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Tidbits from around the league.

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The Raiders have been flooded with phone calls about trading the first pick. They have now gone into negotiating contracts with Calvin Johnson and JaMarcus Russell. IMO Johnson is the pick here.




Former Seahawks' WR Alex Bannister and RB Josh Scobey have made FA visits to the Buffalo Bills this week. Has ANYBODY heard anything about this??!!! It's not a big deal but it would be nice to have better local coverage.




Old helmet head (Kiper) feels that the talent is only in the top 25 players. The Eagles pick #26 and sure would like CB Darrelle Revis but with his stock on the rise there's talk of him being the #1 CB this year. I wonder how the #12 slot looks to Philadelphia.




I was listening Tim Ryan and Pat Kirwan on Sirius radio and they were interviewing former Dallas TE Jay Novachek. They asked him what his most memorable memory was. He proceeded to say that when he would go out for a pass and turn around, all he could see was huge O-linemen and D-linemen and no Aikman. When he would go back to the huddle, he'd ask Aikman if Aikman could see him. Aikman would answer no but he knew that Novachek would be there. Says something about chemistry, huh?


*Sorry, no link.

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The Raiders have been flooded with phone calls about trading the first pick. They have now gone into negotiating contracts with Calvin Johnson and JaMarcus Russell. IMO Johnson is the pick here.




Former Seahawks' WR Alex Bannister and RB Josh Scobey have made FA visits to the Buffalo Bills this week. Has ANYBODY heard anything about this??!!! It's not a big deal but it would be nice to have better local coverage.




Old helmet head (Kiper) feels that the talent is only in the top 25 players. The Eagles pick #26 and sure would like CB Darrelle Revis but with his stock on the rise there's talk of him being the #1 CB this year. I wonder how the #12 slot looks to Philadelphia.




I was listening Tim Ryan and Pat Kirwan on Sirius radio and they were interviewing former Dallas TE Jay Novachek. They asked him what his most memorable memory was. He proceeded to say that when he would go out for a pass and turn around, all he could see was huge O-linemen and D-linemen and no Aikman. When he would go back to the huddle, he'd ask Aikman if Aikman could see him. Aikman would answer no but he knew that Novachek would be there. Says something about chemistry, huh?


*Sorry, no link.



I believe we met with Bannister a couple of years ago, and there was talk that we might make an offer to him as a restricted free agent. I believe he is real strong on special teams. I could see him as a replacement for the memorable Andre Davis and his two catches last year. (Although he did play well as a gunner on kick and punt coverage)

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I was listening Tim Ryan and Pat Kirwan on Sirius radio and they were interviewing former Dallas TE Jay Novachek. They asked him what his most memorable memory was. He proceeded to say that when he would go out for a pass and turn around, all he could see was huge O-linemen and D-linemen and no Aikman. When he would go back to the huddle, he'd ask Aikman if Aikman could see him. Aikman would answer no but he knew that Novachek would be there. Says something about chemistry, huh?


Chemistry and the proper "system" can work wonders. Dan Fouts didn't worry about seeing his receiver, he read the coverage, knew where the receiver was supposed to be (and would be) and delivered the ball to that spot. It was a thing of beauty.


It still amuses me when announcers go on and on about how a QB delivered the ball before the receiver made his cut. That's the way it's SUPPOSED to be.

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Chemistry and the proper "system" can work wonders. Dan Fouts didn't worry about seeing his receiver, he read the coverage, knew where the receiver was supposed to be (and would be) and delivered the ball to that spot. It was a thing of beauty.


It still amuses me when announcers go on and on about how a QB delivered the ball before the receiver made his cut. That's the way it's SUPPOSED to be.


Nice job Deano in noticing that tidbit. :wallbash: That's the one blurp that really meant something to me. My recital of the interview was pretty poor but the interview ended on that note and Ryan/Kirwan were pretty impressed with the impact of what Novacek just said.


Hopefully this is a quiet dimension that Price can do for this team, being prepared and helping his younger peers. I'm really banking on us having a very surprising offense this year.


*Here's a late add on from Adam Shefter, he's got some interesting tidbits as well.



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