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Spikes just interviewed on Cold Pizza

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they set him up a couple of times to lash out at the Franchise, and the fans, and the city...


and he didnt bite once.


Not that he really has much to complain about. but neither did Willis really...



Good Luck Takeo, i hope he can return from that injury...

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they set him up a couple of times to lash out at the Franchise, and the fans, and the city...


and he didnt bite once.


Not that he really has much to complain about. but neither did Willis really...

Good Luck Takeo, i hope he can return from that injury...


He's class, unlike Willis McShaithead.

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Lol good point.


My point was that Spikes has always been a class act and him being traded to the Eagles and not some bottom feeder should not bring hatred towards the Bills.

Even being dealt to a bottom feeder, he should still harbour no resenment towards his time in Buffalo. He was a fan favorite, and the Bills treated him well


Same with McGahee. The bills took a chance on him early when no one else looked like they would, payed him well (even payed him one year just to rehab) and he thanked everyone by playing when he wanted too, dissing the City, and its fans, and running away when people were not praising him for just putting the uniform on (which I'm sure he needed help with to get it over his over inflated ego

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they set him up a couple of times to lash out at the Franchise, and the fans, and the city...


and he didnt bite once.


Not that he really has much to complain about. but neither did Willis really...

Good Luck Takeo, i hope he can return from that injury...



This interview made me remember how much I liked Takeo. I would love to email him to let him know how much i appreciated watching him play and wish him well in Philly. Anyone know his email add or something?

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Good luck to TKO--maybe he'll finally get to play in a playoff game. He definietely was one of the most liked Bills and always played hard for the team. I can see both points of views--he is coming off a major injury 2 yrs ago and will be thirty yrs old. But he is a great teammate and 2 yrs after a torn achilles injury is probably the indicator year whether or not he comes back to his prior form. Good luck to the guy. Classy and still very well liked by the fans and I would imagine the organization--even though he wanted out.

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Why do some of these people need links to everything? i concur..stick your link up your browneye.



I agree people and there link requests drive me nuts.

Google it if you don't believe someones word lol.

Lazy people....



i assumed he was just joking with that post since i already stated i just watched it on TV. its obvious there would be no link.


if he was serious.... yeesh.

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Lol good point.


My point was that Spikes has always been a class act and him being traded to the Eagles and not some bottom feeder should not bring hatred towards the Bills.


Except when he bitched about how the Vets on the team were being cleaned out...


Spikes is a good player and this is a good situation for him. The Eagles are perennial contenders in the NFC East and he will get his chance to be a playoff team....The AFC and AFC East are much more jam packed that going to the playoffs is not a given......


Thank you Spikes for the 4 years you gave us, 2 of which gave you your first 2 pro-bowl appearances and good luck with the eagles.

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