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I assume Goodenow has not talked to any NFL players who endorse the cap because it's very tough to carry on a conversation with anyone when your head is buried deep in the sand, or is it solid ice?


It's not the sand his head's buried in. Somewhere that probably doesn't smell as good.

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The NFL is strong and getting stronger.  All sports should use them to model they're leagues.  Baseball is starting down this road. 


The NHL may soon become the European League and everyone will earn less money.


Not really. The NFL has many things going for it that the other sports just can't match:


1. The television contract. No other league garners enough revenue from their collective TV deal to pay their entire player payroll. It's not even close and is the reason why large market teams like the Yankees, Red Sox, Red Wings, etc are able to field teams filled with Superstars. That is the largest difference and is unlikely to change because:


2. Every NFL game is important. When there are only 16 games, your margin of error is not very large. Baseball plays 162, the NHL and NBA 82 each. Weekly NFL games are EVENTS and since teams play at virtually the same time every week, you can almost set your watch to it. It's very easy for the average fan to make time to be someplace 8 times a year (if they attend) or 16 times a year if they just watch the game on television. Try going to a weeknight NHL game and then getting up and going to work the next day. Not fun.


3. The NFL is made for television. It is easily the best sport to watch on the tube. Hockey is the best sport to watch live and translates horribly to television. Hence the reason (coupled with the horrible level of regular season play) the ratings are so bad.


I wouldn't say the NFL is a well run entity. They simply have a good product that people like despite the obvious flaws. Most of us are willing to overlook them because we love the game so much.

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