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Never mind that these people work harder than most Americans do. Forget that little tidbit.

I'm with you. There's no question they're better than most of us at cleaning houses, mowing lawns and picking strawberries. You ever watch these guys sell oranges on a street corner? They kick ass. No one can sell a bag of oranges like them. And you can't overlook their enthusiasm, either. Why, just pull into a Home Depot in a pick up truck and they'll jump into the bed of the truck before you even park.


Yeah, you just can't beat that good ol' Mexican can-do spirit!

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B.S they are not any harder working then we are in general, that’s a myth. If that was truth their county would not be in economic ruin. They would have worked hard in driving out corruption.


Just because brainwashed self haters think Mexicans are harder workers than us (BTW,talk about a racist statement in itself) it gives them the right to break our immigration laws?



i dont see all the out of work white and black Americans lining up outside Home Depot, willing to take ANY and ALL jobs offered to them. and most of the guys outside the Home Depots around here have regular 40hr/week jobs doing construction or landscaping. and theyre STILL out there looking for more work.


Meanwhile, 2 blocks away are Projects full of "citizens" collecting government checks...


The majority of Mexicans i see/know down here in Atlanta work 3 times the hours, at labor intensive jobs, for $8/hr. If they are lucky.

I dont know any citizens working that hard.

Meanwhile, 2 blocks away are Projects full of "citizens" collecting government checks...

Yeah, because we all know employed illegals aren't a drain on society. Only Americans who don't want to work are a drain. ^_^:D;)

B.S they are not any harder working then we are in general, that’s a myth. If that was truth their county would not be in economic ruin. They would have worked hard in driving out corruption.


Just because brainwashed self haters think Mexicans are harder workers than us (BTW,talk about a racist statement in itself) it gives them the right to break our immigration laws?


Uh, OK. What's racist about pointing out that most Americans are lazy, overweight slobs that think the world owes them something?


And as for their country being in economic ruin, you don't think that decades of one-party rule and oppression while the US turned a blind eye had anything to do with that? They break our immigration laws because they're RIDICULOUS. If it didn't take 10 years to become a citizen, no one would break the law. But most Americans are too racist and Xenophobic and Anglo-centric to want to change the laws for fear of "muddying the waters."

I'm with you. There's no question they're better than most of us at cleaning houses, mowing lawns and picking strawberries. You ever watch these guys sell oranges on a street corner? They kick ass. No one can sell a bag of oranges like them. And you can't overlook their enthusiasm, either. Why, just pull into a Home Depot in a pick up truck and they'll jump into the bed of the truck before you even park.


Yeah, you just can't beat that good ol' Mexican can-do spirit!


I'm sorry, LA. You're wrong on this. That's what people in this country are SUPPOSED to do. Work. Work hard. Kick ass and take names. Not sit around and whine about how the gubmint isn't taking care of them, or giving them healthcare, or stopping global warming. America isn't about sitting around and voting for Sanjaya on American Idol.


These people come here, face bigotry every day, work for next to nothing, and still manage to house and feed themselves while sending money back to support their extended families. You'll NEVER hear me complain about that when some "native" Americans can't even support their children with help from motherment,

Uh, OK. What's racist about pointing out that most Americans are lazy, overweight slobs that think the world owes them something?


And as for their country being in economic ruin, you don't think that decades of one-party rule and oppression while the US turned a blind eye had anything to do with that? They break our immigration laws because they're RIDICULOUS. If it didn't take 10 years to become a citizen, no one would break the law. But most Americans are too racist and Xenophobic and Anglo-centric to want to change the laws for fear of "muddying the waters."


You can't really have free markets without free movement of labor.


I dub thee a Knight of the Saints of John Locke.

You can't really have free markets without free movement of labor.


I dub thee a Knight of the Saints of John Locke.


Good man. Though I doubt any of these meatheads know who Locke is.

What a joke, we have what anywhere from 10-20 million maybe more Mexicans who have sneaked into this country in the last few years and you throw up illegal Irish immigration. If 10-20 million Irish left Ireland every 10 years there would not be any Irish left in Ireland would there? current pop. about 5 mil


The truth is, at this rate of “immigration” in 20-30 years America will not be the same country that you, I or anyone else on that board grew up in. It will be culturally, Socially, economically, legally and politically closer to the Mexican system of government than the current American system

What they lack in money, they make up for in numbers.



I happen to agree that we need to develop better immigration policies and ENFORCE them. The current situation makes a mockery of the law. I know we wouls disagree on what the policy would be, but at least we'd agree on enforcement...I think.


As for the comment "in 20-30 years America will not be the same country that you, I or anyone else on that board grew up in", all I can say is"


America wasn't the same after the abolishment of slavery


America wasn't the same after the European immigration wave through Ellis Island


America wasn't the same after Women received the right to vote




America will change and morph over time. I embrace that. The changes in culture the shifting balance of money, power and influence doesn't bothe me in the least.


Now, I will admit I find some of your post very offensive (although I don't believe you were intentionally offensive). Why would you suggest this country would be politically (and legally) closer to the Mexican system of gov't? Is there evidence the Mexicans who've come here have a political agenda? Are you suggesting this is some bizarro attempt at Mexican Imperialism?


Finally, it doesn't sound like you really give a poop about Illegal Immigration, you don't want more Mexicans in the country. Otherwise, an illegal Irish immigrant or an illegal Italian immigrant would be just as offensive to you as an illegal Mexican immigrant. As we were speaking about a SINGLE immigrant being arrested, shouldn't the outrage be the same if that SINGLE drunk-driving immigrant was Russian?


It disturbs me that the those leading the rage against immigration (legal and illegal) seem to have no interest in any immigration other than Mexican immigration. I'd prefer the old-fashioned straight-up bigotry I knew in my youth. Don't hide behind the immigration issue. Step up! Be proud! Join Mr. Garrison when he asks his annual question, "Can we get rid of all the Mexicans?"

It disturbs me that the those leading the rage against immigration (legal and illegal) seem to have no interest in any immigration other than Mexican immigration. I'd prefer the old-fashioned straight-up bigotry I knew in my youth. Don't hide behind the immigration issue. Step up! Be proud! Join Mr. Garrison when he asks his annual question, "Can we get rid of all the Mexicans?"


Since when have you started making sense?

Since when have you started making sense?

Since when did you?


I'm actually taken back by how much I agree with you in this thread. :blink: Pretty soon I might actually want to grab a beer with you at the Eagles game this year.




(and great post Dean).

what's with all the hyphenated names?

For some reason people prefer them. Take The-Dean for example, how much simpler would it be without the silly -?

For some reason people prefer them. Take The-Dean for example, how much simpler would it be without the silly -?



Thats, The-Mother-fuc#ing-Dean, to you!

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