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The new Jenny Craig spokesperson...


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Apparently, she's put on weight over the years.


Still pretty and about to turn 47 (!), she will be on the cover of next week's People Magazine and has announced she will be in a series of commercials with Kirstie Alley regarding Jenny Craig. Valerie blames her divorce from Eddie Van Halen, in part, for her weight gain.


Also, her sixteen year old son (yes, Wolfgang) is going on the diet with her.


Boy, Valerie was incredible way back when...and I cursed Eddie when I found out he married her.


And I guarantee you all can see this coming: she has promised to take the weight off "one day at a time". 0:)

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"...Valerie blames her divorce from Eddie Van Halen, in part, for her weight gain...."


what about the eating too much...didnt that have anything to do with the weight gain? sh-- i am so sick of people not taking responsibility for their actions...crap, i am fat cus, i eat crap, drink beer and spend more time on this website than exersising...my failed marriage has/had nothing to do with my fatness

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I hear she got fat

seeing and hearing are two different things. Some girls get nice and curvy when they put on weight. I dont mind a little cushion for the pushing. Full figured girls are sexy as hell!


Which brings me back to my first point-



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seeing and hearing are two different things. Some girls get nice and curvy when they put on weight. I dont mind a little cushion for the pushing. Full figured girls are sexy as hell!


Which brings me back to my first point-





Must i do EVERYTHING around here? ;)


She's done a good job of staying away from the paparazzi since porking up, it seems. There isn't much easily findable. Here's a tiny pic of her big fat (but, still cute) face:



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Actually she not only carries the weight pretty well, she seems to have mastered the art of dressing well to minimize it. All said and done though I wish her lots of success in the weight loss...she will feel a lot better...and more important from MY point of view..she will look even better!

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