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And other than Blzrul, who amongst us doesn't?


I hate when stuff like this comes out. We're all supposed to stand in judgement of a guy who's trying to get some tail when getting tail should be a priority for everyone. :w00t:

And other than Blzrul, who amongst us doesn't?


I hate when stuff like this comes out. We're all supposed to stand in judgement of a guy who's trying to get some tail when getting tail should be a priority for everyone. :(


Hypocrite! Don't call Dick Cheney's daughter a lesbian, but O'Reilly's just trying to get some tail. He's married with children and holds himself up as a shining example of morality and good character. If you actually read the allegations, you'll realize what a scumbag this guy really is. He and Rush should go pop some pills and catch a sex show or two in Thailand!


But the libs are morally corrupt!



Hypocrite!  Don't call Dick Cheney's daughter a lesbian, but O'Reilly's just trying to get some tail.  He's married with children and holds himself up as a shining example of morality and good character.  If you actually read the allegations, you'll realize what a scumbag this guy really is.  He and Rush should go pop some pills and catch a sex show or two in Thailand!


But the libs are morally corrupt!


:(  :lol:  :lol:


I fail to see the correlation between the two examples. On the one hand you have a politician who used someone else's family situation in an attempt to gain power. On the other you have a media personality who has been accused of something. Nothing like comparing monkeys to cinder blocks.


O'Reilly is innocent until proven guilty. Period.


You've simply convicted him because you don't agree with his politics. That's an indictment of you.

I fail to see the correlation between the two examples.  On the one hand you have a politician who used someone else's family situation in an attempt to gain power.  On the other you have a media personality who has been accused of something.  Nothing like comparing monkeys to cinder blocks.


O'Reilly is innocent until proven guilty.  Period.


You've simply convicted him because you don't agree with his politics.  That's an indictment of you.


I actually like O'Reilly, as many of his view are relatively moderate. He does come accross as morally superior at times, with little compassion or tolerance for those who do not live their lives in what he believes to be a proper manner. I do not put him in the same category as Rush, but there are some similarities. Rush was addicted to pills, while O'Reilly, it seems, is addicted to phone sex and power. Both are conservative talk radio hosts with very high profiles who are quick to jump all over anyone who does something that is not in line with conservative values. In other words, if a democratic politician or talk show host was accused of either popping pills illigeally or engaging in inappropriate sexual behavior with subordinates or co-workers, both of these guys would be all over it like flies on stevestojan (especially Rush). Of course, in O'Reilly's case, these are only allegations, but after reading the report, I find it difficult to believe that this woman made up all of these unwanted encounters. I wonder if she taped any of the conversations?


As with Limbaugh's situation, those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.


Bill O'Reilly is incapable of lying. He's like an omnipresent deity with an infallible aura of no spin; some might call it a "no spin zone" that constantly surrounds and protects him from vile slander.


Just because some shameless propaganda whore (Andrea Mackris) is looking to cash in on his large fortune, symmetric good looks, and steamy Caribbean fantasies doesn't mean he's guilty. Last time I checked this is the USA and honorable men like Bill O'Reilly are innocent until proven guilty.


So he made a couple suggestive comments on tape, blah blah blah.


Bill O'Rielly likes threesomes?




Bill O'Reilly likes Caribbean showers?




Bill O'Reilly is conservative, Godly, Republican, and unstoppable. Andrea Mackris is going down.

Nothing like comparing monkeys to cinder blocks.




Which one is Buckner's Glove? On one hand, he flails around randomly like a monkey (on crack). On the other, he appears to possess the same IQ as a cinder block. Hmmm....this is a tough one.

Looks like Bill enjoys a little dirty talk on the phone...definitely looks like a setup but we'll learn a lot more soon......


She is a "spy" for CNN

Last time I checked this is the USA and honorable men like Bill O'Reilly are innocent until proven guilty.



All persons in the US are innocent until proven guilty - be they considered honorable or not, be they rich or not, be they public figures or not.

And other than Blzrul, who amongst us doesn't?


I hate when stuff like this comes out. We're all supposed to stand in judgement of a guy who's trying to get some tail when getting tail should be a priority for everyone. :(





I don't want to know everyone's turn-ons and I don't want to know about anyone else's taste in porno. Nothing good can come from knowing that stuff.


She used to work for him, and probably knew his interest in getting a little dirty on the phone etc. She goes to CNN, and at some point realizes that she can make a lot of $ if she gets this stuff on tape, so she goes back to Fox and facilitates the conversations. They ask for $60 million, don't get it so they sue.


You guys must have really boring sex lives. I hear stuff like this everyday just by walking up and down the hall. This is an obvious extortion case against the guy. You expect me to believe that this girl has ESP, and knew in advance that O’Reilly was going to call her up and sexually harass her. And with this knowledge, she decided to set up a tape recorder and tape everything. I’m sorry… that just doesn’t make sence.

Which one is Buckner's Glove?  On one hand, he flails around randomly like a monkey (on crack).  On the other, he appears to possess the same IQ as a cinder block.  Hmmm....this is a tough one.


Look, I have a fan - I guess I struck a nerve somewhere along the way. There's nothing quite like matching wits with a half-wit!


Plus she didn't go through the HR process for this and the first thing she did was say pay me $60M or I sue.


I think the whole thing is a bit silly, true or not. How does one come up with a figure of 60 million dollars, for a few some come ons? That being said though, I remember that Jenna Jamison (you guys know who she is, you want find her on the "hot chicks for Bush page, but maybe the "hot chicks for bush" page) made similar allegations a few years back, after he had ripped her apart as a guest on his show. He very coyly, with a nod and a wink, denied the accusations. Being that she is a porn star, it wasn't given much attention.


Personally, I think O'Reilly gets a bad rap from the left sometimes. I think his run-ins with Al Franken over the years have made him a little more responsible over the years. He can still be a smug and arrogant a-hole at times, but is not quite the zealot that other talking heads seem to be.

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