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For those that deny the existence of media bias...

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Why thank you GG! And Tom, there have been numerous reports of hundreds of thousands of deaths of Iraqis as well. I'm sure you "probably" think they are all wrong, just because you want them to be.


I was agreeing with Tom, you simpleton.


The study done by the guys at Johns Hopkins was published in the Lancet, and immediately parroted by a gullible press, even though there were several fundamental errors in the study. The 600,000 figure stuck as a headline number, aided by the timing of the publication on the eve of the '06 elections.


Here's a thorough analysis from the National Review.

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I was agreeing with Tom, you simpleton.


The study done by the guys at Johns Hopkins was published in the Lancet, and immediately parroted by a gullible press, even though there were several fundamental errors in the study. The 600,000 figure stuck as a headline number, aided by the timing of the publication on the eve of the '06 elections.


Here's a thorough analysis from the National Review.

They rushed it to publication just before the 2004 elections, IIRC. They've since updated their findings but haven't addressed all the fundamental errors that were present and quickly identified nearly four years ago.

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Most people know who Governor Eliot Spitzer is and his party affiliation, I doubt most people even heard of Larry Craig before his toe-tap episode. I think you're reaching with Glenn Beck talking points.


He was my governor for years. I had no clue what party he was (until I saw this thread). I think there is media bias against republicans. Even thought I hate republicans also.

(but don't get me wrong, I hate demacrats just as much)

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You probably just heard the remark wrong. She probably said "casualties." But even if it was a mistake, so what? Most people wouldn't know the difference or even care


Here you go. Click on the Winter Soldier Investigation where it says listen to this segment. You don't have to go far....28 seconds in. "Hundreds of thousands of US soldiers dead."


I know what I heard.

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