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Bills host Roger Goodell speech at Chataqua Institute

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By the by, here's the link: http://www.ciweb.org/week1.html


And one of the discussion topics sounds made-to-order:

Roger Goodell, long-time Chautauquan and commissioner of the National Football League, will be among the featured lecturers in Week One. Sport looms large in the American culture, whether from an economic perspective or through the lens of its impact on our lifestyles and customs. Fun, competitive, entertaining? Yes. But big business too. Some estimates tag the sports business industry in the U.S. at over $300 billion annually. From youth and amateur athletics to college sports to the pros, we will examine the economics and the impact of sports on our cities, our youth, education, and culture. We will look at Title 9, the influence of television and escalating salaries, and the future of Olympic sports. And we will explore whether the interest of the general fan has been eclipsed by big money.

As of right now, I'm definitely planning on being there.

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Just a reminder for those in the area -- the lecture is this Friday at 10:45 a.m., with a Q-and-A session to follow. I know at least one of the Bills beat writers will be there and assume the News will also send someone (although the D&C isn't), so watch for their stories in Saturday's newspapers. You can also read a .pdf copy of the Chautauquan Daily on www.ciweb.org. They did a full play-by-play of Frank Deford's lecture; I'm assuming that's standard procedure.


Already bought my gate pass, and will be driving down from Buffalo after hanging out with the folks for the next couple of days ...

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Just a reminder for those in the area -- the lecture is this Friday at 10:45 a.m., with a Q-and-A session to follow. I know at least one of the Bills beat writers will be there and assume the News will also send someone (although the D&C isn't), so watch for their stories in Saturday's newspapers. You can also read a .pdf copy of the Chautauquan Daily on www.ciweb.org. They did a full play-by-play of Frank Deford's lecture; I'm assuming that's standard procedure.


Already bought my gate pass, and will be driving down from Buffalo after hanging out with the folks for the next couple of days ...



Just to add to what Lori was stating, anyone of you can go. Just get a gate pass and show up at the Amp. It's general seating, and its open early. You can usually sit down around 8 or 9 to read or use the public Wifi (great for posting a PbP of what's going on).


Just a note about the Q and A, generally, questions are submitted in writing and a few good ones get asked. One of the chautauqua officials on the stage will sift through the questions and read them. If you go there expecting to raise your hand and to ask Roger about Lynch's punishment, get over it now, cause it's not happening. Also, I have deep sources from within the organization that tell me that Roger is a Bills fan, however, don't expect him to sing the shout song. Another thing to note, there's NOT going to be 8000 screaming bills fans there. Chautauqua pulls its summer population from all over the country, so even though its close to Buffalo, generally somewhere in the 50-60% range are bills or sabres fans. Last year, Ronan Tynan came and did a speal about the Sabres and he got a little more than a golf clap.


Some more notes on Chautauqua, get there early and stay late. If you have a gate pass, you're free to experience the entire institution, not just the hour long Goodell lecture. It's a totally different place that to most people sounds interesting but "its not for them", however, i've never once met a person who has actually been there and not liked it. If you go, you'll be hooked, i promise that.


Last note, www.ciweb.org posts podcasts of most of the lectures. I'd be shocked if Goodell's speech isn't podcasted for all of us to listen to after the fact.

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