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Pelosi in Syria

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More Congressional visitors in Syria. It's an epidemic!

How dare he undemine Bush's foreign policy!


I love this quote from Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) [yet another member of the GOP who was over there in Damascas] from a seperate article on the same trip.

"I don't care what the administration says on this. You gotta do what you think is in the best interest of your country," said Rep. Frank Wolf of Virginia, who was part of the delegation.



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Or the Constitution is. One of the two.


Depends which is your most/least favorite part of the Constitution.


Some people like the cookie part of the Oreo, some like the cream. Wouldn't it be great if the Constitution was like the Oreo, and you could just throw away the part that you didn't like?

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And it's still horseshit. Two branches of the government pursuing different foreign policies is...well, bad. Or the Constitution is. One of the two.

You have to have a foreign policy to be at odds with someone, don't you?

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HOUSE SPEAKER Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) offered an excellent demonstration yesterday of why members of Congress should not attempt to supplant the secretary of state when traveling abroad. After a meeting with Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad in Damascus, Ms. Pelosi announced that she had delivered a message from Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert that "Israel was ready to engage in peace talks" with Syria. What's more, she added, Mr. Assad was ready to "resume the peace process" as well. Having announced this seeming diplomatic breakthrough, Ms. Pelosi suggested that her Kissingerian shuttle diplomacy was just getting started. "We expressed our interest in using our good offices in promoting peace between Israel and Syria," she said.


Only one problem: The Israeli prime minister entrusted Ms. Pelosi with no such message. "What was communicated to the U.S. House Speaker does not contain any change in the policies of Israel," said a statement quickly issued by the prime minister's office. In fact, Mr. Olmert told Ms. Pelosi that "a number of Senate and House members who recently visited Damascus received the impression that despite the declarations of Bashar Assad, there is no change in the position of his country regarding a possible peace process with Israel." In other words, Ms. Pelosi not only misrepresented Israel's position but was virtually alone in failing to discern that Mr. Assad's words were mere propaganda.


Nancy Pelosi's foolish shuttle diplomacy.








I think she's trying to hard.

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I honestly dont think Asshead respects any women, Rice included.


Asshead. Tee hee. How long did it take you to think that one up?


Yes, that's right. It's all about him not respecting women. Obviously, since Assad is an Arab, there's no way he'd respect any woman. Do you actually know the first thing about how women are treated in Syria or are you completely ignorant about this as well?

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Asshead. Tee hee. How long did it take you to think that one up?


Yes, that's right. It's all about him not respecting women. Obviously, since Assad is an Arab, there's no way he'd respect any woman. Do you actually know the first thing about how women are treated in Syria or are you completely ignorant about this as well?



Well, lookie here! Our resident Terrorist shows up. Since you know him personally, please tell us how HE treats woman. Please expound on all that personal knowledge you have of him treating woman with the respect. Because that's what I was referring to in my post. Where I said: " I honestly dont think Asshead respects any women, Rice included." Which, If you can read, its my opinion. But please, again. Since you are so close to Asshead, tell us, please. Go ahead, tell us about your good friend, your pal, your amigo. I await your post with great anticipation for your personal knowledge of how HE treats woman.

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Well, lookie here! Our resident Terrorist shows up. Since you know him personally, please tell us how HE treats woman. Please expound on all that personal knowledge you have of him treating woman with the respect. Because that's what I was referring to in my post. Where I said: " I honestly dont think Asshead respects any women, Rice included." Which, If you can read, its my opinion. But please, again. Since you are so close to Asshead, tell us, please. Go ahead, tell us about your good friend, your pal, your amigo. I await your post with great anticipation for your personal knowledge of how HE treats woman.


Nope, that's not the way it works. You made the reference to how he treats women, it is for you to justify your statement. Do you actually have any knowledge of Assad disrespecting women, apart from the racial stereotype of every Arab disrespecting women? Of course I don't know how Assad treats women personally but I do happen to know quite a lot about how women are treated in Syria (here's a hint - it's a damn sight better than how they are treated in that great ally of the US - Saudi Arabia). Do you honestly think that the fact that Pelosi is a woman made any difference whatsoever to how she got on in Syria? Perhaps if the delegation had been led by a man Syria would have made peace with Israel on the spot :w00t:

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Well, lookie here! Our resident Terrorist shows up. Since you know him personally, please tell us how HE treats woman. Please expound on all that personal knowledge you have of him treating woman with the respect. Because that's what I was referring to in my post. Where I said: " I honestly dont think Asshead respects any women, Rice included." Which, If you can read, its my opinion. But please, again. Since you are so close to Asshead, tell us, please. Go ahead, tell us about your good friend, your pal, your amigo. I await your post with great anticipation for your personal knowledge of how HE treats woman.


Here's an article about Syria's first lady:


Assma al assad


Food for thought. Doesn't prove anything but I think it's somewhat more informative that your "I honestly dont think Asshead respects any women" statement. Yes, it's your opinion but what exactly are you basing your opinion on? Couldn't be a tired old racial stereotype, could it?

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"There's virtually ZERO difference between the two parties, other than the way the mass media spins the crap and the fact that so many low income people actually believe one over the other. I can at least understand why the rich support the Republicans..."


You're kidding right? There is no difference on abortion? Bushes choices weren't designed to help interpret the constitution in a conservative way endangering a lot of rights? The Republicans don't believe this country should be an aristochracy insead of a meritochracy? How does that affect Americans? The Republicans, the President and some others not all of them thank God, want to torch the constitution and don't respect the law. A lot of the Republicans believe that it's ok to hold people in prison without trials while waterboarding them. The Republican President wants to run the country as a dictatorship. How does that affect people? The Republicans were outspending what the Democrats spent on discretionary spending incredibly. How does that affect people? The Democrats had a budget surplus and the Republicans have run up a huge deficit. How does that affect the future generations? If you truly believe that then you aren't educating yourself enough on the issues.


It's no surprise you don't care about waterboarding. It appears you don't much care for anyone outside of yourself. :)


BTW, how many Democrats have you voted for in your life? I've voted for a few Republicans.


I don't know how Syria treats women but Queen Noor of Jordan wasn't permitted to attend her husbands funeral. She had to secretly watch around a corner. :w00t:

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Nope, that's not the way it works. You made the reference to how he treats women, it is for you to justify your statement. Do you actually have any knowledge of Assad disrespecting women, apart from the racial stereotype of every Arab disrespecting women? Of course I don't know how Assad treats women personally but I do happen to know quite a lot about how women are treated in Syria (here's a hint - it's a damn sight better than how they are treated in that great ally of the US - Saudi Arabia). Do you honestly think that the fact that Pelosi is a woman made any difference whatsoever to how she got on in Syria? Perhaps if the delegation had been led by a man Syria would have made peace with Israel on the spot :w00t:



Listen little man. Put down the Bomb vest and stop thinking about those 72 virgins. You jumped in defending Asshead. I told you it was my opinion. If you're going to change my opinion, prove it to me. And please stay focused. Where's the picture of you and your Asshead friend, BTW? And where was the racial shot? You're a !@#$ing idiot! As usual, you cant stay on the topic in which you questioned my opinion of Asshead. Its an opinion. If you know better, and once again for your little brain, prove my opinion wrong. I never said it was fact, you stupid moronic !@#$ing terrorist. But you seem to know better. Oh, please ol'wise one, knowledge of all of Assheads daily activities with woman, tell us?


You jumped in here you little prick. Stay focused, we're talking about one man. Can you handle that? Or are you going to go off into another LaLa land rant. God your thick. Oh sorry. Mohammad, your thick.


We're talking about one sentence that you responded to. Understand retard?

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Listen little man. Put down the Bomb vest and stop thinking about those 72 virgins. You jumped in defending Asshead. I told you it was my opinion. If you're going to change my opinion, prove it to me. And please stay focused. Where's the picture of you and your Asshead friend, BTW? And where was the racial shot? You're a !@#$ing idiot! As usual, you cant stay on the topic in which you questioned my opinion of Asshead. Its an opinion. If you know better, and once again for your little brain, prove my opinion wrong. I never said it was fact, you stupid moronic !@#$ing terrorist. But you seem to know better. Oh, please ol'wise one, knowledge of all of Assheads daily activities with woman, tell us?


You jumped in here you little prick. Stay focused, we're talking about one man. Can you handle that? Or are you going to go off into another LaLa land rant. God your thick. Oh sorry. Mohammad, your thick.


We're talking about one sentence that you responded to. Understand retard?


That may have been unnecessary.


But funny. :w00t:

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Here's an article about Syria's first lady:


Assma al assad


Food for thought. Doesn't prove anything but I think it's somewhat more informative that your "I honestly dont think Asshead respects any women" statement. Yes, it's your opinion but what exactly are you basing your opinion on? Couldn't be a tired old racial stereotype, could it?



So. You obviously read my post again, eh retard? Still doesn't prove my opinon wrong. You eluded to having inside knowledge of my opinion being wrong. I'm still waiting. Where's your personal knowledge of Asshead? This shiit you posted doesn't prove my opinion wrong. Step up to the plate, and tell us of those meetings you had with Asshead.


Or was it that you just didn't like my opinion? And I hurt your poor poor little feelings?

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"Where's the picture of you and your Asshead friend, BTW? And where was the racial shot? You're a !@#$ing idiot! As usual, you cant stay on the topic in which you questioned my opinion of Asshead. Its an opinion. If you know better, and once again for your little brain, prove my opinion wrong. I never said it was fact, you stupid moronic !@#$ing terrorist. But you seem to know better."



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