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Monday Morning - Column as I See'em

TX Pirate

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I figure you've all had enough time to digest the big game on Saturday night, read the columns in yesterdays paper and watch the "sounds of the Game" on the NFL Network - some thoughts:


* Tom Donohoe's lack of understanding on how to build a team surfaces seemingly with every game - preseason or not. Mike Williams, Bledsoe, drafting Willis...enough, you all know the truth. I did enjoy his stab at spin control on the "controversy" - It's not there...It's not there...Stop saying it's there...


* The luminaries of this board are so beligerant when someone his a dissenting opinion - it's both comical and frightening. Blasting the likes of me and some other open minded visionaries is harmless enough - but tackling professionals - first comments on taking Felser out...Now Sullivan is no good. Next Gleason, then Wilson....When will the rose colored glasses come off?


* On Sunday - if it were the real season and the Titans were playing to win - it would have been a full blown collapse of the Bills in the 3rd and 4th QTR. The Bills could not stop the Titan offense...they were simply beating the Bills with their own brand of smash mount control the clock football...


* McNaulty is a good O-Line coach...Nobody can even challenge the fact. That said - were Dusty Zeigler and Glenn Parker better than Mike Williams and Trey Teague? Things are worse than they appear.


* Eric Moulds IS great. Troy Vincent WAS great.


* Ross Tucker will take over for Trey Teague at center before the years out. Watch the sounds of the game show on the NFL network. If you have ever been in a huddle, (and not on the corner of the locker-room bar during ladies night circa 1986), you'll understand immediately.


* Mike Melarky is a good coach who manages his team well - again, the NFL sounds of the game was impressive with Mike and what he wants of his team.


* With problems this team has - they are 8-8 at best. I know I am a nobody, but I thought I would plagerize the insightful observation from Mike Golic on ESPN - not better than 8-8 unless the O-line finds itself.


* It will be hard to move Travis Henry for a first round drfat pick or better next year. Barring a major injury or suspension and/or retirement - the list of Extremely needy, (i.e., willing to part with a 1st rounder), teams outside of the AFC East is limited to - Philadelphia, (probably will not take the contract that is needed), Oakland, Chicago, and maybe Tampa.


* The future of the Bills is brighter than the present...

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www.dictionary.com :D


You lost your credibility when you defended Sullivan but here are some pointers for you.

It's Mularkey not Melarkey and our OL coach is McNally not McNaulty. :w00t:


If you are going to come here throwing crap you damn well better know what you are talking about. :rolleyes:



PS: You're lucky Lori didn't eviscerate you on this post. :D

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Yes, yes, yes...some of you ARE able to see the light that is simply the glare from two trophys.


Yes, yes, yes...you want to be one of us, Tx Pirate, I can feel it in my oozing green blood. The way you talk out of your a$$$. The way you have no ability to even understand how to spell the names of your coaches. You can just SMELL how badly you want to be one of us.


Join us. Join us now. Because Pats fans are fans forever.


Or at least until we're out of the playoffs, then we disappear faster than Kirstie Alley at the sound of someone yelling "the all you can eat buffet is now open!!!"


Join us, Tx Pirate. Or maybe...just maybe...you already have. :rolleyes:

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www.dictionary.com  :D


You lost your credibility when you defended Sullivan but here are some pointers for you. 

It's Mularkey not Melarkey and our OL coach is McNally not McNaulty.  :w00t:


If you are going to come here throwing crap you damn well better know what you are talking about.  :rolleyes:

PS:  You're lucky Lori didn't evicerate you on this post.    :D



This is TX Pirate - not logged in....knowing the spelling of obscure names is not a credibility builder genius of the board... You must be one of those biligerant visionaries I like to call the "Defenders of the Board" that make this such a welcoming and open forum... I would like to know what your last home grown thought was - mild, medium or hot I would imagine...

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"- but tackling professionals - first comments on taking Felser out...Now Sullivan is no good. "




Sorry, you lost all credibility with your mention of Sullivan, I stopped reading after I read that.

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Holy crap, I had no idea that there was such easy accessability to computers in grade schools these days.


This goes down as the single most assinine post of the preseason.


Tell me, Tx Pirate...you think it's a good idea to trade TH right now, coming off an injury? You must, given how you agree with Sullivan. What would you get for him? Where would you trade him? Inquiring minds what to know.


And do me a favor...at least TRY to spell the coaches' name phonetically. They're really not that obscure.


Though your use of the term "home grown" indicates where the problem may be.


Tell Ricky Williams we said "High".

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*  Tom Donohoe's lack of understanding on how to build a team surfaces seemingly with every game - preseason or not.  Mike Williams, Bledsoe, drafting Willis...enough, you all know the truth.  I did enjoy his stab at spin control on the "controversy" - It's not there...It's not there...Stop saying it's there...

Uh in case you didn't notice, Willis HIMSELF said that he never asked to be traded, and Rosensleaze HIMSELF stated that he made up the rumor on his own. As for Bledsoe, those who criticize him really know nothing about him. Lastly WRT Williams, go ahead and sue TD for Williams losing a close family member and going into depression. You're right, TD should be able to prevent the death of family members.


*  On Sunday - if it were the real season and the Titans were playing to win - it would have been a full blown collapse of the Bills in the 3rd and 4th QTR.  The Bills could not stop the Titan offense...they were simply beating the Bills with their own brand of smash mount control the clock football...

If that were a real game, the Bills' defenders might have actually cared a little more than they did. Frankly I'd be pissed if they played well and lost a player to a significant injury, all to appease those who want top-notch execution in meaningless games.

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*  Tom Donohoe's lack of understanding on how to build a team surfaces seemingly with every game - preseason or not.  Mike Williams, Bledsoe, drafting Willis...enough, you all know the truth.  I did enjoy his stab at spin control on the "controversy" - It's not there...It's not there...Stop saying it's there...



I love TD bashers. It is almost laughable when people try and rip this guy. Take a look at this team 4 years ago when he inherrited it, look at it now. We have the #2 ranked defense in the league. Fletcher, Spikes, Adams, Sheobel, Clements, Posey, and Milloy. All TD guys. You think anybody else could have assembled this D with the cap space he had in the amount of time he did? Give me a break. The key to any good team is a solid D. He knew that and delivered.

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*  With problems this team has - they are 8-8 at best.  I know I am a nobody, but I thought I would plagerize the insightful observation from Mike Golic on ESPN - not better than 8-8 unless the O-line finds itself.




That was the only thing you posted that made any sense. The rest of it was subjective crap.


IF the O-line doesn't drastically improve by the time we play the Jags, we are definitely screwed.

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www.dictionary.com  :D


You lost your credibility when you defended Sullivan but here are some pointers for you. 

It's Mularkey not Melarkey and our OL coach is McNally not McNaulty.  ;)


If you are going to come here throwing crap you damn well better know what you are talking about.  :rolleyes:

PS:  You're lucky Lori didn't evicerate you on this post.    :w00t:



That's "eviScerate" to you. :D


As for TX / Swaggart / whatever he's calling himself tomorrow, why bother? He rants on about people allegedly wanting to "take Felser out", but apparently, suggesting "Please someone pop Donohoe before he upsets Bills Nation any further!" is OK.


What. Ever. Not worth wasting the time and effort.

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This is TX Pirate - not logged in....knowing the spelling of obscure names is not a credibility builder genius of the board...  You must be one of those biligerant visionaries I like to call the "Defenders of the Board" that make this such a welcoming and open forum...  I would like to know what your last home grown thought was - mild, medium or hot I would imagine...



I was around for the birth of this board, long before you and I'm guessing, long after you've left. Personally, I think I've earned the right to be critical. Since I'm partially responsible for keeping monkeys like you under control, let me be the first (or maybe not) to say that if you feel unwelcome it's through your own effort. Please feel free to leave and never return.


One would think that a person of your insight would at least know who the coaching staff is and should be able to spell their names. It's not all that difficult.


BTY, how many more screen names to you plan on using?

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That's "eviScerate" to you.  :rolleyes:


As for TX / Swaggart / whatever he's calling himself tomorrow, why bother? He rants on about people allegedly wanting to "take Felser out", but apparently, suggesting "Please someone pop Donohoe before he upsets Bills Nation any further!" is OK.


What. Ever. Not worth wasting the time and effort.



Whatever are you talking about my lady? You've clearly misread my post. I just checked me speeeling and it's purfect. :D


Thanks for destroying my self esteem. :D

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This is TX Pirate - not logged in....knowing the spelling of obscure names is not a credibility builder genius of the board... 



Evidently, neither is proper punctuation or sentence structure. :rolleyes:


How can you claim to be a "visionary" and still say that the names of your team's coaches are obsucure? That's like saying you're a great father but not knowing when your kid's birthday is.

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