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What's your worst sports injury?


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I was playing football in an open field. Went out for a pass, the pass was a bit high, so I jumped, and landed my left leg first into a hole the size of a basketball. All my weight came down on the leg, and my leg bent into the shape of an "L" THE WRONG WAY! I laid on the ground in severe pain for about 15 minutes. Tried to get up and put pressure on it. Bad idea, the first step, my leg was bending at the knee in the wrong direction. Freaked me out!


I never went to the hospital for it, I just spent about 3 months straight on the couch in one position while exercising my leg as much as I can tolerate. After a while, I was able to get up, and I used a chair as a walker. It kinda healed itself I guess. I don't know if it was messed up ligaments, or something broken, or whatever. Still to this day my knee gets very tight and sore when I stand or walk for a long time.

Now I'm really thankful it was my ankle that gave way when I hit that pothole.

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Fractured fingers playing goalie(soccer) my senior year. Our head coach played college ball and NC State and had one hell of a shot, and I bet him 20 bucks I could stop his best shot... I stopped it but had bones from the top of my fingers chip off and end up down closer to my knuckles. Having my patella (knee cap) pop out of place from getting my legs took out from underneath me making a save in the playoff my senior hurt pretty bad, but getting it shoved back into place and finishing the game on it hurt more. And the worst I would have to Needless to say, I got my ass handed to me quite often making some plays. Outdoor riding bike down a pretty nice hill, I ate it hard. Flipped over the handle bars, bike ran over me, and then i preceded to get caught in some rather large rocks. Fractured the majority of my ribs. My old man thought it was pretty funny that I was pretty beat up and bloody and was poking me in the sides to find out what was wrong. I couldn't laugh for quite awhile without getting a nice little throbbing pain. Nothing like my dad and brother trying their hardest to make me laugh after that happened.. Thanks guys :pirate:

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Playing Catcher, the batter missed a squeeze play , the runner ran through to the plate and crashed me, both he and I went down, held the ball this time for the out , but had a great deal of pain coming from the top of my head. The runner as he crashed into me bit the top of my head and broke his tooth in it. Some say I have never been the same since. :pirate:

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As far as pain goes, it was breaking both forearm bones in a game of football. I got knocked down from behind and landed funny. The Breaking of the arm was not as painful as the 3 nurses and the Dr trying to set the bone. THAT was excruciating! if you have never had a bone set, here goes. The nurses hold you, and Dr grinds the ends of the two bones together to try and line them up properly, then he pushes the jagged ends together! yeah, that hurts. But you guessed it. he didnt like the way the ends joined so he tried again....No painkiller. I was 13 and ready to kill him...


The other injury that was bad, but not as painful, was my knee bending sideways in a softball game. I was at bat, and took a big swing, My plant foot slipped and the knee buckled. Turned out to be a fractured kneecap and thigh bone. I was 32 and missed 4 months work. The knee still is "off". I am limited since then to golf mostly....It sucked to gap the outfielders, clear the loaded bases and get thrown out at first. :pirate:

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Broke my collarbone playing hockey. Was antsy to get back on the ice. I rushed things a bit. First game back, I got hit and broke it again.


... yeah that sucked.


HAAA, i did the same thing but in a different manner. Big brother body slammed me playing football after school( i was bout 7 i guess), hurt like hell but he wouldn't let me tell my Mom i was hurt when she got home from work. Went to bed and couldn't sleep, the old man gets home from work bout 9.30 and comes to kiss me good night, touches my shoulder, i scream bloody murder, off to the hospital, brother gets chit knocked out of him by dad cause he wouldn't let me tell Mom i was hurt.


Thing is just about heeled when we are playing modified twenty one off a brick wall at school parking lot. I am way faster than my brother and getting to all the balls, he his embarassed in front of his boys, picks me up and body slams me on the concrete. Uh, broken again, teacher sees the whole thing, tells the old man what happened, brother gets double chit knocked out of him this time. See my old man had a job with no health insurance and he was not so upset about me breaking the collar bone twice, but having to pay twice!!!!!! And dam that hurt as well

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Wow, we're a busted-up bunch of SOB's, aren't we?


Chef Jim: I've had a nail bent backward slightly and that hurt like a mother. I can't even begin to imagine having it totally ripped off. I'm curious, do fingernails, or more specifically, did your fingernail, grow back or are you still nail-less?

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Nothing real serious, but some that really hurt. Threw discus and shot put in high school. At an away track meet a relay runner couldn't run so I was asked to sub, never having ran before. At the end of my lap and way out of gas I fell on the stone pebble covered track and got a bunch of sharp pebbles imbedded in my back. None of the coaches helped me out and I was like that for a couple more hours until I got home and my mother picked the stones out of my back.


College pickup basketball, came down with a rebound and split my chin open on another guy's head. Another time I got torsioned testicles, where the testicles wrap around each other. Constant sick feeling of getting kicked in the groin for about 3 weeks. Had to sit with my legs up whenever possible so they would unwrap without surgery.


Last year while playing ice hockey my legs were kicked out from behind and I fell on my taibone and hit my head. Got a slight concussion and I think I chipped my tailbone, because it still hurts occasionally if I sit too long.

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Wow, we're a busted-up bunch of SOB's, aren't we?


Chef Jim: I've had a nail bent backward slightly and that hurt like a mother. I can't even begin to imagine having it totally ripped off. I'm curious, do fingernails, or more specifically, did your fingernail, grow back or are you still nail-less?


It grew back but do this day it's still slit down the middle. I could have it removed surgically and it will grow back normally but having a nail removed again just doesn't sound like too much fun. And the first one was 30 years ago.

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Some of the concussions (of which only a few were diagnosed - I avoided doctors for the others) and shoulder dislocations (five diagnosed, a few more I set myself) weren't fun. Shoot, I still can't throw overhand.


But the worst injury I suffered at one time was torn medial and lateral menisci and a dislocated patella. FWIW, menisci are the cartilage shock absorbers in the knee, the patella is the kneecap.


I had arthroscopic surgery on my right knee back in the mid 80's at GMH in Batavia to repair it but it still acts up every now and then. Although a limp isn't usually noticeable, temp and pressure changes create discomfort that seems to be getting worse with age.


The doc also said my cartilage is degenerating in that knee and eventually I'll need to go in for knee replacement surgery, but I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.



Yep. Playing QB in high school on turf (at Rich Stadium, actually). Throwing a pass, the OL and DL crumple to a heap and roll into my firmly planted left leg (which was supporting all my weight at the time). Knee went, foot did not. Bye bye MCL and lateral menisci. Same thing as you with the temp change/humidity change.

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My dad used to play in the CBA and had a litany of injuries. But this one takes the cake:


While playing college ball, a goon elbowed my dad right in the eye. Normally wouldn't have been a big deal, but this was the 60s and my dad was wearing glasses. The lens broke sending shards of glass into his eye.


They were on the road, so my dad went into the locker room and had the other team's doctor look at him. The doc pulled out ten pieces of glass, and being the freak that he is, my dad went back out and finished the game with an eye patch.


When they got back home, my dad practiced for that next week, but his eye never felt right. So he finally went to his doctor where they pulled out another 13 shards of glass still lodged in his eye. :pirate:


Thankfully it didn't do any permanent damage -- but still. That had to hurt.

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Dislocated my shoulder during a wrestling match. I pinned the guy with one good arm. :pirate:


After eleven dislocations they fixed my rotator cuff and I couldn't wrestle or play football my senior year. :lol:


How long did that keep you out? I was tripped head/shoulder first into the board in a hockey game back in december and did some serious damage to the shoulder. The doctors said it as a rotator cuff injury, but now after going to PT, I've been told that it could be damage to the labrum as well. The arm is still causing some trouble that doesn't seem to be rotator cuff related. It would be nice to avoid anything surgical.

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How long did that keep you out? I was tripped head/shoulder first into the board in a hockey game back in december and did some serious damage to the shoulder. The doctors said it as a rotator cuff injury, but now after going to PT, I've been told that it could be damage to the labrum as well. The arm is still causing some trouble that doesn't seem to be rotator cuff related. It would be nice to avoid anything surgical.

I have a torn labrum from a football game. A big guy was about to score and I grabbed him from behind and threw him on his back and heard a loud pop. I never got surgery and it is ok. I do lots of PT on it and there are some exercises I cannot do because it aggravates my shoulder.



That reminds me of another sports injury. I was playing volleyball at a party and someone tossed me the ball and I had to jump to get it. When I landed there was a loud pop- just about everyone at the party heard it. I rolled my ankle very bad and must of snapped a tendon. That does not really bother me. I ski on it and still play sports, so I guess it is alright

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