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Netflix vs. the Postal Service


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I've got the 3 movie at a time plan and I thought I was over doing it.....I stand corrected.


One thing I have noticed, if I watch a lot of movies in a short period of time (get the most bang for my buck) suddenly my movies seem to take longer to get to me. I honestly think it is Netflix way of "slowing down" the customer...


Typically the only people they will throttle are those who are returning them at such a rate that they're likely just burning them and shipping them back. Even with the slower turnaround times at my old place, my success rate for having the new releases each week sitting in my mailbox on a tuesday, before blockbuster even opens, is very high. There have only been maybe a handful of times since I've been a customer (I've been a customer since 2002) where I didn't get a new release I wanted and had to wait for it later on. And now that things are fast again, I can't even keep up with them.

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I've got the 3 movie at a time plan and I thought I was over doing it.....I stand corrected.


One thing I have noticed, if I watch a lot of movies in a short period of time (get the most bang for my buck) suddenly my movies seem to take longer to get to me. I honestly think it is Netflix way of "slowing down" the customer...


You are overdoing it...you just haven't reached ludicrous speed yet. :blink:


One at a time works fine for me.

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Netflix does, in fact, throttle. They were sued about this back in 2005 and settled out of court. Their customer service will admit that people who rent a lower amount of DVDs will receive higher priority, but they don't go any further than that.

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Uh yyyyeeah. I watch MAYBE one movie a week if I'm lucky. :lol:


Come on you guys...AJ does pay attention to me. Why do you think I'm only able to watch one movie per week? :blink:



Let me see if I have this straight.


It's been established that Zeppy watches something like 14 movies a week. You watch one...maybe.


You say he's paying attention to you...it sound's like YOU'RE "paying attention" :blink: to HIM, while he's watching movies.


All I can say is, BRAVO, Zepp!"

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The fact is, the longer you are a member and the more movies you rent, the slower their service will be. The only way Netflix makes a profit is if people sign up and don't rent that many movies. This is a fact and Netflix lists this in their updated Terms Of Service agreement, due to a lawsuit they had back in 2005. Personally I hate Netflix, but I always end up signing back up for their service and then canceling it a few months later after I get pissed off again.

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