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Spikes interviewed on ESPN news...

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Just saw it. I'm paraphrasing the interview:


He started off by saying that he and the Bills came to a mutual agreement to trade him. He saw what was happening overall on D and thought that it was the best thing for both him and the team. He said that he thinks both him and the Bills feel good about the trade.


Q: How do you feel about the Bills?

A: I get along great with them and Marv Levy is great. I have never had a problem with the Bills front office we have had a great relationship to this day.


Q: With all the guys(Fletcher, etc.) leaving this team, and with the changes you saw did that have something to do with your thinking(stupid question)?

A: Yeah, from 2003 on we had the the #2 d in the league, and then Mularkey resigned, the new guys came in and released Milloy and Adams without even evaluating them(a lot of us thought that this didn't sit well with him) and I knew at that point that big changes were gonna be made.


Q: What about the system in Philly vs. Buffalo?

A: That was the big thing for me, I made my money as a Will linebacker in a zone blitzing scheme - that's what Philly runs. Buffalo needs different guys in their scheme. If you look at the film, you see Philly running exactly what I do.


Q: With all the change that the Bills have made, don't you see them having leadership problems(another leading question) and how would you describe the Bills approach?

A: I would call it a youth movement, but Nate Clements, LF, and myself aren't that old(big paraphrase). London is going into his tenth year(this confused me). Yeah as far as leadership goes you want to have those veteran players who can make a big play and get the team out of a hole. It's hard to say with that many losses how things are going to go(he could have easily talked smack here but he didn't and then said:). But, there are definitely guys on the roster who will step up - Angelo Crowell is ready and he will do the job. There are other guys as well.(It seemed like he genuinely gave a schit about what was gonna happen to the Bills)


Q: What does it feel like to know you have a solid offense in Philadelphia? You haven't been anywhere that has had a solid offense yet.(Espn words not mine)

A: Well if you think about Philly you think about Brian Westbrook, and Donovan McNabb - both guys bring "instant credibility" to the game. (He didn't say anything negative about the Bills or Bengals - he ignored the reporters obvious and lame attempts to get him to talk smack and then changed the subject) What I'm really excited about is playing with Trotter, Dawkins, etc., in the scheme I am best suited for...if you look at the film, etc....


The rest was about what he expects in Philly. So, for me this interview makes it even harder to be happy about him leaving from a "this is the kind of person you want on this team" aspect. However, by his own admission, he simply isn't the right guy for the job here in Buffalo. I think that there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, since it's the truth, and, it was quite refreshing to hear a professional athlete actually sound like a professional for a change.

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Memo to Willis: This is the classy way to leave a team.



Sounds like the interviewer was begging him to take some Buffalo cheap shots. He didn't bite. Always loved TKO. I wish him the best in Philly. Maybe him and Biron can hang out sometime. ;)

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Great synopsis...thanks!


I agree that TKO brings a refreshing combination of candor without stupidity. I actually hate fake, programmed responses more than McGahee/TO blunders simply because I'd rather hear a guy say what is on his mind instead of a notecard he memorized from his agent, publicist, etc.


But Spikes and several others seem to be able to avoided the canned, BS remarks while not going overboard with "keepin it real." I respect Takeo's answers because they show that things obviously weren't the best for him in Buffalo over the last few seasons, but he has no need to throw in a parting shot. For him to shrug off baited questions and focus on the positives of both situations without sounding fake is the mark of a true professional.


We'll miss you TKO*











*unless of course you ever say anything remotely disparaging about the city of Buffalo in which case we will get our panties into a huge twist and curse your name forever. ;):wallbash:

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Q: What about the system in Philly vs. Buffalo?

A: That was the big thing for me, I made my money as a Will linebacker in a zone blitzing scheme - that's what Philly runs. Buffalo needs different guys in their scheme. If you look at the film, you see Philly running exactly what I do.



Yep thats exactly what i thought



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I will miss TKO but it was definately time for him to go. I have a bad feeling though it is going to end badly for him. I look at the Eagles roster & I really think they are a team in decline. I mean he mentions playing with guys like Trottier & Dawkins, not sure how much gas those guys have left in the tank. I really think Mcnabb is on the downside of his career also. Just my opinion but I really think the bills will have a better team next year & have a better chance of making it to the playoffs.

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Damn, was really happy to have Takeo here, but now thats history. If he never injured his achilles, he would still be here. An absolute beast when healthly. I loved every minute he played on the Bills and especially the field. Great leader. Sad to see him go.


Best wishes to you TKO! A real class act when you were here. See you in the Superbowl!! BUF vs PHI '08

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