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My cat may be dying...


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It's the one in my profile pic with the lovely and talented Kimberly. His name is Doggie (age 18) and Kim took him to the vet today because he has been vomiting and staying up all night, which is very unusual behavior.


This cat survived dystemper when he was a kitten and colon cancer four years ago. Today, the vet said the cancer may have returned, and Doggie may have renal failure.


At this point, the vet says Doggie may have two weeks. We have not decided regarding euthanasia yet. I don't want him to be put to sleep. This cat is, and has been in the almost 10 years I've known him, a survivor.


The day comes when all pets die, and I've never had to experience something like this before. It's a cat, but when he goes, I wonder how I will handle it emotionally.


I just talked with Kim. I could hear her heart breaking in her voice.

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Mike--we have lost two 14 year old cats in the past year. I am so sorry to hear this. The euthanasia is a tough choice--we just asked how much pain our boys were in and that guided the decision. We buried the ashes in the backyard and the six of us (wife and four kids) each shared a happy story about the cats. I know it sounds really silly--but it got everyone's tears out and it was kind of a fitting eulogy. It was an interesting lesson for the kids.


Wishing Godspeed for Doggie..

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It's the one in my profile pic with the lovely and talented Kimberly. His name is Doggie (age 18) and Kim took him to the vet today because he has been vomiting and staying up all night, which is very unusual behavior.


This cat survived dystemper when he was a kitten and colon cancer four years ago. Today, the vet said the cancer may have returned, and Doggie may have renal failure.


At this point, the vet says Doggie may have two weeks. We have not decided regarding euthanasia yet. I don't want him to be put to sleep. This cat is, and has been in the almost 10 years I've known him, a survivor.


The day comes when all pets die, and I've never had to experience something like this before. It's a cat, but when he goes, I wonder how I will handle it emotionally.


I just talked with Kim. I could hear her heart breaking in her voice.


I just had my cat put down last Saturday. It was the best thing for him. You're doing it for them, not you. The vet came to the house and it was painless (for him). Your cat could be suffering terribly now but they are champs at not showing it. He's 18, had a good life (I assume as most cats do). As sad as it may seem, it's time to say goodbye.

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So sorry to hear this.


Pets are a true member of our families, and it hurts when one is sick. You'll make the right decision when you need to.


My thoughts are with you.

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You have a cat named doggie?


Who is more confused, the cat or the kids?


My wife named him Doggie when she got him in 1989 because he looked like "a little dog" in her words. His original name was Romeo, which I believe she should have kept. Remember that I didn't come into the picture until 1997.


He had dystemper when she got him at the age of four months, and she literally nursed him back to health with a baby bottle. In fact, she was told why bother, he won't last the week.


Again, this was in freakin' March 1989.


And he is our baby, since we have no children. But the name does confuse the vets' office quite a bit. :lol:

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I know exactly what you are going through. I still shed a tear for my little Pinky who was 15 when I had her put to sleep Oct 16th. She had a tumor on her back and had renal failure. She was in a lot of pain. I am crying now just thinking about her. We were blessed with another kitten that crawled through the fence in our backyard. He turned out to be a good buddy and I play fetch with him. Perhaps getting another cat will ease the pain. God bless.

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