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Nothing but random thoughts


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20 days until the draft ....1 day til my oldest son turns 5...I am alternating indoor dodgeball, catching up on work and posting right now...


Some random thoughts...


1) Last off season we jettisoned Milloy and Adams, Vincent during the season, Clements, Spikes and Fletcher left this off-season. That's 6 pro bowlers or near pro bowlers off one Defense--why don't I feel worse than I do.


2) I watched some college football out west this fall--Marshawn Lynch is a dynamic personality and a dynamic player...I would not be sad if we drafted him. He played on bad ankles and a swollen knee all year--and still looked better than the guys on the other side. The guy can catch as well.


3) Another Cal Bear, the CB Hughes--he is not fast --but he can hold guys at the line and cover the short zone like noone's business---he has cover 2 written all over him. If he is there at the end of round 3 or in round 4 -- watch us snatch him even if we have already taken a corner.


4) Soprano is wrong again :thumbdown::blink::wacko::wallbash: ...its Saturday night you stupid trolling !@#$...go bother the folks on bb.com next time


5) I hope A-rod enjoys today--because the boo birds quickly follow the adulation and admiration in NY


6) Why do I feel so dang positive about the Bills in 07--why--I haven't felt this way since the mid-90's


So again -- nothing but useless meanderings in this post...add yours if you like..back to Dodgeball for me...Maybe I will write about a Starbuck's latte or my daughter's lacrosse antics next time....

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I just would like to add that I'd like to see us use just one first day pick on a RB, whether if it's for Peterson, Lynch or even Turner and the rest of the first day picks on nothing but defense. I, like you, have a good feeling on our upcoming season. I think based on how we add another RB, either by the draft, by trading or even by free agency, it will clearly dictate how the rest of the draft will go for us on the first day.

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