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The simple solution would have been to stop bringing her food, so she would have had to leave to eat. But like the 800 pound guys who get stuck in bed, there's always an enabler who perpetuates the problem.

At what point do you yell through the bathroom door to your girlfriend, who's been sitting there for as long as you can remember, that you're going out for ice cream, and then just never come back?

day 2

I've had some rough times where I was stuck on the crapper for 2+ hours.


Surviving on little more than Genny Light and Ramen noodles for four years in college made that a non-too-uncommon occurrence.

Surviving on little more than Genny Light and Ramen noodles for four years in college made that a non-too-uncommon occurrence.

The key is having a crapper someplace in your crib with a view of the TV.

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