VRWC Posted April 15, 2007 Posted April 15, 2007 Being from Buffalo originally, and in my estimation 75% of the folks in buffalo and this board have left wing liberal political ideology, I have but one thing to say. You deserve exactly what you get. A Poor economy, lousy and overpaid education systems, unions that are overpaid and under worked, huge taxes, poor service, and a stagnate economic development effort. Buffalo has always been a democratic bastion and look what it has done for the past 50 years. Nothing. So keep on electing those great democratic senators and local leaders you have and see more people leave in the future. I love coming to WNY for a visit and make a few games a year at the Ralf and I never see any progress. No new buildings, no development, just the same old city. Anyone from Buffalo traveling the country will see mass development all around with real economic growth. Buffalo - zippo. It's really ashamed Buffalo has become what it is, but you have no one to blame but yourselves by continually electing democrats that keep taxes high, pursue poor economic development reforms, and are under union control and influence. So you can continue to feel sorry for yourselves and blame the President and the republicans for all your woes, but just look in the mirror because that’s where the problem lies. Keith Olbermann is tool and will be another disaster as he's always been.
Fewell733 Posted April 15, 2007 Posted April 15, 2007 Being from Buffalo originally, and in my estimation 75% of the folks in buffalo and this board have left wing liberal political ideology, I have but one thing to say. You deserve exactly what you get. A Poor economy, lousy and overpaid education systems, unions that are overpaid and under worked, huge taxes, poor service, and a stagnate economic development effort. Buffalo has always been a democratic bastion and look what it has done for the past 50 years. Nothing. So keep on electing those great democratic senators and local leaders you have and see more people leave in the future. I love coming to WNY for a visit and make a few games a year at the Ralf and I never see any progress. No new buildings, no development, just the same old city. Anyone from Buffalo traveling the country will see mass development all around with real economic growth. Buffalo - zippo. It's really ashamed Buffalo has become what it is, but you have no one to blame but yourselves by continually electing democrats that keep taxes high, pursue poor economic development reforms, and are under union control and influence. So you can continue to feel sorry for yourselves and blame the President and the republicans for all your woes, but just look in the mirror because that’s where the problem lies. Keith Olbermann is tool and will be another disaster as he's always been. talk about ridiculous. I guess the world is a much simpler place if you always know who's fault it is. The democrats and those that vote democratic apparently. Who blames Bush for Buffalo's long term economic decline that began, what, 40 years ago? Nobody.
BuffaloBilliever Posted April 15, 2007 Posted April 15, 2007 If it ain't Jay Mohr, then it ain't worth it!
BuffaloBilliever Posted April 15, 2007 Posted April 15, 2007 Being from Buffalo originally, and in my estimation 75% of the folks in buffalo and this board have left wing liberal political ideology, I have but one thing to say. You deserve exactly what you get. A Poor economy, lousy and overpaid education systems, unions that are overpaid and under worked, huge taxes, poor service, and a stagnate economic development effort. Buffalo has always been a democratic bastion and look what it has done for the past 50 years. Nothing. So keep on electing those great democratic senators and local leaders you have and see more people leave in the future. I love coming to WNY for a visit and make a few games a year at the Ralf and I never see any progress. No new buildings, no development, just the same old city. Anyone from Buffalo traveling the country will see mass development all around with real economic growth. Buffalo - zippo. It's really ashamed Buffalo has become what it is, but you have no one to blame but yourselves by continually electing democrats that keep taxes high, pursue poor economic development reforms, and are under union control and influence. So you can continue to feel sorry for yourselves and blame the President and the republicans for all your woes, but just look in the mirror because that’s where the problem lies. Keith Olbermann is tool and will be another disaster as he's always been. Holy $#!t. Kathy Young is my aunt and the Senator up there, definitley a Republican, and I find it interesting that you say Zippo, since my grandfather, a very hardworking and dedicated man, worked there to help support his family and his community that he loved. I'm guessing he's also one of those "people in the mirror" not doing anything about it? I'd argue with you, but for you not being in Buffalo, I have no reason to speak with those who run their yapper and don't reside within the place.
erynthered Posted April 15, 2007 Posted April 15, 2007 Jeez...I can't believe I am having to defend that piece of crap Rush Limbaugh....do you see what is wrong with this statement? Limbaugh never said "blacks don't make good QB's"...never! If you remember, at the time, Donovan was playing horrible football, and it was the talk of all the football commentaters. Limbaugh was simply saying that he felt the PC media had made Donovan out to be better than he was, because they had an agenda to create a black QB superstar. He never said anything about other black QB's....never ever! He was critiquing the media, more than he was Donovan. What I found funny was that when the story broke, even McNab realized this. He thought it was no big deal, and wasn't offended by it at all. It wasn't until the story was picked up by every other media outlet, and stretched until all context of the actual statements were lost, that Donovan started to play the role of the victim. This kind of thing happens far too often. Belive me, I am not shedding a tear for Rush Limbaugh...I can't stand him...but he is every bit a "victim" in that situation as Donovan McNab or "all black QB's" were. Not that you needed it, or wanted it. But my respect level for you just jumped up a notch. Nice post.
Whites Bay Posted April 15, 2007 Posted April 15, 2007 Being from Buffalo originally, and in my estimation 75% of the folks in buffalo and this board have left wing liberal political ideology, I have but one thing to say. You deserve exactly what you get. A Poor economy, lousy and overpaid education systems, unions that are overpaid and under worked, huge taxes, poor service, and a stagnate economic development effort. Buffalo has always been a democratic bastion and look what it has done for the past 50 years. Nothing. So keep on electing those great democratic senators and local leaders you have and see more people leave in the future. I love coming to WNY for a visit and make a few games a year at the Ralf and I never see any progress. No new buildings, no development, just the same old city. Anyone from Buffalo traveling the country will see mass development all around with real economic growth. Buffalo - zippo. It's really ashamed Buffalo has become what it is, but you have no one to blame but yourselves by continually electing democrats that keep taxes high, pursue poor economic development reforms, and are under union control and influence. So you can continue to feel sorry for yourselves and blame the President and the republicans for all your woes, but just look in the mirror because that’s where the problem lies. Keith Olbermann is tool and will be another disaster as he's always been. ???? #1: I live over in the Mohawk Valley, so I'm kind of clueless on the local representation in Erie County. Louise Slaughter picked up part of the region when the Rochester districts were consolidated. True enough - she's a Democrat, and actually a pretty good legislator. But she's a Rochesterian, I believe (actually, I think she's a Southerner by birth - check out the accent), so she really isn't the heart-and-soul choice of Buffalonians - she was kind of "dumped" on Buffalo. But I thought the Big Cheese Congressman from Buffalo was Tom Reynolds, right? The Republican? The guy who had designs on House Majority Leader before it turned out that he was a lot more interested in raising money for the Republican National Committee than he was in protecting the safety of Congressional pages from another Republican, the sexual predator Mark Foley. I could be wrong on this, but I think this was how the lineage can be traced. ???? #2: Upstate New York has LONG been known as a "base" (if such a term can be used these days) of "MODERATE" Republicaninsm. Frank Horton, Amo Houghton...I mean, it's a pretty long list if I were to put some thought into it. And Pat Moynihan (yes, a Democrat, but work with me here) served as U.N. Ambassador under Nixon, didn't he? Correct me if I'm wrong on that one - I know that one's a reach, but I could take a couple of minutes to Google it if I had to. Anyway, he was from Oneonta, and was a great friend of Barry Goldwater, having reached across the aisle several times in the 1960s and 1970s (Goldwater was a little to the Right of the Death Squads, but had a lot of good ideas anyway). The point being that we have a long history of NOT being hardcore partisans on EITHER side of the aisle in this area. Frankly, the most partisan politician to come along in quite some time has been Reynolds, and he almost lost out this past time around. ???? #3: Fred Thompson? It won't happen, my friend. He's admitted he's "in remission" from cancer. So was Paul Tsongas. That, unfortunately, didn't last very long. The key/Achilles Heel to his candidacy (if he even decides to make a run for it) will be his choice of running mate. You'd better focus long and hard on that choice - you may need him sooner than you think. Anyway, go ahead and shoot back if you'd like. As for being a red-meat, red-neck conservative that blames all the limp-wristed nancy boy Liberals for all the ills of the world.....look, home dog, the problem is in YOUR mirror. It's been a Republican President, a Republican Congress, a Republican Senate and a conservative court for the better part of six (that's "6") years. How do you come off blaming anyone but yourself? Scream away if you must, but when I look in the mirror, I see a guy that says "I didn't vote for that idiot". And Olberman has a dry sense of humor that is probably lost on people like you who communicate in crayon.
don_of_manhattan Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 LOL....funny memory there. Rush did exactly what Rush would be expected to do and all the gutless turds who are slaves to the almighty PC Gods feign "outrage" before dumping him. Imus should have taken notes. It wasn't about PC, it was about stupidity - McNabb is a great QB and rush couldn't wait to take a swipe at him - I don't know why they would want that non-credible, lying s.o.b. on their show anyway.
RochBillsFan Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 Being from Buffalo originally, and in my estimation 75% of the folks in buffalo and this board have left wing liberal political ideology, I have but one thing to say. You deserve exactly what you get. A Poor economy, lousy and overpaid education systems, unions that are overpaid and under worked, huge taxes, poor service, and a stagnate economic development effort. Buffalo has always been a democratic bastion and look what it has done for the past 50 years. Nothing. So keep on electing those great democratic senators and local leaders you have and see more people leave in the future. I love coming to WNY for a visit and make a few games a year at the Ralf and I never see any progress. No new buildings, no development, just the same old city. Anyone from Buffalo traveling the country will see mass development all around with real economic growth. Buffalo - zippo. It's really ashamed Buffalo has become what it is, but you have no one to blame but yourselves by continually electing democrats that keep taxes high, pursue poor economic development reforms, and are under union control and influence. So you can continue to feel sorry for yourselves and blame the President and the republicans for all your woes, but just look in the mirror because that’s where the problem lies. Keith Olbermann is tool and will be another disaster as he's always been. leave the region aside... if you think "compassionate-conservative-moralistically-correct-republican-party" has heighten ANY aspect of America in the past 8 years...I'm talking economic, worldwide leadership, religious, immigration, social security...ANYTHING AT ALL....then you need some serious sit in the corner time. I would suggest that they have come close to destroying this country. This administration has been horrid. And I don;t care if the Patriot Act has given the legal right to access your server to know my name and address.
RkFast Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 Limbaugh is not only stupid, repetitive, and lacking in substance when it comes to politics...but he was also stupid, repetitive, and lacked substance in his brief flirtations with NFL tonight. There simply arent enough knuckle dragging red necks to have made him a viable sports anchor for long...the fact that he made stupid (and extremely racist) remarks that would lead to his termination has nothing to do with a liberal media bias "knuckle dragging red necks", huh? There's your liberal/progressive "tolerance" and "understanding" at work, fellas! You just proved one of Rush's main points. Good work.
Tcali Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 yes yes.And this long winded diatribe was prolly (please don't hate me Beerballl) written by some Far Left wing leaning Liberal Democrat. About to punch the Hillary ticket! ( God help us all ) If this is the debate that is going to determine elections, we better go to war with every nation possible because you left wing leaning, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Hillary Clinton types are certainly going to kill us with your passive nature while the barbarians strike bombs at us. God help us all as we appear to be intent on killing each other and when enough is enough, is anyones guess. In the meantime, I hope you don't lose any of your family members. God Speed. I dont know if Hilary is so pasive----I wouldnt want Sataness mad at me. Barack may end up dead if he wins the dem nomination.
Tcali Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 leave the region aside... if you think "compassionate-conservative-moralistically-correct-republican-party" has heighten ANY aspect of America in the past 8 years...I'm talking economic, worldwide leadership, religious, immigration, social security...ANYTHING AT ALL....then you need some serious sit in the corner time. I would suggest that they have come close to destroying this country. This administration has been horrid. And I don;t care if the Patriot Act has given the legal right to access your server to know my name and address. Bush administration is conservative??? about what??
Booster4324 Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 Bush administration is conservative??? about what?? No doubt. Even my conservative friends are feeling bad about him. Anyone who supports Bush at this point is backed into a corner at best. Oh and I voted for him the 1st time so I have a right to B word. Alternately you can blame me.
IDBillzFan Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 It's amazing to me that a thread about Olbermann turned political. He's Rosie O'Donnell with a dick. Worthless, annoying blabbermouths. No more. No less. Obermann on the NFL air could prove to finally be the moment I hit the mute button.
Booster4324 Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 It's amazing to me that a thread about Olbermann turned political. He's Rosie O'Donnell with a dick. Worthless, annoying blabbermouths. No more. No less. Obermann on the NFL air could prove to finally be the moment I hit the mute button. Umm no offense but I think Rosie has a dick.
Chilly Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 It's amazing to me that a thread about Olbermann turned political. Uhm... he's a fkin pundit. You're surprised a thread about a pundit turned political?!
clownments22 Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 when bad posts go.... badder... yes yes.And this long winded diatribe was prolly (please don't hate me Beerballl) written by some Far Left wing leaning Liberal Democrat. About to punch the Hillary ticket! ( God help us all ) If this is the debate that is going to determine elections, we better go to war with every nation possible because you left wing leaning, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Hillary Clinton types are certainly going to kill us with your passive nature while the barbarians strike bombs at us. God help us all as we appear to be intent on killing each other and when enough is enough, is anyones guess. In the meantime, I hope you don't lose any of your family members. God Speed.
IDBillzFan Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 Uhm... he's a fkin pundit. You're surprised a thread about a pundit turned political?! Oh. He's a pundit. Thanks. And all this time I just thought he was a worthless, whiny-ass, egomaniacal, nonsensical crybaby. This is soooo, like, my bad.
AJ1 Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 Oh. He's a pundit. Thanks. And all this time I just thought he was a worthless, whiny-ass, egomaniacal, nonsensical crybaby. This is soooo, like, my bad. If he was on fire I'd throw him a glass of gasoline...er, make that ethanol. You forgot self-important, know-it-all, liberal windbag.
stuckincincy Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 leave the region aside... if you think "compassionate-conservative-moralistically-correct-republican-party" has heighten ANY aspect of America in the past 8 years...I'm talking economic, worldwide leadership, religious, immigration, social security...ANYTHING AT ALL....then you need some serious sit in the corner time. I would suggest that they have come close to destroying this country. This administration has been horrid. And I don;t care if the Patriot Act has given the legal right to access your server to know my name and address. If you like, you could cite the Clinton Administration's accomplishments for the items on your list. . Don't forget the meteoric rise of the trade deficit, the birth of entities like Enron, Global Crossing, and Tyco, the recession on his way out, the record number of Presidential pardons, Ruby Ridge, the African embassy bombings, the Khobar Tower Bombings, Waco, the Oklahoma City Bombing, the Rose Law Firm, Elian Gonzales, regulations that prevented the CIA and the FBI share information, tax increases, the USS Cole bombing, Vince Foster,, Casa Grande, Whitewater, Monica Lewinsky and other women, disbarrment, impeachment, over 100 Administration officials "taking the 5th", Ron Brown, nuclear secrets to China, and so on. Don't forget Sandy Burger stealing top-secret documents from the Archives. Still wondering why with 8 years in office, Clinton didn't "fix" social security... .."the most honest, most open and most ethical Congress in history, Pelosi said. ..." Well, the claims for the first hundred days of this Democratic congress didn't quite meet stated expectations. Can any of you acolytes tell us what this new and improved Congress and its leadership have done, so far? Other than loading up on pork, offering up a record-smashing tax increase, holding investigations, or traveling to and making kissy-kissy with terrorist States?
Pyrite Gal Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 Uhm... he's a fkin pundit. You're surprised a thread about a pundit turned political?! If Olbermann talks about football he will be (as he did in his old ESPN days) he will be fine. If instead he focuses on talking politics as he does now in his current MSNBC gig and Rush did in his aborted ESPN gig he will screw up. The problem here is not which wing of politics you adopt and blather about, the problem comes when a commentator focuses on politics rather than football. It killed Limbaugh's ESPN gig and if Olbermann goes that way it will kill any CBS gig he gets. As far as the punditry, I like what Rick Warren said, people ask him if he is right wing or left wing and he says that actually he prefers the whole bird. If you insist on either wing alone you simply fly around in circles.
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