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Don Cherry to be on U.S hockey playoff coverage


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Don Cherry


This certainly will not be boring. I just wonder if he will make it through without saying something to get some folks all upset.


Cherry says he did appear once on American television. As he recalled yesterday, he commented on the long hair sported by "Jammy" Jagr and Mario Lemieux when they were with Pittsburgh.


"I said, `There's Mario and his daughter,'" Cherry said.


"It didn't go over too good ... that was my last time in the States."

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Don Cherry


This certainly will not be boring. I just wonder if he will make it through without saying something to get some folks all upset.


Cherry says he did appear once on American television. As he recalled yesterday, he commented on the long hair sported by "Jammy" Jagr and Mario Lemieux when they were with Pittsburgh.


"I said, `There's Mario and his daughter,'" Cherry said.


"It didn't go over too good ... that was my last time in the States."


Hockey's mostly played by white guys; they're fair game for anything you want to say. Just so he doesn't call Donald Brashear "nappy-headed", he should be fine.

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Who's dressing him? Deon Sanders?


Actually... Deon probably ripped it off Don... Don's been "donning" (pun intended) the "Mr. B" since the early days... Doesn't one clip on HNiC show him with it behind the bench with the B's?


History my dear man... History... As Mill points to...


Get with the jazz Deano!



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:lol: Better than anything he's worn in years.


Mr. Cherry has some real sartorial issues, dontchathink?


Being the 2 year Sr. of a famous jazz trumpeter with the same name probably has a lot to do with that!


He kinda fits the scene... Don't you think?... You gotta love him for that fact alone!



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Actually... Deon probably ripped it off Don... Don's been "donning" (pun intended) the "Mr. B" since the early days... Doesn't one clip on HNiC show him with it behind the bench with the B's?


History my dear man... History... As Mill points to...


Get with the jazz Deano!





Actually, I'm quite aware of Don's fashion faux pas (faux pases? how the hell do you make "pas" plural?). I was just funnin' at the expense of Deon. You may well be correct as to where Mr. Sanders "discovered" his fashion sense. My guess is da bode of dem stole it from my fellow Sicilians (I am SO ashamed).


I did NOT realize Cherry wore that crap behind the bench, however. YIKES!

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Actually, I'm quite aware of Don's fashion faux pas (faux pases? how the hell do you make "pas" plural?). I was just funnin' at the expense of Deon. You may well be correct as to where Mr. Sanders "discovered" his fashion sense. My guess is da bode of dem stole it from my fellow Sicilians (I am SO ashamed).


I did NOT realize Cherry wore that crap behind the bench, however. YIKES!




He has always been the "pretty boy" type though:


Vintage B



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