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Historically inaccurate movies

KD in CA

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2001: A Space Odyssey

According to this film, in year 2001 we would have had manned voyages to Jupiter, a battle of wits with a sentient computer, and a quantum leap in human evolution. Instead we got the Mir Space Station falling from the sky, Windows XP, and Freddy Got Fingered. Apparently the lesson here is that sometimes it's better when the movies get the facts all wrong.



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I had hoped the "The Patriot" would be good but it is atrocious cliche ridden trash. Yes, many colonist fought the British, but not much more truth in the film. What's worse, the "real" story of the guerrilla warfare in the South would make a very good movie.


I liked Braveheart but not sure why they had to change historical facts to advance the story. Made no sense.


Gladitor - I give the historical twists a pass since other than Marcus Arelius and Commodus the rest is just a story.

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I am not sure I am going to go along with some of the things in the list. For example, there is a huge debate among those who study Mayan culture on just how violent they were. Also, the conquistadors at the end weren't being portrayed as saviors, as far as I could tell, just that some of the Mayans were awed by their ships.

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