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What's the deal with the ambassador to Belgium

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my roommate told me about this lastnight.


evidently Bush waited for Congress to leave before appointing the man who almost single handedly funded the Swift-Boat campaign..?




As I recall, I don't think it's atypical for an administration to reward a generous supporter with an ambassadorial position.


The main point of contention seems to be that it was a recess appointment over the Senate's objection, to which I say: yeah, no kidding. What sitting senate is going to approve a generous supporter to the opposition party?


Just sounds like yet more much ado about nothing, to me.

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He contributed $50k towards the Swiftboat campaign against Kerry. Right before his nomination was going to be voted on, Bush withdrew the nomination since they figured he was going to be voted down, and didn't want that negative vote on record. Bush then waited until Congress left and made the appointment. There's still some question over whether it's legal, since in the past a person who was appointed this way still had their nomination pending in Congress, as was the case with John Bolton. The fact that Bush withdrew the nomination and then appointed might be legally interpreted as trying to avoid Congress' right to oversight.

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Never mind the tidbit that the main thing that derailed his appointment was a demand by John Kerry for an apology during the confirmation hearings.


Good things the Dems are using the limelight to turn the page on politics of the individual. (And it's been, what 3 months?)

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my roommate told me about this lastnight.


evidently Bush waited for Congress to leave before appointing the man who almost single handedly funded the Swift-Boat campaign..?



Sam Fox was a Bush "ranger" campaign donor, ie responsible for >$200,000 in campaign donations. For this he was to be rewarded with a sweet ambassador appointment. His ties to the Swift Boat ads, ties to the tune of $50,000, led to a harsh, and expected, grilling from John Kerry. Vietnam vets who served with Kerry sent letters to the confirmation committee saying Fox should not be approved, primarily for funding the campaign of lies by the Swift-boat group and for denigrating a veteran. When the Bush admin saw that the vote was most-likely not going to go their way, they pulled Fox's nomination at the 11th hour. Bush made him a recess appointment this week while congress was on the holiday break, thereby getting around the need for a Congressional confirmation.

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Everyone raise your hand if this is the first time in your life you've ever given a rat's ass or even heard about our ambassador to Belgium.


But this story isn't about the ambassador to Belgium. This story is about the mother!@#$ing 2004 presidential election!!! :thumbsup:

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Everyone raise your hand if this is the first time in your life you've ever given a rat's ass or even heard about our ambassador to Belgium.


:thumbsup::unsure: :unsure:

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I assume that no one's the least bit surprised that this is NOT, in fact, the first time I've heard of our ambassador to Belgium?


i think we assumed you had to pay off some university in some foreign country to forge you a leftist mathemetical propaganda degree, so, no we are not surprised :thumbsup:

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i think we assumed you had to pay off some university in some foreign country to forge you a leftist mathemetical propaganda degree, so, no we are not surprised :thumbsup:


Got it from East Germany, actually. It's a scientifically proven fact that getting a science degree from East Germany makes your kids smarter.

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Got it from East Germany, actually. It's a scientifically proven fact that getting a science degree from East Germany makes your kids smarter.

All the kids are smarter in East Germany because they sterilize all the dumb adults...it's basic genetics, man.

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