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(OT) This just isn't right...


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What is the larger crime is the guys behind the Enron and Tyco scams will do ZERO jail time. Those guys stole hundreds of millions from their shareholders and screwed thousands of their employees out of their pensions. Meanwhile the government spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to convict Martha Stewart for scamming a few grand. The difference is that Martha didn't send fat checks to the Bush campaign.



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Why not? What's not right is that she's sitting in jail for dumping a few thousand shares of some stock a couple days early. Others have tanked entire companies, trashing thousands of people's lives. Wall St firms made billions by playing pump and dump with the entire market in the 90s. And who do the feds decide to pick on to make a point? Friggin Marthat Stewart??? For what? Because she's a B word? Well, if we are going to start jailing people for that, we're gonna need a few million more prisons built!

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What is the larger crime is the guys behind the Enron and Tyco scams will do ZERO jail time.  Those guys stole hundreds of millions from their shareholders and screwed thousands of their employees out of their pensions.  Meanwhile the government spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to convict Martha Stewart for scamming a few grand.  The difference is that Martha didn't send fat checks to the Bush campaign.





Typical mindless answer. Check the facts, corporate crooks send plenty of money to Democrats. You might also find out that the CFO of Enron is currently serving ten years. You might also find out that the CEO of Tyco would be sitting in jail right now if not for some lefty law professor who hung the jury in his trial.


p.s. when is DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe going to jail for swindling $18MM out of Global Crossing before THAT bankruptcy ruined thousands of lives? How come idiot liberals never seem to mention THAT corporate sob story?

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