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Another Bush lie...


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Please, don't flatter yourself.  I highly doubt people search the archives to find things you've said.  Some of it is so off the wall it's very easy to remember without going through the trouble looking for it.


Apparently Debbie doesn't realize that the search feature is multi-faceted enough that it only takes seconds to prove her hypocrisy. Like anyone would have to waste hours on that with the litany of available examples (before the lastest server Rosen, anyway).

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You elitist leftists are truly amazing. Your hero, Ketchup Kerry, has taken every stance on every issue, which means he is telling a lie 50% of the time.

Your previous stalwart, Bill Clinton smoked weed but didn't inhale. Do you believe this, oh pious poster? He "didn't have sex with that woman" either, right? After a sex scandal, he bombed and killed other human beings, this after choosing to ignore terrorism at home and across the globe. How does this sit, oh peacenik liberal?


The latest leftist scam is to pretend to be obsessed with the "truth." Nice try, but your attempt is at best transparent.



You are right, I'm much more comfortable with an alcoholic coke addict as president.

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Since when is not recalling saying or doing something a lie?  Do YOU remember everything you have said in the past couple of years?  I sure don't and if someone brings up something I said, but I don't recall ever saying it, but it comes out that I did say it, did I lie?


Bush went further than that Chef, he accused Kerry of using one of his "exagerations" and the way he emphasized that word made it clear that he was calling Kerry a liar. Now, if he said that he couldn't remember saying that and if he did, he certainly didn't mean it in the way Kerry was implying, then fine, he would have been okay. He didn't though, he denied saying it and then mocked Kerry on it to boot. Bush deserves what he gets on this one.

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Bush went further than that Chef, he accused Kerry of using one of his "exagerations" and the way he emphasized that word made it clear that he was calling Kerry a liar.  Now, if he said that he couldn't remember saying that and if he did, he certainly didn't mean it in the way Kerry was implying, then fine, he would have been okay.  He didn't though, he denied saying it and then mocked Kerry on it to boot.  Bush deserves what he gets on this one.




Don't forget that little smile he gets when he gets all excited. I might not remember everything I said 2 years ago but I'm not the president either. Of course the spin doctors did a fine job of pushing this issue far down by talking about Dick's daughter.

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