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Iraq's soccer player to Bush

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
But of course, you and your cuontrymen have no problem with Israel's killing of two million Arabs in the past twenty years.  They have killed and imprisoned more Arabs than even your CIA death squads.





DO NOT mistake my dislike for Israel as a nod for Arab violence, because you would be mistaken. One of these days, this cycle will be ended by both parties getting their act together and actually solving the problem, or it will be ended with death and destruction far beyond anyone's imagination. Putting the thumbscrews to Israel would be a significant step toward ending settlements and incursions into Lebanese and Syrian territory, and would gain us prestige within the Arab community, which would make our hunt for Bin Laden and terrorists a HECK of a lot easier, which would put the onus on the Palestinians to end their violence, and therefore a LEGITIMATE, REAL peace plan can be implemented. Until we step to the plate and knock Israel down a few pegs off their high horse, it'll never happen.

Sharon and Netinyahu are WORTHLESS... reason died with the assassination of Rabin.

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DO NOT mistake my dislike for Israel as a nod for Arab violence, because you would be mistaken. One of these days, this cycle will be ended by both parties getting their act together and actually solving the problem, or it will be ended with death and destruction far beyond anyone's imagination. Putting the thumbscrews to Israel would be a significant step toward ending settlements and incursions into Lebanese and Syrian territory, and would gain us prestige within the Arab community, which would make our hunt for Bin Laden and terrorists a HECK of a lot easier, which would put the onus on the Palestinians to end their violence, and therefore a LEGITIMATE, REAL peace plan can be implemented. Until we step to the plate and knock Israel down a few pegs off their high horse, it'll never happen.

Sharon and Netinyahu are WORTHLESS... reason died with the assassination of Rabin.



Arabs do not commit violence. They defend themselves against the Zionists and CIA murderers of innocent women and children. I will pray to Allah for you to be enlightened, so that you may see the truth of your countries actions.

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Arabs do not commit violence.  They defend themselves against the Zionists and CIA murderers of innocent women and children.  I will pray to Allah for you to be enlightened, so that you may see the truth of your countries actions.




Yeah right, so I guess all those towel heads who strap bombs to their bodies and blow themselves up in the middle of busy intersections or on crowded buses (thereby murdering innocent women and children) aren't committing violence? Pray to Allah and the pedophile Muhhomad and ask them why the once great civilization of Persia (who I understand invented the zero) has been reduced to groveling around in the sand? Here's a hint-It ain't because of mean ole' Americans and Zionists...

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Arabs do not commit violence.  They defend themselves against the Zionists and CIA murderers of innocent women and children.  I will pray to Allah for you to be enlightened, so that you may see the truth of your countries actions.



Muslim extremists are the biggest hypocrites in religion. They are no different than any other extremists in that they use their religion as a justification for violence against innocent people. The problem with muslim extremists is that many of them get operation cash from middle eastern governments which makes them more dangerous. That's starting to change, and when the cash dries up the terrorists will be reduced to throwing molov cocktails at each other and wacking themselves in the noggin with swords.


Personally, I don't give a damn what any Iraqi thinks about our policies. They had 30 years to do something about a murderous dictator and they did nothing. They're lucky they even get a sniff of freedom. They should be buffing the treads on our tanks. We'll leave Iraq when we feel like it and if they don't like it, move to France.



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Why does it have to be one or the other? They may well be thankful that Uday is gone, but that does not mean that they have to be happy for the US to stay forever. There is such a thing as overstaying your welcome.


There is such a thing as overstaying your welcome

Yea like yourself on this board for instance ;):lol:

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Arabs do not commit violence.  They defend themselves against the Zionists and CIA murderers of innocent women and children.  I will pray to Allah for you to be enlightened, so that you may see the truth of your countries actions.




Tenny? LGB?

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Yeah right, so I guess all those towel heads who strap bombs to their bodies and blow themselves up in the middle of busy intersections or on crowded buses (thereby murdering innocent women and children) aren't committing violence? Pray to Allah and the pedophile Muhhomad and ask them why the once great civilization of Persia (who I understand invented the zero) has been reduced to groveling around in the sand? Here's a hint-It ain't because of mean ole' Americans and Zionists...



Towel-heads? What next -sand!@#$s? I would have thought that you would be able to guess that Mr Al-Fateh is just trying to wind people up. Looks like he succeeded with you.

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I am extremely doubtful that the US wants Iraq to build up a strong army - that would make it a potential rival and threat to Israel and that is something that the US right simply would not allow. Indeed, eliminating a potential threat to Israel may well have been a big factor in why this war was fought at all. It is now well over a year since the end of the year and the Iraqi army is woefully underequipped - the most they have is machine guns and they are substantially outgunned by insurgents with RPGs and mortars.




If democracy is forced on them, is it really democracy- Iraq was against having a democratic government, they wanted a theocracy.


Better doesnt mean right.

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
If democracy is forced on them, is it really democracy- Iraq was against having a democratic government, they wanted a theocracy.


Better doesnt mean right.



Our belief that democracy is the perfect government for everyone is so wrong anyways... We aren't even a democracy really in the pure sense, so it's ludicrous really! :D

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
Nothing is perfect especially you :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:



I knew that already! Do I have to get Incredible Hulk in here? I mean REALLY!



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Yeah right, so I guess all those towel heads who strap bombs to their bodies and blow themselves up in the middle of busy intersections or on crowded buses (thereby murdering innocent women and children) aren't committing violence? Pray to Allah and the pedophile Muhhomad and ask them why the once great civilization of Persia (who I understand invented the zero) has been reduced to groveling around in the sand? Here's a hint-It ain't because of mean ole' Americans and Zionists...


Persia fell because of Alexander The Great and his much more organized armies. See, all of his hatred by Islamic fundamentalists of the American way of life is totally wrong! They should be hating on Macedonians and Greeks, not us Americans :lol:

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If we leave soon, Iraq ceases to be a democracy in 2 years. I GUARANTEE.

They need us now more than ever... radical Islamic extremists WANT us out quickly. The longer we stay, the more likely Iraq builds up a stronger army, hence being able to better protect itself. It's just reality.



It doesn't appear that they want to be a democracy.

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Interesting article. Remember before the war how Bush told the American public that the United States would be greeted with open arms by the Iraqis people? Well, turns out he was wrong about that. Even the Iraqi Olympic athletes hate him. Of course, Bush was also wrong about weapons of mass destruction. And he was wrong about the supposed links between Saddam and bin Laden. In fact, he's been wrong about pretty much everything. What an embarrassment he's been.

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