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Is America too Politically Correct in the Sports World?


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pete, i agree completly about sticks and stones, but to be fair(and I am going to assume you are of white ancestory), there is not a name i could be called that could conjure up such deep and unpleasant feelings as those that the "black" community have endured...to them, they are not just names, they are awful reminders of a past that should never have happened....


sticks and stones.....I love when black comedians make fun of how white people dance, talk, act....I even find it funny when we are called "crackers". OUCH! I am not scared of free speech, nor can anything anyone says hurt me. To be honest I could give a !@#$ what anyone says about me, even Don Imus. Why give Imus the power? Why give Sharpton the power? I am above
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pete, i agree completly about sticks and stones, but to be fair(and I am going to assume you are of white ancestory), there is not a name i could be called that could conjure up such deep and unpleasant feelings as those that the "black" community have endured...to them, they are not just names, they are awful reminders of a past that should never have happened....

You mean like when Jesse Jackson called NYC "hymieville"? I mean the holocaust is about as awful a past as any group has had. What ancestry are you? I am sure injustices and crimes against humanity have been committed at some point against your heritage. Lets go on with our lives and move forward. Enough of being thin skinned and devisive, lets work together


Jesse Jackson "hymieville"

Al Sharpton "central park jogger that got gang raped deserved it"

-they are gonna make policy on racial tolerance and what is acceptable to say on the airwaves?!?!

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the jewish people were the only ones i could think of that have a history of words being so hurtful...me I am Irish and Italian and the only things my ancecstors had to endure were being made fun of. i am not aware of any irish or italian people being hung from trees because of their ancestory. and please dear god, using sharpton and jackson does not strenthen your point...those 2 are the biggest pieces of sh-- around...their main goal is to manifest the injustices the black people have endured, if they cannot be opportunistic, they have no purpose at all.....again, Pete, I agree that we are too thin skinned, but I do think that in THIS case, these were not just words, they were terrible insults aimed at a group of girls who did nothing but reach the pinnacle of their young lives....



as for getting on and moving forward...absolutely, but for whatever reason, certain people have not been able to move on....we should not continue to use words that mean so much in a negative way to those people...lets be smart....and yes, lets work together...sorry but i am VERY empathetic/sympathetic by nature


You mean like when Jesse Jackson called NYC "hymieville"? I mean the holocaust is about as awful a past as any group has had. What ancestry are you? I am sure injustices and crimes against humanity have been committed at some point against your heritage. Lets go on with our lives and move forward. Enough of being thin skinned and devisive, lets work together


Jesse Jackson "hymieville"

Al Sharpton "central park jogger that got gang raped deserved it"

-they are gonna make policy on racial tolerance and what is acceptable to say on the airwaves?!?!

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the jewish people were the only ones i could think of that have a history of words being so hurtful...me I am Irish and Italian and the only things my ancecstors had to endure were being made fun of. i am not aware of any irish or italian people being hung from trees because of their ancestory. and please dear god, using sharpton and jackson does not strenthen your point...those 2 are the biggest pieces of sh-- around...their main goal is to manifest the injustices the black people have endured, if they cannot be opportunistic, they have no purpose at all.....again, Pete, I agree that we are too thin skinned, but I do think that in THIS case, these were not just words, they were terrible insults aimed at a group of girls who did nothing but reach the pinnacle of their young lives....

as for getting on and moving forward...absolutely, but for whatever reason, certain people have not been able to move on....we should not continue to use words that mean so much in a negative way to those people...lets be smart....and yes, lets work together...sorry but i am VERY empathetic/sympathetic by nature

Irish and Italian? Irish history is filled with injustices and violence against them. As for Italians- I would prefer to be hung then crucified


I too am empathetic and feel if anything was wrong with what Imus said, it was the fact it was a cheapshot against college girls. I might not agree what someone says but I will fight for the right for them to say it

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like i said, some groups have not been able to move past injustices as well as others, we should be respectful of that. I think we are both on the same side ultimately, i am not arguing with you, just maybe being a bit more "compassionate"???? (i do not mean that as a slam at you either)


Irish and Italian? Irish history is filled with injustices and violence against them. As for Italians- I would prefer to be hung then crucified
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i will not fight for anyones right to say cruel and hurtful things, and I do think that those 2 or 3 words he said were terribly cruel and hurtful


Irish and Italian? Irish history is filled with injustices and violence against them. As for Italians- I would prefer to be hung then crucified


I too am empathetic and feel if anything was wrong with what Imus said, it was the fact it was a cheapshot against college girls. I might not agree what someone says but I will fight for the right for them to say it

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i will not fight for anyones right to say cruel and hurtful things, and I do think that those 2 or 3 words he said were terribly cruel and hurtful

words cant hurt you. Going back to the Italians- did you know the word "decimate" means to kill one in ten. If the Roman ruler did not feel the Roman soldiers fought hard enough in victory- he would decimate them, that is kill 1 out of 10. Pretty cruel history. I dont cringe when I hear the word "decimate". If those words were hurtful- what do you feel about rappers? Have you ever heard them? They make Imus look like Mother Theresa

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i will not fight for anyones right to say cruel and hurtful things, and I do think that those 2 or 3 words he said were terribly cruel and hurtful



A new interpretation of the First Admendment? The American law standard is 'actual malice'. I don't believe stupid jokes are exceptions to that standard.

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