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He sounded like a really great kid and it makes you realize just how young and inexperienced these kids really are going into the draft. Listening to him made me lower my expectations for these younsters. It must be a tremendous amount of pressure and expectations for these young men to live up to. I'm realizing yet another benefit of Marv's thinking. Taking a quality player with strong character will allow the young player to not only contribute right away but in the long haul be a player/person that you can rely on. It's so easy for us to judge these players from a distance. The more I realize the microscope that they are under the less I envy them.

He sounded like a really great kid and it makes you realize just how young and inexperienced these kids really are going into the draft. Listening to him made me lower my expectations for these younsters. It must be a tremendous amount of pressure and expectations for these young men to live up to. I'm realizing yet another benefit of Marv's thinking. Taking a quality player with strong character will allow the young player to not only contribute right away but in the long haul be a player/person that you can rely on. It's so easy for us to judge these players from a distance. The more I realize the microscope that they are under the less I envy them.


Maybe he just bangs a lot of skanks. Love'em and leave'em. :lol:

With all due respect, it was joke. Lighten up.


P.S. What is a nhh?


So was my response (a joke that is)...Blue Fire hit the meaning..


Maybe Qunicy Black has super retard strenths and talents like that Forest Gump guy and shares his same sentiments with regards to the famale types. Now that guy Forest Gump could play some futball. Wonder who would win that foot race.

I thought gays weren't allowed in the military/NFL?


Naah man we run under the policy ''dont ask dont tell".... not quite sure what happens when someone comes out.. probably a month or two of hazing until they're discharged.

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