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Pelosi in Syria

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Don't need to be new or old to disrespect racism. :w00t:


It wasn't. Pull his posts over the last 4 years. Then get back to me. He's defending Asshead, Who has said numerous things about Israel. Do your research before coming to me with this shiit. :)



THATS, what I meant about you being new here. There's a history here you obviously are not familiar with.

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It wasn't. Pull his posts over the last 4 years. Then get back to me. He's defending Asshead, Who has said numerous things about Israel. Do your research before coming to me with this shiit. :w00t:

THATS, what I meant about you being new here. There's a history here you obviously are not familiar with.


Two wrongs don't make a right. Try to pull yourself above his crap then. Don't stoop to it. 'Nuff said.

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Nancy Pelosi's foolish shuttle diplomacy.


I think she's trying to hard.

And just like that another hit-piece get's swatted down by actual facts and not shrill speculation by a right-wing monkey

Pelosi's spokesman, Brendan Daly, told me in a brief phone conversation: "We never said the (Israeli's) position changed."


Instead, he said, Pelosi accurately conveyed Israel's position: should the Syrians end their support for Hezbollah and Hamas, then the Israelis would be willing to talk.


Daly pointed out that Pelosi was briefed by State Department officials before her meetings with the foreign leaders and that State Department officials also attended her meetings.


So if Pelosi really committed foreign policy flubs of the first order, the State Department is in a position to confirm as much.


The White House certainly received a read-out of what exactly Pelosi and the foreign leaders said in their meetings. Significantly, the White House has not openly accused Pelosi of the foreign-policy missteps the Post had accused her of.


In an e-mail follow-up, Daly wrote: "WH has not said that because in fact the Speaker did not get the

message wrong -- she included the necessary caveats and did not say or imply

that this was a change in Israel's position."


And, for those who only hear out of the right side of their head....

Rep. David Hobson of Ohio, the only Republican on the trip, confirmed to a Dayton Daily News reporter that Pelosi et al have presented a united front as far as U.S. policy towards Syria.
Hobson (R-Ohio) had much more to say in yet another link within the original Chicago Trib piece:
U.S. Rep. David Hobson on Wednesday rebuffed Bush administration criticism of his trip to Syria with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, saying she has reinforced Bush administration policies in the region and possibly made progress toward peace in the Middle East.


Hobson of Springfield, the lone Republican on a seven-member tour of the Middle East led by Pelosi, D-San Francisco, said the speaker strongly reinforced Bush policy on Syria, urging Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to work to lessen the influence of terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah in the region, to stop the influx of suicide bombers into Iraq from Syria and to "not fall into the trap of being dominated by Iran."


So, briefed by the State Department who also sat in on the meetings, and actually supported the Bush policy. This is what get's Pelosi slandered by the gas-bags from right-wing hate radio and the press.

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Two wrongs don't make a right. Try to pull yourself above his crap then. Don't stoop to it. 'Nuff said.



No offence, Dude. I say again, look at the history, then get back to me. As far as the "Nuff said " tag, you dont know, so stay out of it. :w00t:

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And just like that another hit-piece get's swatted down by actual facts and not shrill speculation by a right-wing monkey

And, for those who only hear out of the right side of their head....

Hobson (R-Ohio) had much more to say in yet another link within the original Chicago Trib piece:

So, briefed by the State Department who also sat in on the meetings, and actually supported the Bush policy. This is what get's Pelosi slandered by the gas-bags from right-wing hate radio and the press.



So you've ignored everything Tom and GG has posted.


For the ones who only hear out of the ONLY ear they hear from, rather than two. " Pelosi's spokesman "


It must be fact.


Listen. I'd like for her to do her job. Maybe like getting a bill to the president that doesn't have all the PORK in it, to support our troops.


The press never lies, or distorts, right Johnny?


Let me ask you. How much do editorials very from any other article in any newspaper or Blog in the Country?


I posted an editorial that had direct quotes from Israel. They migh/couldt be wrong! I'll give you that.


I remember when I was about, Oh, I don't know, 6 or 7. My Father saw me reading the paper. He said what ever you're reading, believe only 50% of it. I found it good advice. Thought I'd pass that along.

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So. You obviously read my post again, eh retard? Still doesn't prove my opinon wrong. You eluded to having inside knowledge of my opinion being wrong. I'm still waiting. Where's your personal knowledge of Asshead? This shiit you posted doesn't prove my opinion wrong. Step up to the plate, and tell us of those meetings you had with Asshead.


Or was it that you just didn't like my opinion? And I hurt your poor poor little feelings?


Virtually everything posted on here is someone's opinion. Simply saying "it is my opinion" doesn't make it off-limits to question it. I'll ask the question again - what are you basing your opinion on?

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Two wrongs don't make a right. Try to pull yourself above his crap then. Don't stoop to it. 'Nuff said.


I'd be quite happy for you to do a search for mine and Eryn's posts. It should be quite obvious to most people who is trying to debate the issues and who is merely hurling insults.

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Virtually everything posted on here is someone's opinion. Simply saying "it is my opinion" doesn't make it off-limits to question it. I'll ask the question again - what are you basing your opinion on?



OH, SO NOW, its ok. For me to have an opinion on this. What made you smarten up? Could it have been..... Oh I don't know...



YOU WERE WRONG, in attacking my post in the first place. Right Moron? Only because you didnt comprehend the post to begin with.


You've wasted enough of my time, just to get to this point. Reread the thread.

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I'd be quite happy for you to do a search for mine and Eryn's posts. It should be quite obvious to most people who is trying to debate the issues and who is merely hurling insults.



Your history, will prove with out a doubt, what you are. Insults? That's funny. A hardened man like you?


Debating the issues with you is a one way thing. You want to destroy Israel. Pretty simple in my book.


Check it out Rfeynman. He'd like to eliminate Israel. Just like his personal friend Asshead.

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And, for those who only hear out of the right side of their head....


Rep. David Hobson of Ohio, the only Republican on the trip, confirmed to a Dayton Daily News reporter that Pelosi et al have presented a united front as far as U.S. policy towards Syria.


I'm sorry, my right side of the head is swimming in cabernet. Please explain how someone defines meeting with the head of a state that is listed as an official sponsor of terrorism, for which there's a standing sanctions law that was passed by the government body that these traveling idiots represent, and the official position of the department that is charged by the Constitution to deal with foreign entities is to not engage in formal dialogue, as "a united front as far as U.S. policy towards Syria."

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OH, SO NOW, its ok. For me to have an opinion on this. What made you smarten up? Could it have been..... Oh I don't know...

YOU WERE WRONG, in attacking my post in the first place. Right Moron? Only because you didnt comprehend the post to begin with.


You've wasted enough of my time, just to get to this point. Reread the thread.


I never said you were not entitled to your opinion. I attacked your opinion for being based on nothing more than ignorance and racial stereotypes. You have said nothing at all to demonstrate otherwise. On the contrary, you have continued to avoid answering the question, which I will ask again - what exactly are you basing your opinion on? Have you heard that he beats his wife? Have you seen quotes attributed to him in which he makes derogatory remarks about women? Do you believe that his policies indicate that he does not respect women? What exactly is it that leads you to believe that he does not respect any woman?

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Your history, will prove with out a doubt, what you are. Insults? That's funny. A hardened man like you?


Debating the issues with you is a one way thing. You want to destroy Israel. Pretty simple in my book.


Check it out Rfeynman. He'd like to eliminate Israel. Just like his personal friend Asshead.


Never said your insults bothered me, just making the observation that that is what many of your posts consist of - little or no substance, but a generous helping of insults.


I have said on plenty of occasions that my preferred solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict is a multi-ethnic secular state for both peoples, encompassing the whole of Israel/Palestine. I wouldn't describe that as wanting to "destroy" Israel. Change it definitely, destroy it no.

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So you've ignored everything Tom and GG has posted.


I haven't ignored either one of them. Tom's position (I believe) is that Pelosi's (and numerous members of the GOP) trip to Syria is unconstitutional. It's not, and I've linked to multiple sources, including several from the State Department, showing that that position is wrong. If there was anything unconstitutional or treasonous about any of this your party would be using that angle all over the place. They're not.


GG's position (I think) is that these trips fly contrary to Bush's foreign policy. Yet Pelosi was briefed by the State Department, the State Department had people in the room during the meetings, and the GOP members that were actually there stated she didn't stray from the US's position at all.


So, I haven't ignored either one of them. But, because I don't fall lock-step in with the rest of the PPP I must be wrong and/or ignoring them...according to you, right?


For the ones who only hear out of the ONLY ear they hear from, rather than two. " Pelosi's spokesman "


It must be fact.


Listen. I'd like for her to do her job. Maybe like getting a bill to the president that doesn't have all the PORK in it, to support our troops.


Pork? Here's an excersize for you, go back and look at every single GOP-driven Iraq war budget legislation and supplamental funding legislation that your party submitted to Bush over the past five years. Show me one that didn't have some domestic spending atached to it. Then show me how many Bush vetoed. Pork shouldn't be attached to any bill, but to use that as an excuse to cut off funding to the troops via a veto is on Bush and Bush only. You can't cry "pork" after six years of rubber-stamping it.


The press never lies, or distorts, right Johnny?


Let me ask you. How much do editorials very from any other article in any newspaper or Blog in the Country?


I posted an editorial that had direct quotes from Israel. They migh/couldt be wrong! I'll give you that.


I remember when I was about, Oh, I don't know, 6 or 7. My Father saw me reading the paper. He said what ever you're reading, believe only 50% of it. I found it good advice. Thought I'd pass that along.

You put up an article critical of Pelosi, I put up one shooting down it's premise. That's debate. It's not my fault that yours was loaded with inaccuracies. Then, when I point that out, you give me a lecture on what not to believe? You posted a hit-piece on Pelosi, yet I am yet to see you level a single criticism for any of the countless members of your party over there. It's hypocritical, but this isn't about a member of Congress and foreign policy is it?

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