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ESPN'S mr tony kornweiner (heiser) says it snows in september here ,, according to dufuss ,he went to school in


binghamton so hes a authority on buffalo snowfall,,, jaworski corrected him but tony refuted him says i know it


does ,, it did 35 yrs ago when i was in school.. (BS) , so it must every year ,,,, personally i think tony is just full of sh**


AT 50 + ,i cant ever remember seeing snow in sept..,way to go tony ,, play to the media ,you show how


ignorant you really are....

ESPN'S mr tony kornweiner (heiser) says it snows in september here ,, according to dufuss ,he went to school in


binghamton so hes a authority on buffalo snowfall,,, jaworski corrected him but tony refuted him says i know it


does ,, it did 35 yrs ago when i was in school.. (BS) , so it must every year ,,,, personally i think tony is just full of sh**


AT 50 + ,i cant ever remember seeing snow in sept..,way to go tony ,, play to the media ,you show how


ignorant you really are....




ESPN'S mr tony kornweiner (heiser) says it snows in september here ,, according to dufuss ,he went to school in


binghamton so hes a authority on buffalo snowfall,,, jaworski corrected him but tony refuted him says i know it


does ,, it did 35 yrs ago when i was in school.. (BS) , so it must every year ,,,, personally i think tony is just full of sh**


AT 50 + ,i cant ever remember seeing snow in sept..,way to go tony ,, play to the media ,you show how


ignorant you really are....


Eh, he's just another show biz piece of shiny cardboard. Laugh at him, I say.

ESPN'S mr tony kornweiner (heiser) says it snows in september here ,, according to dufuss ,he went to school in


binghamton so hes a authority on buffalo snowfall,,, jaworski corrected him but tony refuted him says i know it


does ,, it did 35 yrs ago when i was in school.. (BS) , so it must every year ,,,, personally i think tony is just full of sh**


AT 50 + ,i cant ever remember seeing snow in sept..,way to go tony ,, play to the media ,you show how


ignorant you really are....


ha. come on, the guy's making a simple joke about snowfall in buffalo...espn airs a segment in which buffalo's MNF is selected as the highlight and does nothing but praise buffalo...you are going to complain about a basic 'it snows in buffalo' comment?


come on.




Well, it has known to do so in the northeast from time to time:




Note the Hamilton, NY reference of 1836:


1836 - September 28,


the first of 3 early snows for the year hit the northeast, Hamilton NY had 4 inches, Asby, MA had 2 inches.




Cornholer is a humorist. Exaggeration, hyperbole, irony and buffoonery are stocks in that trade. He's well equipped to succeed.

Suggested reading, "Pumping Irony" by Tony C.


Relax----he is very quick to praise the people of WNY and the fans. He is from NYS and went to Binghampton and his daughter went to Cornell was he was in upstate NY a lot. When I lived in DC and he had his local sports radio program there he would have Larry Felser on and say little jokes about the weather but would then follow that up with glowing comments about the place and the people.

Hard to praise the weather here now when it is yet again 10+degrees below normal. Although throughout hte northeast and midwest it is miserable but I digress. Although Al Gore would have a very hard time convincing anyone around here that it is warming given that it has consistently been 10-20 degrees BELOW normal since January.

Hard to praise the weather here now when it is yet again 10+degrees below normal. Although throughout hte northeast and midwest it is miserable but I digress. Although Al Gore would have a very hard time convincing anyone around here that it is warming given that it has consistently been 10-20 degrees BELOW normal since January.


Yep, It may rarely snow in September, but I wouldn't rule out May this year. Even reading it in the original post the comment seemed to have an element of tounge-in-cheek to it. It snows in Buffalo. If you don't like it, don't come here, or move away like everyone else.


Recently I would disagree with him, It barely snows in December now. But its now April and Buffalo is getting hit with "Winter like" storms


Seriously, do Buffalonians even have skin? I have seen sheets of papper thicker then Buffalo fans skin

ESPN'S mr tony kornweiner (heiser) says it snows in september here ,, according to dufuss ,he went to school in


binghamton so hes a authority on buffalo snowfall,,, jaworski corrected him but tony refuted him says i know it


does ,, it did 35 yrs ago when i was in school.. (BS) , so it must every year ,,,, personally i think tony is just full of sh**


AT 50 + ,i cant ever remember seeing snow in sept..,way to go tony ,, play to the media ,you show how


ignorant you really are....


Wow, Buffalonians are so insecure, you could be Canadians.


Yeah, it snows in Buffalo. And the Bills thrive on it. If we were playing Miami at home in September, and suddenly a cold front blew in over lake Erie bringing with it an unseasonable six inches we'd be thrilled. It's football - you want the weather to be as bad as possible when you're at home. Packers fans don't complain about being called the "Frozen Tundra"

I think you actually want him to lax don't you? If he gets any more unlaxed his main spring will sprong and that can be a bit messy.


Perhaps some Exlax might be in order, then?



Well, it has known to do so in the northeast from time to time:




Note the Hamilton, NY reference of 1836:


1836 - September 28,


the first of 3 early snows for the year hit the northeast, Hamilton NY had 4 inches, Asby, MA had 2 inches.




Having gone to school in Hamilton (Colgate), I am not surprised at all that they had snow in September of 1836 - when I was there it seemed like they had it every September!

Yeah, it snows in Buffalo. And the Bills thrive on it. If we were playing Miami at home in September, and suddenly a cold front blew in over lake Erie bringing with it an unseasonable six inches we'd be thrilled. It's football - you want the weather to be as bad as possible when you're at home. Packers fans don't complain about being called the "Frozen Tundra"


You dont go to the games do you?

ESPN'S mr tony kornweiner (heiser) says it snows in september here ,, according to dufuss ,he went to school in


binghamton so hes a authority on buffalo snowfall,,, jaworski corrected him but tony refuted him says i know it


does ,, it did 35 yrs ago when i was in school.. (BS) , so it must every year ,,,, personally i think tony is just full of sh**


AT 50 + ,i cant ever remember seeing snow in sept..,way to go tony ,, play to the media ,you show how


ignorant you really are....


Your getting that mad over comments like that? Dude you got problems! Didnt Buffalo get 3 feet of snow beginning of October last year?


Off with Tony's head now!

If we were playing Miami at home in September, and suddenly a cold front blew in over lake Erie bringing with it an unseasonable six inches we'd be thrilled.

Speak for yourself. :worthy:

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