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Should Prostitution Be Legal?

Steely Dan

Legalizing Prostitution  

121 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Prostitution be legal?

    • No, it's immoral and should always be illegal.
    • No, I really don't mind it but it would be more trouble than it's worth.
    • Yes, this is limiting a person's right to use their body as they want.
    • Yes, we aren't putting a dent in it anyway and we could tax the $#!+ out of it!!

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I can agree with that.

But then, I fundamentally hate people.

Yeah, that is pretty evident by the tard bashings you given over the years. :devil:


Holy hell, I just wondered how this thread went from 2 pages to 5, and thats a good 10 minutes I'll never have back

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Guest dog14787
My personal feeling is that it should be legal. We spend a lot of money trying to police this and it seems like money wasted. If prostitution were legalized it could be zoned and regulated and most importantly taxed. Instead of losing money to prostitution we could make money from prostitution. It's a losing battle and one that's making things worse rather than better.



Nice thread, in an off the wall kind of way. :devil:


Should have labeled it, If prostitution was legal how would it effect our Buffalo Bills the night before a game? ;)


Maybe we could have kept it on the wall ;)

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Guest dog14787
Yeah, that is pretty evident by the tard bashings you given over the years. ;)


Holy hell, I just wondered how this thread went from 2 pages to 5, and thats a good 10 minutes I'll never have back



I don't know how that happened :devil:

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Guest dog14787



How about this, lets put the luxury in luxury boxes , mini brothels at the stadium could really help boost profits. Think about it, hot tubs with naked woman in them, as you favorite team plays live in front of you :devil:


The Jills could even get in on the action for big $$$ ;)

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How about this, lets put the luxury in luxury boxes , mini brothels at the stadium could really help boost profits. Think about it, hot tubs with naked woman in them, as you favorite team plays live in front of you :devil:


The Jills could even get in on the action for big $$$ ;)


I think the Redskins do that. It went over well with the politicians! ;)

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Guest dog14787
I think the Redskins do that. It went over well with the politicians! ;)



and did you notice how happy Bruce Smith always seemed to be, should have known something was putting that big smile on his face :devil:

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How about this, lets put the luxury in luxury boxes , mini brothels at the stadium could really help boost profits. Think about it, hot tubs with naked woman in them, as you favorite team plays live in front of you :thumbsup:


The Jills could even get in on the action for big $$$ :w00t:

you should travel to Europe. There are prostitutes everywhere. Funny- Amsterdam is lenient with weed and prostitution. Yet the Netherlands ranks #3 out of #193 countries in terms of quality of life. Why the hell is America so uptight? The puritans are long gone. Why do we glorify gun violence but are fearful of a naked women? This is supposed to be the land of the free. There are way too many laws in this country. Small government is where it's at. More laws just give police more power. I do not need a law stating I must wear a seatbelt. Nor do I need a law stating I cannot smoke weed. I will do whatever I damn well please. Women should have that right too. Lets truly become the land of the free. Save totalitarianism for North Korea. Freedom!

Q: What is the quality of life in the Netherlands?


Based on indicators such as rent, clothing, food and transport, the Netherlands is one of Europe's top countries for an overall good standard of living. According to the 2007 Quality of Life Index conducted by internet magazine International Living, the Netherlands ranks third as the most pleasant country to live. To produce the annual index, which includes 193 countries, the magazine considers nine categories: cost of living, culture and leisure, economy, freedom, health, infrastructure, safety and risk, and climate. Holland ranked considerably well when it came to personal freedom and healthcare.

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you should travel to Europe. There are prostitutes everywhere. Funny- Amsterdam is lenient with weed and prostitution. Yet the Netherlands ranks #3 out of #193 countries in terms of quality of life. Why the hell is America so uptight? The puritans are long gone. Why do we glorify gun violence but are fearful of a naked women? This is supposed to be the land of the free. There are way too many laws in this country. Small government is where it's at. More laws just give police more power. I do not need a law stating I must wear a seatbelt. Nor do I need a law stating I cannot smoke weed. I will do whatever I damn well please. Women should have that right too. Lets truly become the land of the free. Save totalitarianism for North Korea. Freedom!

Q: What is the quality of life in the Netherlands?


Based on indicators such as rent, clothing, food and transport, the Netherlands is one of Europe's top countries for an overall good standard of living. According to the 2007 Quality of Life Index conducted by internet magazine International Living, the Netherlands ranks third as the most pleasant country to live. To produce the annual index, which includes 193 countries, the magazine considers nine categories: cost of living, culture and leisure, economy, freedom, health, infrastructure, safety and risk, and climate. Holland ranked considerably well when it came to personal freedom and healthcare.


Why don't you live in the Netherlands?

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Why don't you live in the Netherlands?

why do you suggest that? I cited that example to prove that weed and prostitution will not decrease quality of life in the USA. I love America. Part of being American is being able to speak your mind. I have tons lots of traveling and everywhere has something to offer. Health care is a mess here. The dollar sucks. Trade deficits are ridiculous. We are losing manufacturing jobs. Part of being American is being able to say how it is. I don't know what bothered you about my post

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you should travel to Europe. There are prostitutes everywhere. Funny- Amsterdam is lenient with weed and prostitution. Yet the Netherlands ranks #3 out of #193 countries in terms of quality of life. Why the hell is America so uptight? The puritans are long gone. Why do we glorify gun violence but are fearful of a naked women? This is supposed to be the land of the free. There are way too many laws in this country. Small government is where it's at. More laws just give police more power. I do not need a law stating I must wear a seatbelt. Nor do I need a law stating I cannot smoke weed. I will do whatever I damn well please. Women should have that right too. Lets truly become the land of the free. Save totalitarianism for North Korea. Freedom!

Q: What is the quality of life in the Netherlands?


Based on indicators such as rent, clothing, food and transport, the Netherlands is one of Europe's top countries for an overall good standard of living. According to the 2007 Quality of Life Index conducted by internet magazine International Living, the Netherlands ranks third as the most pleasant country to live. To produce the annual index, which includes 193 countries, the magazine considers nine categories: cost of living, culture and leisure, economy, freedom, health, infrastructure, safety and risk, and climate. Holland ranked considerably well when it came to personal freedom and healthcare.


Unfortunately they have only left in name. The fundamentalists have replaced them with their psychotic rantings and immoral behaviors.

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I had to jump into this one...


There is no question that I believe it should be legal. In fact, in certain counties in Nevada, it already is legal. Let me try to deal with the arguments...


1- The government should not exercise dominion or control over a person's body. This goes for all examples...prostitution, organ sale/purchase, seatbelt laws, abortion, eating trans fats etc. Completely ridiculous that any one group can tell another what to do with their personal bodies. Ask yourself this question...if you were diagnosed with kidney failure, and had the means, would you not post an ad on craigslist offering to buy a compatible kidney for $25k? You bet your a$$ I would. Fact is, its illegal. You are just trying to survive...well so is the 22 year old who turns tricks.


2- Legalizing prostitution would remove much of the "street element" from it. You would provide a safe place in a regulated agency to perform the trick. A prostitute would not be beholden to pimps or other street level figures. Also, safe sex practices would be mandatory...if the john doesn't cooperate, no sex and onto the next client. The environment would be far safer and violence against women would plummet.


3- Allocation of resources. Let the vice cops spend their time where it is warranted, not busting prostitutes (trying to get to their pimps). Furthermore, the operation would raise revenue for the municipality where it is located through the normal payment of taxes.


4- I'm quite certain that most would not want their wives/daughters as "working girls," but for some it may be a viable way to earn an existence while working towards better thing. Most people would want the young hottie as a prostitute, not someone older. Hence the high turnover that might be expected.


5- Anyone who says most women are repulsed by it...please ask some women you know. Lay out different scenarios for them, their responses may suprise you.


6- Legalized prostitution is already practiced in many developed countires of the world and in certain US counties. The world as we know it has not ended. We are not exactly breaking new ground here. Studying those areas would help transition any problems that arise from legalization.

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Guest dog14787
I had to jump into this one...


There is no question that I believe it should be legal. In fact, in certain counties in Nevada, it already is legal. Let me try to deal with the arguments...


1- The government should not exercise dominion or control over a person's body. This goes for all examples...prostitution, organ sale/purchase, seatbelt laws, abortion, eating trans fats etc. Completely ridiculous that any one group can tell another what to do with their personal bodies. Ask yourself this question...if you were diagnosed with kidney failure, and had the means, would you not post an ad on craigslist offering to buy a compatible kidney for $25k? You bet your a$$ I would. Fact is, its illegal. You are just trying to survive...well so is the 22 year old who turns tricks.


2- Legalizing prostitution would remove much of the "street element" from it. You would provide a safe place in a regulated agency to perform the trick. A prostitute would not be beholden to pimps or other street level figures. Also, safe sex practices would be mandatory...if the john doesn't cooperate, no sex and onto the next client. The environment would be far safer and violence against women would plummet.


3- Allocation of resources. Let the vice cops spend their time where it is warranted, not busting prostitutes (trying to get to their pimps). Furthermore, the operation would raise revenue for the municipality where it is located through the normal payment of taxes.


4- I'm quite certain that most would not want their wives/daughters as "working girls," but for some it may be a viable way to earn an existence while working towards better thing. Most people would want the young hottie as a prostitute, not someone older. Hence the high turnover that might be expected.


5- Anyone who says most women are repulsed by it...please ask some women you know. Lay out different scenarios for them, their responses may suprise you.


6- Legalized prostitution is already practiced in many developed countires of the world and in certain US counties. The world as we know it has not ended. We are not exactly breaking new ground here. Studying those areas would help transition any problems that arise from legalization.



If only it was as simple as one, two, three. I have talked to woman about prostitution, most married woman do not approve. Also, everyone seems to like the idea until it touches home. Its OK for other woman but not my wife, or my daughter, suddenly the idea looks less attractive when you bring your family into it. Or as Astrobot pointed out, what do you do about the woman who are forced into it by someone else or for financial reasons. How many lives or relationships will be ruined? Familys destroyed, If only it where as easy as 1, 2 , 3


So If you don't like the idea of prostitution hitting home then maybe you should rethink things.

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If only it was as simple as one, two, three. I have talked to woman about prostitution, most married woman do not approve. Also, everyone seems to like the idea until it touches home. Its OK for other woman but not my wife, or my daughter, suddenly the idea looks less attractive when you bring your family into it. Or as Astrobot pointed out, what do you do about the woman who are forced into it by someone else or for financial reasons. How many lives or relationships will be ruined? Familys destroyed, If only it where as easy as 1, 2 , 3


So If you don't like the idea of prostitution hitting home then maybe you should rethink things.

Do you assume that more, less or an equal number of women would be involved in legalized prostitution? Unless it is more I don't see how the ruination could be worse than it is today.


Stuupid that it is illegal, but it aint gonna change any time soon.

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Guest dog14787
Do you assume that more, less or an equal number of women would be involved in legalized prostitution? Unless it is more I don't see how the ruination could be worse than it is today.


Stuupid that it is illegal, but it aint gonna change any time soon.



I'm assuming allot more with the legalization. One day in the future when relationships are gone and the only way men get sex, is to pay for it, or if you want an offspring you pay for it. Men will look back in history to our times and say, wow, back in the day when sex was free and relationships and marriage where the norm, men had it made. :thumbsup:

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The fact of the matter is that it is already fairly legal - it depends on who you are.


If you're caught up in drugs, violence and sexual slavery (junkies needing cash for a fix, women abused by their pimps, foreign girls working as slaves in brothels) it's illegal, but when enforeced people are taken into custody for short times and spit out of the system without any sort of meaningful resolution so they're right back to it soon after.


If you're an attractive, educated woman who works for big money a la Spitzer's Emperor's Club you don't generally get busted. The agencies don't get busted. People turn a blind eye to this form of prostitution. If she's got the class and you've got the cash it's rare that law enforcement will do anything about it. Look in the yellow pages (wow - that's dated - can't remember the last time I looked in a paper phone book) under escort you'll find its one of the largest sections in the book. Think all of these services exist to provide "dates" to lonely folks who don't want to go to the theater or eat dinner alone? Must be lots of those folks because there's dozens of pages for escort services and how often do you hear any of them ever getting busted?


I understand about wanting to fight prostitution because of the bad things it brings (drugs, violence, servitude), but if you're going to enforce the laws it should have some sort of uniformity to it and right now that's not the case. Probably more a question of resources vs. priorities, but fundamentally I have an issue with something that is selectively legal.

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