PromoTheRobot Posted April 6, 2007 Posted April 6, 2007 From a website called I'd give a link but you need to register to read it. Former NFL-ers, WEEI Hosts Courted For Congressional Run Could a former NFL player and current ENTERCOM Sports WEEI-A/BOSTON "BIG SHOW" regular be running for Congress? Turns out that there are two people fitting that description, as the BOSTON HERALD reports that Republicans in MASSACHUSETTS have approached both FRED SMERLAS and STEVE DEOSSIE about running for the LOWELL-area Congressional seat being vacated by Rep. MARTIN MEEHAN (D-MA) when MEEHAN takes over as Chancellor at the UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AT LOWELL. SMERLAS and DEOSSIE co-host the "BIG SHOW" with regular host GLENN ORDWAY during football season. SMERLAS, a former BUFFALO BILLS, SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS, and NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS tackle, told the HERALD, "I'm kicking it (the idea of running) around" and joked, "I said, 'DEOSSIE, if you run I’ll be your campaign manager and we’ll pounce on the other guys' and vice-versa." DEOSSIE played for the PATRIOTS, DALLAS COWBOYS, and NEW YORK GIANTS and, with SMERLAS and PETE SHEPPARD, hosts a PATRIOTS post-game show on WEEI. If you've ever heard Smerlas on WEEI, you should be very scared at the idea of him in Congress. PTR
Ennjay Posted April 6, 2007 Posted April 6, 2007 Whatever your affiliation, you have to think Lowell Republicans are pretty desperate to be thinking about this.
stinky finger Posted April 6, 2007 Posted April 6, 2007 I've "heard" him on EEI, but you can't "understand" a word he says.
fbzh2 Posted April 6, 2007 Posted April 6, 2007 Look at all the “clowns” who are in Congress already on both sides of the aisle; he’ll fit in perfectly!
pkwwjd Posted April 6, 2007 Posted April 6, 2007 Just look at the current and former senators & congressmen from MA and you'll see Freddie fits in even better.
sweetbaboo Posted April 6, 2007 Posted April 6, 2007 please no...we don't need more mas$holes moving to NH
Sketch Soland Posted April 6, 2007 Posted April 6, 2007 If Bluto Blutarsky can win, so can Freddie...
tombstone56 Posted April 6, 2007 Posted April 6, 2007 can fred spell congress??? my memory of him was him and haslett taking a survey at 3 am ,,they wanted to know who is uglier?? never did find out the results of the survey
Steely Dan Posted April 6, 2007 Posted April 6, 2007 Maybe congressman gopher, the governator, Thompson and Freddy can start a Congressional reality show called; You've got to be kidding me!!
The Dean Posted April 7, 2007 Posted April 7, 2007 can fred spell congress??? my memory of him was him and haslett taking a survey at 3 am ,,they wanted to know who is uglier?? never did find out the results of the survey I doubt that stupid fu#k can spell his own name without looking at his license. (Before you rag on me, I'm implying he can read and drive...both of which I really doubt.) Have I mentioned lately how much I despise Fred Smerlas?
The Senator Posted April 7, 2007 Posted April 7, 2007 Smerlas?? Running for Congress in Massachusetts??? I didn't even know he was gay!
The Dean Posted April 7, 2007 Posted April 7, 2007 Smerlas?? Running for Congress in Massachuetts??? I didn't even know he was gay! Sure you did.
/dev/null Posted April 7, 2007 Posted April 7, 2007 Who is dumber- Smerlas or President Bush? Whenever I hear someone talk about how dumb BushBad! or any other politician is, it reminds me of a quote by Obi-Wan Kenobe... Who's the more foolish: The fool, or the fool who follows him? If Smerlas runs and wins, he's no dumber than the people who sent him there
The Senator Posted April 7, 2007 Posted April 7, 2007 Sure you did. No, honestly I didn't. You mean the stupid f#k is queer too???? I guess he can share an apartment with Barney Frank. If Gerry Studds were still alive, they'd really have a ball. Mothers everywhere - hide your young boys!
The Dean Posted April 7, 2007 Posted April 7, 2007 No, honestly I didn't. You mean the stupid f#k is queer too???? I guess he can share an apartment with Barney Frank. If Gerry Studds were still alive, they'd really have a ball. Mothers everywhere - hide your young boys! So, now: gay man = child molester? Tsk tsk, Sen
The Senator Posted April 7, 2007 Posted April 7, 2007 So, now: gay man = child molester? Tsk tsk, Sen No, not quite... gay congressman = child molester
The Dean Posted April 7, 2007 Posted April 7, 2007 No, not quite... gay congressman = child molester Ahhh
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