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  VikingGumBoot said:




You dont like it, dont click it.


That tackle Willis made on that LSU running back should be shown to every highschool player in the nation........cause thats the proper way to wrap a ball carrier to take him down.


Kinda nice seeing the ball come flying out of the RBs hands on a couple of those Willis hits....we could use some of that


Thanks for posting. I guess VGB knows it all, but I hadn't seen many of these plays beyond the LSU one. I think Willis will be an excellent player and is just below Peterson on my draft board, but not because of anything particular seen here.


Obviously highlight films aren't going to show missed tackles, so it is assumed anything that makes this tape is a tackle.A Josh Reed highlight film would lead you to believe he has hands of gold (and probably also leave you time to go get a sandwich before your five minute break was up).


The things that I want to know more about Willis to know whether he will excel in the NFL are how well he can get off a good NFL block, how well he can move in coverage, how well he adjusts to the game when everyone is bigger stronger faster than in college.


From what I know I am currently high on him on all of these things, but while seeing him pick up and slam the LSU running back is fun, I don't think it is a big indicator of his ability to be a successful NFL player.


He reminds me exactly of Derrick Brooks. Flys around amd tackles everyone he touches. Seems very fundementally sound. Would you guys mind having a Derrick Brooks for the next 5-10 years. I sure as hell wouldnt.

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