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For those that deny the existence of media bias...

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I totally backed it up. You asked an off the cuff remark and I told you what I remember, now you blow it up into your usual bull sh--. Good grief.


You made a statement, one of your usual "proclamations from the mountain". I asked you to prove it, you couldn't, and now you're trying to weasel out of it. Are you really this dumb, or are you trying to save face by being intentionally dense?

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Except the one I already made and you clearly didn't read.


Arguing with you is a really bizarre experience, you know that? You make a claim ("multiple sources say hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died, and the Pentagon lies about it"), can't back it up (cite numerous secondary reports of a single demonstrably flawed source), conclusively demonstrate your total ignorance, then metaphorically cover your ears and scream "I'm not listening!!! Neener neener neener!!! I win!!!" when anyone demonstrates you're not only wrong but stupid, and then insist in believing that people look up to you as an intellectual. :lol: I know three-year-olds that are more rational than you.


I should stay out of this but I kind of feel bad for dragging (not that it took much) Molson into this thread.


Jeebus Tom, were you the baddest guy on the little blue bus when you went to school? Did it make you feel good to push the other “Special” children around? And now that you’re “all growed up” does it make you feel good to leave rubber crutches next to the beds in the amputee ward?


Does your ego get a boost when RK, Fred, Jarhead, Wacka and their ilk applaud you for beating down a helpless opponent?


The kid has made more valid points then you have in this discussion but he’s let himself get distracted by your usual miasma of obfuscation and thinly veiled male bovine animal excrement.


Just when did the fricking PPP board become a Peer Reviewed Journal? When did only primary sources become acceptable? Who made you the ultimate arbiter of methodology? Is the study flawed because of the methodology used or is it flawed simply because you don’t like the results? And how would you know if you don’t even know that Molson has been talking about two separate studies while you continue to whine about the methodology of the first while being seemingly unaware of the second?


I highlighted the portions of your post that are just flat out false, If your gonna beat the tar out of the kid for not understanding what he reads you might want to read it yourself so that you understand what it is you’re accusing him of not understanding.


Statistics experts in the United States who were able to review the study said the methods used by the interviewers looked legitimate.

That statement doesn’t validate the accuracy of the results any more than the opinion of a message board geek invalidates them. It does however offer some proof that the authors of the article at least attempted to verify the results before writing their piece and as far as I can tell the message board geek hasn’t even made the attempt to read the piece before dismissing it out of hand.


Remember the lesson of the Dreager Tubes, Tom.

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I should stay out of this but I kind of feel bad for dragging (not that it took much) Molson into this thread.


Jeebus Tom, were you the baddest guy on the little blue bus when you went to school? Did it make you feel good to push the other “Special” children around? And now that you’re “all growed up” does it make you feel good to leave rubber crutches next to the beds in the amputee ward?


Does your ego get a boost when RK, Fred, Jarhead, Wacka and their ilk applaud you for beating down a helpless opponent?


The kid has made more valid points then you have in this discussion but he’s let himself get distracted by your usual miasma of obfuscation and thinly veiled male bovine animal excrement.


Just when did the fricking PPP board become a Peer Reviewed Journal? When did only primary sources become acceptable? Who made you the ultimate arbiter of methodology? Is the study flawed because of the methodology used or is it flawed simply because you don’t like the results? And how would you know if you don’t even know that Molson has been talking about two separate studies while you continue to whine about the methodology of the first while being seemingly unaware of the second?


I highlighted the portions of your post that are just flat out false, If your gonna beat the tar out of the kid for not understanding what he reads you might want to read it yourself so that you understand what it is you’re accusing him of not understanding.

That statement doesn’t validate the accuracy of the results any more than the opinion of a message board geek invalidates them. It does however offer some proof that the authors of the article at least attempted to verify the results before writing their piece and as far as I can tell the message board geek hasn’t even made the attempt to read the piece before dismissing it out of hand.


Remember the lesson of the Dreager Tubes, Tom.




First off, no, I don't bash around idiots here for the benefit of the other idiots here. I care what Fred in 08 thinks? He's as contemptuous a troll as molson. RkFast knows full well that I think he's an idiot.


Second, if molson - or any of the others you mention - actually bothered to MAKE points, I might bother to respond to them. As it stands, you would be very challenged to point to ANY point molson's made here, for the simple reason that his basis for everything he's said is fudamentally flawed by his demonstrable and wilfull ignorance. He doesn't make points. He parrots without understanding.


Third...no, this board is not a peer-reviewed journal. But I would expect that if someone is going to attempt to discuss something with any sort of claim to being able to, they'd actually bother to achieve at least a nominal understanding of the subject. And really, I shouldn't single out molson for this or my second point; fact is, there's a select group of people here who are woefully short on knowledge and tragically long on completely uninformed opinions.


Fourth, concerning the specific paper...I have a PDF of it right here. Want a copy? I actually did go out of my way to acquire, read, and analyze the research. I do actually choose to be informed, and not just opinionated.


Fifth...Draeger Tubes. Nice reference. Really, I'm serious.

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First off, no, I don't bash around idiots here for the benefit of the other idiots here. I care what Fred in 08 thinks? He's as contemptuous a troll as molson. RkFast knows full well that I think he's an idiot.


Second, if molson - or any of the others you mention - actually bothered to MAKE points, I might bother to respond to them. As it stands, you would be very challenged to point to ANY point molson's made here, for the simple reason that his basis for everything he's said is fudamentally flawed by his demonstrable and wilfull ignorance. He doesn't make points. He parrots without understanding.


Third...no, this board is not a peer-reviewed journal. But I would expect that if someone is going to attempt to discuss something with any sort of claim to being able to, they'd actually bother to achieve at least a nominal understanding of the subject. And really, I shouldn't single out molson for this or my second point; fact is, there's a select group of people here who are woefully short on knowledge and tragically long on completely uninformed opinions.


Fourth, concerning the specific paper...I have a PDF of it right here. Want a copy? I actually did go out of my way to acquire, read, and analyze the research. I do actually choose to be informed, and not just opinionated.


Fifth...Draeger Tubes. Nice reference. Really, I'm serious.




That part I find funny. People are not allowed to voice their opinion around because a lot people jump down there throat if:


A) They disagree

B) They don't have links documenting their feelings and why they feel that way. If they don't have the time to find it or whatever. They are labeled as ignorant and the TBD attack pups come out. Frankly it's disgusting.

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First off, no, I don't bash around idiots here for the benefit of the other idiots here. I care what Fred in 08 thinks? He's as contemptuous a troll as molson. RkFast knows full well that I think he's an idiot.


Second, if molson - or any of the others you mention - actually bothered to MAKE points, I might bother to respond to them. As it stands, you would be very challenged to point to ANY point molson's made here, for the simple reason that his basis for everything he's said is fudamentally flawed by his demonstrable and wilfull ignorance. He doesn't make points. He parrots without understanding.


Third...no, this board is not a peer-reviewed journal. But I would expect that if someone is going to attempt to discuss something with any sort of claim to being able to, they'd actually bother to achieve at least a nominal understanding of the subject. And really, I shouldn't single out molson for this or my second point; fact is, there's a select group of people here who are woefully short on knowledge and tragically long on completely uninformed opinions.


Fourth, concerning the specific paper...I have a PDF of it right here. Want a copy? I actually did go out of my way to acquire, read, and analyze the research. I do actually choose to be informed, and not just opinionated.


Fifth...Draeger Tubes. Nice reference. Really, I'm serious.


Nice try, BUT...


An "educated guess"? You had no knowledge of the subject. There was no education to guess by. You stated a wild-ass assumption.


And you did it when you simply and reasonably could have asked "Did she say 'killed'" or 'casualties'?" Instead of getting information, you CHOSE to make a definitive statement about a subject you had know knowledge of. This is why no one takes you seriously.


Once again, talking out of your ass. Never mind the a priori assumption that any number you hear from a source you don't like is automatically wrong...but "hundreds of thousands killed" according to "sources"? Name two.


He did name two, and you attacked him about the methodoligy of one while ignoring the existence of the other.


So yes it appears you do bash around idiots here for the benefit of the other idiots here.


S'okay though, whateva floats yer boat....

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Nice try, BUT...

He did name two, and you attacked him about the methodoligy of one while ignoring the existence of the other.


So yes it appears you do bash around idiots here for the benefit of the other idiots here.


S'okay though, whateva floats yer boat....

So does it really bother you that Tom "bashes" a person here that you are consistantly referring to as an "idiot" in your own posts?


And, technically, he didn't "name" two. He referred to a "British doctor's thingy" that he clearly never read. That's sort of like "naming" one of the authors of the Federalist Papers as "what's-his-face from Virginia."

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That part I find funny. People are not allowed to voice their opinion around because a lot people jump down there throat if:


A) They disagree

B) They don't have links documenting their feelings and why they feel that way. If they don't have the time to find it or whatever. They are labeled as ignorant and the TBD attack pups come out. Frankly it's disgusting.

Then go somewhere else where people base their opinions on ignorance and others laud them for it. There are a number of sheeple here who can certainly help you find that "paradise".


"I want my opinion respected even when it's obviously based on virtually no actual information!

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Then go somewhere else where people base their opinions on ignorance and others laud them for it. There are a number of sheeple here who can certainly help you find that "paradise".


"I want my opinion respected even when it's obviously based on virtually no actual information!




What shock AD comes out to play and goes after my posts. Great example of annoying people.



I want my opinion respected even when it's obviously based on virtually no actual information!


Funny you want your opinion respected and if someone disagrees they are ignorant... great way to live buddy.

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Funny you want your opinion respected and if someone disagrees they are ignorant

Uh, I was speaking as you. Your opinion is not respected because it's quite obvious to a growing number of people that it's not based on anything more than regurgitation. There's a reason a number of people have taken to smacking you around on this board and it has nothing to do with me taking it up as sport. It has nothing to do with whether they agree/disagree. Perhaps politics or discourse just ain't your thing.


BTW, we believe in baptism by fire over here. If you can't deal, then move on. Cuz the place ain't changing.

... great way to live buddy.

Your judgements of me are so painful to my delicate psyche.

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What shock AD comes out to play and goes after my posts. Great example of annoying people.

Funny you want your opinion respected and if someone disagrees they are ignorant... great way to live buddy.


No, if someone's ignorant, they're ignorant. Believe it or not, some of us can respect opinions we don't agree with if they're based on actual knowledge, and conversely won't respect someone who's clueless even if they agree with us.

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Wow you are one slick poster. I am so impressed.


Quick question... Are you upset that your posts went down from 28,000+ to a mere 26,000+. DAMN!!!


You do realize that you don't receive a free t-shirt for posting?

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No, if someone's ignorant, they're ignorant. Believe it or not, some of us can respect opinions we don't agree with if they're based on actual knowledge, and conversely won't respect someone who's clueless even if they agree with us.




So people are not allowed to have feelings or an opinion about a subject unless they go out and google search like AD?

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No, if someone's ignorant, they're ignorant. Believe it or not, some of us can respect opinions we don't agree with if they're based on actual knowledge, and conversely won't respect someone who's clueless even if they agree with us.

See, it's really not too hard...

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So people are not allowed to have feelings or an opinion about a subject unless they go out and google search like AD?

The only person infatuated with post counts around here is you. Undoubtedly because you've been a pecker checker all your life. It's cool man. Everyone has to have a thing. That's obviously yours. Soldier on!

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The only person infatuated with post counts around here is you. Undoubtedly because you've been a pecker checker all your life. It's cool man. Everyone has to have a thing. That's obviously yours. Soldier on!





Really. If anyone is living vicariously through the message board it's you. Need that ego boost huh? Normal life not that exciting for ya?


I know, anyone can be a rock star on the internet. Keep up the good work - you'll get there buddy.

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So people are not allowed to have feelings or an opinion about a subject unless they go out and google search like AD?


No, you're welcome to have all the feelings you want. Do I care? Do I honestly give a sh-- about how you feel? Are we supposed to discuss how you feel about something? What, are we girlfriends?


You want to discuss a topic, bring facts. You want to discuss your feelings, see a therapist.

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