chair. I can tell you really believe what you are saying so I don't know what else I can possibly say.

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This place never ceases to amaze me. You guys are so sure of the BS you are spewing it's amazing. Just amazing. The guy is not a starting DE to stuff the run. He also is one of the fastest and most relentless pass rushers in the league. And he's got 3 good rush moves now. His He has always been exactly where the Bills staff wants him as far as being in shape. He plays a lot of containment responsibility as the slim DE and that's what they want him doing too. And plenty of coaches/players around the league have shown him plenty of respect. He's no complete DE, and certainly not comparable to a guy like Bruce, but he's a very good consitent player. He is one of the hardest working players on the team by many previous accounts who matter. The out of shape comments almost knocked me out of my chair. I can tell you really believe what you are saying so I don't know what else I can possibly say.


You don't make the pro bowl twice because you are a slouch!

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I agree that the bashing of Schobel needs to stop. He is not Dwight Freeney. He is a good, all-around player who works hard and plays even harder. Would I like to see some improvement? Sure. Heck, if he can play better than he has been, now is as good a time as any. But hatin' on him because he skips out on voluntary workouts and works out at home is silly. Let his play speak for him.

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The Bills need more players like him. I hate seeing all the fakeness in interviews as far as athletes are concerned. Trying to appear all goody goody. I like when players act real...and I guess he doesn't laugh much or even smile much for that matter. Nothing wrong with that. He is a good player and should have some arrogance. Mean people kick ass. The Bills need more kick ass in their attitudes.


So nice people can't kick ass? Are you kidding?


Nobody should have arrogance, show me 1 instance where arrogance plays out to everyone's benefit.


The best players on the field have talent and can keep their mouths shut about it.


I'd hate to work with/for you.

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yep. and his special move or only move is a speed rush which carries him off the camera as he is ridden helplessly past the quarterback over and over agin. I hate to say it but I think people would be harder on this guy if he were not white (i'm white so i'm no nat x about these things).


I got so effing sick of him running 15 yards past the line of scrimmage last year.

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I have no problem at all with him working out with his family members in texas... they obviously di something right in getting themselves all to the NFL... so if hes gotta go to work down there, then do be it.... Also, this isnt actually my first post ever, it only seems like it because my account got messed up and I had to re register

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This place never ceases to amaze me. You guys are so sure of the BS you are spewing it's amazing. Just amazing. The guy is not a starting DE to stuff the run. He also is one of the fastest and most relentless pass rushers in the league. And he's got 3 good rush moves now. His He has always been exactly where the Bills staff wants him as far as being in shape. He plays a lot of containment responsibility as the slim DE and that's what they want him doing too. And plenty of coaches/players around the league have shown him plenty of respect. He's no complete DE, and certainly not comparable to a guy like Bruce, but he's a very good consitent player. He is one of the hardest working players on the team by many previous accounts who matter. The out of shape comments almost knocked me out of my chair. I can tell you really believe what you are saying so I don't know what else I can possibly say.


On the plus side it makes a much quicker and easier process to recognize who has no idea what they're talking about and isn't worth paying attention to ;-)

And while in past years I'd have agreed with your assessment suggesting he's somewhat of an incomplete DE who doesn't compete as well against the run, after this season I'm not so sure. I thought the staff made a decision to make a more concerted effort to stop the run "with numbers" when they realized they weren't getting any additional personell to help in that regard, and it seemed to me that Schobel followed orders and adjusted his game to much more conscientious of that approach. And I also thought he did a really really good job doing so, taking on blockers and holding up at the POA better than he has at any point in his career.

He may have lost a little something in the #'s department and in the eyes of the fantasy dorks who can only see that aspect of the sport, but I think the gains he made in balancing his game were even more significant.

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So nice people can't kick ass? Are you kidding?


Nobody should have arrogance, show me 1 instance where arrogance plays out to everyone's benefit.


The best players on the field have talent and can keep their mouths shut about it.


I'd hate to work with/for you.



Arrogance and confidence come hand in hand. And it's not like he's sooooo arrogant. Deion Sanders was pretty arrogant, and that was to all his teammates benefit. Sometimes the best players are...sometimes they aren't.


Football players should be mean, and who knows if he is or isn't. We don't know him personally.


It's good that you don't work for me too, cause you'd probably quit if I yelled at you like one of my guys did today :thumbsup:


Just because AS didn't show up for voluntary work outs doesn't mean he's arrogant or mean. I think the Bills need some mean f-ckers though. Every successful team does.

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On the plus side it makes a much quicker and easier process to recognize who has no idea what they're talking about and isn't worth paying attention to ;-)

And while in past years I'd have agreed with your assessment suggesting he's somewhat of an incomplete DE who doesn't compete as well against the run, after this season I'm not so sure. I thought the staff made a decision to make a more concerted effort to stop the run "with numbers" when they realized they weren't getting any additional personell to help in that regard, and it seemed to me that Schobel followed orders and adjusted his game to much more conscientious of that approach. And I also thought he did a really really good job doing so, taking on blockers and holding up at the POA better than he has at any point in his career.

He may have lost a little something in the #'s department and in the eyes of the fantasy dorks who can only see that aspect of the sport, but I think the gains he made in balancing his game were even more significant.


Good points.... I wanted to go there (about his improvement vs. the run ) but I figured it would be pushing it. :thumbsup:

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