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sitting at dinner my 17 year old daughter of all people brought up "WILLIS"..Now she is one to speak up and say things that have a tendency to make you choke from laughter usually during the process of swallowing a mouthful of food..

well she cam up with a way to let MR.MCGAHEE know what she thinks of him..HER SUGGESTION WAS TO MAIL ONE OF HER OLD DOLLS ,to him, WITH A NOTE ATTACHED SAYING ..WHO'S MY DADDY ??? LOL .. enclose his picture or jersey...

she wants to get her entire "cheerleading team (by the way they won national championship) to do it .. then she suggestted having as many BILLS fans as possible to do it.... could you imagine a thousand packages hitting his mail or the ravens offices at same same time...

she might be on to something... she s checking out shipping costs now..


Any pictures of her cheerleading ? :beer::wallbash:


Well Pops, you can't say you wasn't warned. :D


Of course all of this is in good fun, and nobody here over the age of 18 would consider dating a 17 year old cheerleader.


Even if she did have really really loooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggg legs.

Well Pops, you can't say you wasn't warned. :D


Of course all of this is in good fun, and nobody here over the age of 18 would consider dating a 17 year old cheerleader.


Even if she did have really really loooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggg legs.


I prefer bow-legged women myself. Long legs are for giraffes and White Snake Videos.

I prefer bow-legged women myself. Long legs are for giraffes and White Snake Videos.



Here's to swimmin' with bow-legged women

'cause you can swim between their legs

swim between their legs

Here's to swimmin' with bow-legged women

'cause you can swim between their legs

swim between their legs


The Dean.. It gets interesting every day as each time I log on here you have a new and different avatar everyday. My question is how often do you change avatars? My second question is are those the words to a Buffalo sea chanty? ie bowlegged women. :lol:

The Dean.. It gets interesting every day as each time I log on here you have a new and different avatar everyday. My question is how often do you change avatars? My second question is are those the words to a Buffalo sea chanty? ie bowlegged women. :lol:



I change avatars when the mood strikes me (Dib changes them FAR more often and his are far more, ahum...interesting). FYI, all of my avatars are simply different interpretations of "Bob" Dobbs. Here's something:




Here's something else, entirely:




As for the "Bow-legged women" ditty. It's one of my best friend's toasts. I also have seen/heard it on the TV show, Mash. Harry Morgan (in an appearance BEFORE he became Colonel Potter), chanted this little poem as crazed Major General Bartford Hamilton Steele.

I change avatars when the mood strikes me (Dib changes them FAR more often and his are far more, ahum...interesting). FYI, all of my avatars are simply different interpretations of "Bob" Dobbs. Here's something:




Here's something else, entirely:




As for the "Bow-legged women" ditty. It's one of my best friend's toasts. I also have seen/heard it on the TV show, Mash. Harry Morgan (in an appearance BEFORE he became Colonel Potter), chanted this little poem as crazed Major General Bartford Hamilton Steele.


That's another good thing about you "The Dean." Everytime I ask you a question I learn something new. :lol: You are a cornucopia, no, a veritable fount of useful information. :thumbsup:

That's another good thing about you "The Dean." Everytime I ask you a question I learn something new. :lol: You are a cornucopia, no, a veritable fount of useless information. :thumbsup:



Fixed it ;)

sitting at dinner my 17 year old daughter of all people brought up "WILLIS"..Now she is one to speak up and say things that have a tendency to make you choke from laughter usually during the process of swallowing a mouthful of food..

well she cam up with a way to let MR.MCGAHEE know what she thinks of him..HER SUGGESTION WAS TO MAIL ONE OF HER OLD DOLLS ,to him, WITH A NOTE ATTACHED SAYING ..WHO'S MY DADDY ??? LOL .. enclose his picture or jersey...

she wants to get her entire "cheerleading team (by the way they won national championship) to do it .. then she suggestted having as many BILLS fans as possible to do it.... could you imagine a thousand packages hitting his mail or the ravens offices at same same time...

she might be on to something... she s checking out shipping costs now..


Do you have a pic? When does she turn 18?


Oh.. and is she perhaps going to the University of Texas?

That's another good thing about you "The Dean." Everytime I ask you a question I learn something new. :lol: You are a cornucopia, no, a veritable fount of useful information. :thumbsup:


You misspelled useless.

You misspelled useless.


I already fiss


I alreaddty tix


I fixed


God, I'm drunl;./.

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